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Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

please go right ahead and interfere, maybe you will knock sense into our government to do more to stop intolerance.
but the fucked up thing is our government is not intolerant our people are, in chinas case its the government.
hahaha never thought of that one ...hmmm
hahaha never thought of that one ...hmmm
yeah i been getting good at debating lately lol

None of our business.. This is internal matter of China...
its a violation of human rights.
it is the whole worlds business.
just like when shit happens in pakistan and the world gets involved.

Sane and good reply. I presume your thinking would have remained the same if the country was India :-):undecided:
ofcourse not. idk why pakistani members are afraid to point out wrong out of fear of offending the chinese.
its not a big deal, in fact most chinese people are probably against this anyways so they wouldn't offending nobody except the government.
china is our friend and all but still the government in pakistan should say something.
To Pakistani brothers I want to ask. How would you feel if India invaded Pakistan, annexed it and said you are not allowed to fast? It is wrong to be blind supporters of Kafur over your Muslim brothers. If you really believe in Allah, how will you answer to him when he asks you about it in the after life?
We already told US "we told you"...... days are not far when we will be telling that to china........
During '60s, the Chinese were concerned about situation in East Pakistan and would ask visiting Pakistani delegations if East Pakistan was tranquil? That was a friendly nudge, not any interference.

Similarly, we in Pakistan can suggest to our Chinese friends that there may be some problems later on because of such policies. We are indirectly involved in a sense and it is for our benefit too if Chinese reconsider such policy.

The thing about Muslims is that if suppressed, they show great deal of resentment and reaction. Our tribal areas are filled with so many Jihadists, with some of them from China itself. It has gotten so bad that China has asked Pakistan to deal with this matter.

When problems in one country end up showing results in another, it is to the benefit of both countries to address related issues. it is not really interference.
************ Chinese.

And some of our Pakistani bro's on this forum still insist Uighur are not suppressed.

When I opened Uighur Support Thread it got closed.

When faced with fascism. Only thing to do is to fight...

Pakistan is getting aid from china now so they will chose to keep a blind eye on whatever china do to muslims just like they did to US when US was a key ally. Had it been India and you would have find 100 of pages criticizing to the core with some suggesting even nuking us.
If saudi arabia did the same thing ( in fact, they are doing this to every non muslim ) then all muslims of this forum would justify this decision by saying " their country, their rule ".
If saudi arabia did the same thing ( in fact, they are doing this to every non muslim ) then all muslims of this forum would justify this decision by saying " their country, their rule ".
Christians are not locals of Saudi Arabia. Uighur in East-Turkestan are living on their own land and experiencing suppression.
What is the problem???

That is always the case.

In China, the Law of China is the highest order. Any so-called gods, religions or so-called holy books fall behind the rank.

Your religious freedom and our religious freedom do not have the same meaning.

We do not allow burqa, do not allow government officials, students to religious practices during work and study.

We do not allow muslims to have more than one wife.

We seriously punish any muslims (or believers from other religions) who dare to intimidate or harm those who want to leave islam (or other religions) / or marry non-muslims (or any outsiders for those religions).


There are a lot of restrictions that you may think it is unreal in your own country. Yours is a islam country and China is atheist country.

We protect religious freedom: you can believe and you can leave the religion equally.

However, on government level, we have way more restrictions on religions.

In addition, China does not encourage and actually discourage religious spreading no matter it is Christian-related religions or islam.

BTW, do not try to interfere China's internal affairs. That is the polite saying. Otherwise, it will be: get your fxxking dirty hands off our internal affairs. We do not give a damn what you think. Ask you president and P.M. talk that matter with Xi Jinping, and Xi will politely tell them to just shut the fxxk up!!!

Their country their rules allow full religious freedom!! But they are depriving people of it and thats wrong .. are you saying it is correct to do this..
How would all the hindus of Pakistan react if all the temples are brought down and how would all the sikhs react if the govt would not allow them to visit guru nanak? ?
Religion and its practices unless harmful is a persons oown matter and I .don't think fasting hurts anyone ..
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What is the problem???

That is always the case.

In China, the Law of China is the highest order. Any so-called gods, religions or so-called holy books fall behind the rank.

Your religious freedom and our religious freedom do not have the same meaning.

We do not allow burqa, do not allow government officials, students to religious practices during work and study.

We do not allow muslims to have more than one wife.

We seriously punish any muslims (or believers from other religions) who dare to intimidate or harm those who want to leave islam (or other religions) / or marry non-muslims (or any outsiders for those religions).


There are a lot of restrictions that you may think it is unreal in your own country. Yours is a islam country and China is atheist country.

We protect religious freedom: you can believe and you can leave the religion equally.

However, on government level, we have way more restrictions on religions.

In addition, China does not encourage and actually discourage religious spreading no matter it is Christian-related religions or islam.

BTW, do not try to interfere China's internal affairs. That is the polite saying. Otherwise, it will be: get your fxxking dirty hands off our internal affairs. We do not give a damn what you think. Ask you president and P.M. talk that matter with Xi Jinping, and Xi will politely tell them to just shut the fxxk up!!!
Thanks for being honest
China is too strict,,,how does fasting gonna hurt anyone ,,,although it is there internal matter,,,,these restrictions will further antagonize the uighurs...
but then your country your rules......
Government officials have their duties. They need function well when they are in those positions.

It is not only about whether you hurt anyone, but also whether you have the ability to provide the services your role need to when needed.

The same applies to students. Any students' behaviors would not be tolerated if those cause distractions for other students or teachers.

However, our schools indeed pay attention to those food requirements for certain religions though. For example, muslim students have their own counter to go to, and there are special cooks who prepare their foods for them.

When you are in such settings, it is not only about you.

BTW, China's muslims are not just uighurs. We have several other minorities who are muslims as well. They have coped with the government regulations quite well so far.

China is too strict,,,how does fasting gonna hurt anyone ,,,although it is there internal matter,,,,these restrictions will further antagonize the uighurs...
but then your country your rules......

China has always been like that.

We have never tried to hide anything. Actually, we have been quite clear on our policies.

We indeed discourage religion spreading.

In China, When have you seen any preachers, mullahs or monks... speak publicly to 10,000 people or more to tell them how good their religions are???

Police will already shut you down before you even think about it.

Thanks for being honest
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Government officials have their duties. They need function well when they are in those positions.

It is not only about whether you hurt anyone, but also whether you have the ability to provide the services your role need to when needed.

The same applies to students. Any students' behaviors would not be tolerated if those cause distractions for other students or teachers.

When you are in such settings, it is not only about you.

BTW, China's muslims are not just uighurs. We have several other minorities who are muslims as well. They have coped with the government regulations quite well so far.
wow,,,,,u guys r really strict....
this restriction on fasting is imposed only in Xinxian or in all of China??
I am not sure about fasting.

However, there are a lot of restrictions though. Normally, it applies to all China.

BTW, if you are not government officials, I think you can fast whatever you want.

Actually, I do not think fasting actually is a problem at all though, unless your positions are very essential and you need all the energy to do your duties, any faults due to fatigue will cause big problems.

How do you prevent people from fasting???

Anyone can say that I do not have mood for lunch so that you want to skip lunch.

However, for the praying stuff, it is definitely not allowed for public officials, students, I think.

Otherwise, it will be quite funny that in China, the teacher is teaching while some get out a blanket, kneel down and pray... Nobody will listen to the teacher but to those

wow,,,,,u guys r really strict....
this restriction on fasting is imposed only in Xinxian or in all of China??
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