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El Sidd

Apr 5, 2017
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So what do you guys think what is the meaning of Fassad?
You have started a thread on a single line? Why not start by yourself explaining what it is and than others can contribute to it.

I have No idea. I read it in the Quran and its one word. Sometimes corruption sometimes terrorism.

What is the difference between Fitna and Fassad?

I seriously dont know.
So No one cared to solve my Problem

Sad face smiley.
I have No idea. I read it in the Quran and its one word. Sometimes corruption sometimes terrorism.

What is the difference between Fitna and Fassad?

I seriously dont know.

Al-fitnah in Arabic means "trial", "testing" or "calamity". It is often translated to mean "civil strife", "war", or "riots".
Some Qur'anic interpretations of fitnah include "tumult or oppression" and "persecution".

Fitnah appears several times in the Qur'an, and it's definition in an Islamic context is given by Qur'an 2.217:
"to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him."

  • Confusion arises when one ponders why simple disbelief and persecution are given as definitions for the same word. In an Islamic context, if you are open and active in your disbelief, you "prevent mankind from following the Way of Allah," and lead them to a path of disbelief which leads to hell. This is why, according to Qur'an 2.217, "fitnah is worse than killing."

fasad fil-ardh means to commit mischief or corruption in the land. The term appears most notably in Qur'an 5.32, which says, "Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) fasad fil-ardh (to spread mischief in the land) - it would be as if he killed all mankind..." Few people bother to ask what it means to "spread mischief in the land", but it must be a heinous sin, as the prescribed punishment, described in the following verse, is "that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land." Ibn Kathir explains the meaning of mischief:

Chalo ab fassad shuru karo meray fassadi bhai....
If I have an extra penny with me, which I don't need but still keep it with me ......... that is Fasad.

You can stretch it to macro level yourself. Modern day Nations, states are the highest level of Fasad on this Earth.

The Quranic concept of welfare society where everybody gets his equal fair share is very well explained in 17:23 thru 17:31 ......... its very interesting to note that Quran advises humans to take care of their ageing parents, be humble to them, be gentle and be nice to them, but it nowhere tells parents to raise their children and feed them.
I have No idea. I read it in the Quran and its one word. Sometimes corruption sometimes terrorism.

What is the difference between Fitna and Fassad?

I seriously dont know.

Fitnah is a "trial", a "test, aik "aaz'maish".
Like prophet said "Fitnah" for my kaum is "maal" (money/possessions). People will be tried by the way of "maal". Shortage of it or excess of it or the greed of it.

Time of Al-Dajjal is also a time of "trial/test". So Dajjal is a fitnah (trial).

Those who fall prey to the trial (fitnah) of money or fitnah of Dajjal cause Fasaad i.e. cause series of situations that result in state of frustration and confusion among masses, and cause an overall ambiance of deterioration, pain, misery.

Our rulers fall for "fitnah" of "maal" and steel, thus causng "fasaad" in the country (i.e. frustration, pain, misery and loss of life whether that be patient dying due to lack of funds at hospital that were used to build palace for rular ... or a robber murdering innocent because all capable police was installed at security if rulers leaving fat-*** incompetent police for masses ... or person dying from collapse of a building that was poorly constructed because contractor had to give kickbacks to politicians and thus used less cement)...

People in power (politicians & military higher ups alike) fall for "fitnah" of "Dajjal" and take Dajjal as their small-g god, thus causing "fassad" in land in form of terrorism and corruption and all frustration, pain, misery and loss of life that result from those.

Dajjal being the left-eyed-powerful-beast. Who wants peoole to take him as their god... When Benazir was PM, Nawaz used to say "hum hakomat mai aa ker Amrika se dictation nahi lain gae...". When Nawaz was PM, Benazir uses to say "Mai hakomat mai aa ker Amrika se dictation nahi loon geee..."
And both would take dictation from Amrika once in power. Amrika, the "fitnah" (trial) of dajjal, was their small-g god, their "Rabb" (whom you obey). As a result of falling for that "fitnah" (trial) they both caused "fassad-fill-arzz"

Because certain elements within these lands fell for the "Fitnah" (trial) of Dajjal they caused "Fasaad" on behalf of dajjal in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and to certain extent Pakistan too.
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Al-fitnah in Arabic means "trial", "testing" or "calamity". It is often translated to mean "civil strife", "war", or "riots".
Some Qur'anic interpretations of fitnah include "tumult or oppression" and "persecution".

Fitnah appears several times in the Qur'an, and it's definition in an Islamic context is given by Qur'an 2.217:
"to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allâh, to disbelieve in Him."

  • Confusion arises when one ponders why simple disbelief and persecution are given as definitions for the same word. In an Islamic context, if you are open and active in your disbelief, you "prevent mankind from following the Way of Allah," and lead them to a path of disbelief which leads to hell. This is why, according to Qur'an 2.217, "fitnah is worse than killing."

fasad fil-ardh means to commit mischief or corruption in the land. The term appears most notably in Qur'an 5.32, which says, "Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) fasad fil-ardh (to spread mischief in the land) - it would be as if he killed all mankind..." Few people bother to ask what it means to "spread mischief in the land", but it must be a heinous sin, as the prescribed punishment, described in the following verse, is "that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land." Ibn Kathir explains the meaning of mischief:

Chalo ab fassad shuru karo meray fassadi bhai....

If I have an extra penny with me, which I don't need but still keep it with me ......... that is Fasad.

You can stretch it to macro level yourself. Modern day Nations, states are the highest level of Fasad on this Earth.

The Quranic concept of welfare society where everybody gets his equal fair share is very well explained in 17:23 thru 17:31 ......... its very interesting to note that Quran advises humans to take care of their ageing parents, be humble to them, be gentle and be nice to them, but it nowhere tells parents to raise their children and feed them.

Fitnah is a "trial", a "test, aik "aaz'maish".
Like prophet said "Fitnah" for my kaum is "maal" (money/possessions). People will be tried by the way of "maal". Shortage of it or excess of it or the greed of it.

Time of Al-Dajjal is also a time of "trial/test". So Dajjal is a fitnah (trial).

Those who fall prey to the trial (fitnah) of money or fitnah of Dajjal cause Fasaad i.e. cause series of situations that result in state of frustration and confusion among masses, and cause an overall ambiance of deterioration, pain, misery.

Our rulers fall for "fitnah" of "maal" and steel, thus causng "fasaad" in the country (i.e. frustration, pain, misery and loss of life whether that be patient dying due to lack of funds at hospital that were used to build palace for rular ... or a robber murdering innocent because all capable police was installed at security if rulers leaving fat-*** incompetent police for masses ... or person dying from collapse of a building that was poorly constructed because contractor had to give kickbacks to politicians and thus used less cement)...

People in power (politicians & military higher ups alike) fall for "fitnah" of "Dajjal" and take Dajjal as their small-g god, thus causing "fassad" in land in form of terrorism and corruption and all frustration, pain, misery and loss of life that result from those.

Dajjal being the left-eyed-powerful-beast. Who wants peoole to take him as their god... When Benazir was PM, Nawaz used to say "hum hakomat mai aa ker Amrika se dictation nahi lain gae...". When Nawaz was PM, Benazir uses to say "Mai hakomat mai aa ker Amrika se dictation nahi loon geee..."
And both would take dictation from Amrika once in power. Amrika, the "fitnah" (trial) of dajjal, was their small-g god, their "Rabb" (whom you obey). As a result of falling for that "fitnah" (trial) they both caused "fassad-fill-arzz"

Because certain elements within these lands fell for the "Fitnah" (trial) of Dajjal they caused "Fasaad" on behalf of dajjal in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and to certain extent Pakistan too.

Beautiful educated opinions.
So in our context anything that 'disunites' Pakistanis is a matter of 'fassad'. Corruption is constitutionally defined as pure financial though and thus why there exists a problem if Raddul Fassad was meant just for those who take up arms against you or it meant Economic Terrorism as well?
There are many kinds Fasaad. Corruption is economic Fasaad therefore NS is biggest fassadi followed by Zardari & likes. Terrorism & extremism is religious Fasaad. TTP is best example of religious Fasaad. There is another kind of Fasaad called political Fasaad. PTM, Trump & Modi are best examples of Political Fasaad. Last but not least is Media Fasaad. Media Fasaad is the strategy of other Fassadis (Political, economic & religious Fasaadis) to distort facts , confuse nation to continue thier political, economic & religious Fasaad. Recently there is too much hue & cry in Pakistan about chronicles which confused nation in many ways & it benefited political mafia through some ways. Therefore allow me to deduce chronicles is media fasad co authored & also co sponsored by the master minds of political fasaad obviously for one simple reason to continue thier economic fasaad. Hats off to Judiciary & Imran Khan for thier struggle against economic fasaad & salute to QJB for his Rad ul Fasaad.
There are many kinds Fasaad. Corruption is economic Fasaad therefore NS is biggest fassadi followed by Zardari & likes. Terrorism & extremism is religious Fasaad. TTP is best example of religious Fasaad. There is another kind of Fasaad called political Fasaad. PTM, Trump & Modi are best examples of Political Fasaad. Last but not least is Media Fasaad. Media Fasaad is the strategy of other Fassadis (Political, economic & religious Fasaadis) to distort facts , confuse nation to continue thier political, economic & religious Fasaad. Recently there is too much hue & cry in Pakistan about chronicles which confused nation in many ways & it benefited political mafia through some ways. Therefore allow me to deduce chronicles is media fasad co authored & also co sponsored by the master minds of political fasaad obviously for one simple reason to continue thier economic fasaad. Hats off to Judiciary & Imran Khan for thier struggle against economic fasaad & salute to QJB for his Rad ul Fasaad.

What i have gathered here is that Raddul Fassad is only a military operation against those who take up arms against the Islamic State of Pakistan.
Beautiful educated opinions.
So in our context anything that 'disunites' Pakistanis is a matter of 'fassad'. Corruption is constitutionally defined as pure financial though and thus why there exists a problem if Raddul Fassad was meant just for those who take up arms against you or it meant Economic Terrorism as well?

Sir ji,
National Action Plan is part of this Operation, which covers everything holistically.

Civil and Military both are part of this, who is doing what and what not, you know better then me.

waisay aap jaisay fassadi NS ki reluctance ki waja se enjoy kar rahay hain....hai na???
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