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Farmers’ interest in ostrich farming


Mar 21, 2007
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Farmers’ interest in ostrich farming on the rise
February 6, 2018



MULTAN – The Punjab government is providing assistance of Rs 10,000 per ostrich with an aim to promote the protein rich, low-fat meat and economic uplift of farmers .

At initial, the subsidy was given on 2,500 birds. The project jointly launched by Development of Ostrich Farming in Punjab and University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences was in progress to encourage ostrich farmers , said a Livestock Department official while talking to APP.

He said that people’s interest for ostrich farming was on rise and a good number of farmers were contacting the Livestock department.

Advising the farmers for ostrich farming , he said the bird was one of the biggest bird in the world, added that ostrich uses low quantity of food but offer handsome meat. Its meat has low cholesterol, low fats and rich protein, which beneficial for hepatitis and diabetes patients, he added

He said that its skin was considered as the second expensive skin after skin of crocodile in international market. There was high demand of ostrich skin across the world, he said added that average price of one shoe, made of skin of ostrich was $ 250.

He said that ostrich skin was soft, flexible and durable adding that one mature ostrich contribute 12 to 14 square feet skin.

Although, ostrich meat offers low fats, but oil extracted from fats, was one of expensive oil used to abolish dryness of human skin and healing of skin cuts, he added. He said that ostrich feathers also offer handsome returns as these were used for decoration.

The official said that ostrich belonged to Retite family and there were many species of the bird. Every specie had different colours of neck and they were recognised from colours of their neck, he said added that ostrich have red, blue, black and pink necks, however Ostrich of black neck was famous in the world.

The trend of Ostrich farming had increased after the bird was included in list of Livestock stock in 2012, in the province, he said added that earlier, the bird was present in list of wildlife.


Ostrich Farming |Management, Benefits, Scope
  1. Ostrich Farming.
  2. General Features: Having Two toes on each foot. Have three stomachs. Growth Rate 25cm/month. Skin Colour Fawn, Dark Brown, Pink, Red.
  3. Height 2.1 to 2.8 m. No Crop No Gallbladder .Secretes urine & feces separately Male Copulatory Organ 20 cm ≈ 8 inches----- Weigh 63 to 145 Kg.
  4. Basic Instructions Before Starting Ostrich Farm: Each ostrich require 60-80 square feet space inside the house. It would be better if the floor of the house become made of sand or soil. The ostrich housing place will be located in a sandy location. Make the house in quite and calm place. It will be far from the residential area. Prevent the entrance to unwanted animals and people. Clean the house as frequently as possible to keep the bird healthy and disease free. The shelter should be designed so that birds must enter confidently.
  5. Farming Precautions Hatching Precautions: Store eggs at 55-65 degrees. 70% humidity for up to 7 days before incubating. While in storage or incubation the eggs should be turned daily. When Incubation start then maintain 25% humidity & warm up at 1 degree per hour till 98 degrees. Newly hatched chicks should be kept at a temperature of around 95 degrees while older chicks can be kept at 80. Candling of the egg can be done 5-7 days after incubation.
  6. Allow the chick to hatch on its own. Wash the chick in 7 percent iodine solution. Help chick if they are having difficulty walking.
  7. Providing Nutrition: Give the chicks alfalfa and clover cuttings without the stems. The cuttings should not be wilted. Provide grit and gravel for proper digestion. Serve meal several times a day in shallow dishes when chicks are old enough. Place water for your ostriches in shallow containers. Put something shiny into the water for the first few days. Add vitamin supplements to chicks diet for the first few weeks.
  8. The Brooder ...Maintain the temperature within the brooder at 88℉ to 92℉ during the first ten days. Then until week three lower it to 80℉ to 85℉. After week 3, the brooder's temperature should 70℉ to 80℉. Clean the brooder every day to keep the ostriches healthy. Provide a washable mat that can't be eaten by the chicks. Do not provide any litter hay or sawdust at the bottom of the brooder since baby ostriches can eat these items and die. Ostrich chicks need 40 square feet of pen space per chick so the chicks can run and properly develop.
  9. Vaccination: At present, there are no recommended vaccination programs for ostrich. Vaccination for Eastern and Western Encephalomyelitis and Clostridium perfringens Types C and D may be useful but not thoroughly tested.
  10. Health Issues: Mortality and health problems diagnosed mainly in chicks due to cause include improper brooding or nutrition, improper handling. They can tolerate almost all types of weather and environmental condition but for proper growth and production they need a good house or shelter for the ostriches.
  11. Benefits of Ostrich Farming Highly resistant Having friendly behavior.
  12. Feather Products leather products.
  13. Feeding is quiet easy Large lifespan.
  14. High meat production Meat has low cholesterol.
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Who do you sell the meat and eggs to? No one in Pakistan eats this, do they?

There are niche places, but I hear the meat is really popular in Dubai and the gulf.

loz yesterday me and my friend were talking about ostrich. i want to try ostrich/camel meat.
Ostrich taste more like red meat than chicken.
There are niche places, but I hear the meat is really popular in Dubai and the gulf.

Ostrich taste more like red meat than chicken.

what do you do with egg shell you may able to use the shell as fertilizer for plants.
loz yesterday me and my friend were talking about ostrich. i want to try ostrich/camel meat.

First ostrich meat shop opens in Lahore

Citizens in Lahore have started consuming ostrich meat as they have the first shop selling it ..March 25, 2017. Despite the huge price, the citizens are crazily purchasing the ostrich meat.

Ostrich Meat and Alive

Meat.... 1400/Kg
Weight per bird around....... 90-120Kg
Age....................... 10-12 Months
First ostrich meat shop opens in Lahore

Citizens in Lahore have started consuming ostrich meat as they have the first shop selling it ..March 25, 2017. Despite the huge price, the citizens are crazily purchasing the ostrich meat.

Ostrich Meat and Alive

Meat.... 1400/Kg
Weight per bird around....... 90-120Kg
Age....................... 10-12 Months

Lahoris are like the Chinese of Pakistan. They'll eat anything that moves and sometimes even things that don't.
Ostrich Eggs, Ostrich Chicks
Karachi, Pakistan

Rs. 15,000

We are well based sellers of ostrich chicks from 2 weeks to 3 months old and ostrich hatching eggs for those of you that want to incubate and hatch your own ostriches on your farm. Our Ostrich hatching eggs for sale are of the highest quality! We guarantee the Ostrich Chicks and Fertile Eggs to be true to breed variety and to arrive in good condition. The quality of the hatching eggs are excellent and we have recorded up to 98% hatch rates in our Surehatch Egg incubators using these fertile broiler eggs. Contact for more information and supplier procedures. Our commonly raised eggs are from breed: -Red-necked African Ostrich -Masai Ostrich -Somali Ostrich -Middle Eastern or Arabian Ostrich

Ostrich facts

According to information available on the net, ostriches are very beefy birds with high commercial value. Every part of ostrich production is profitable —the meat, eggs, chicks, oils, plumes and hides. The white feathers of the male, which are large and soft, are the ostrich plumes of commercial value. Ostrich meat is low in fat and cholesterol.

The world is now switching to ostrich and emu as they are being considered the livestock of the future. This is partly because the birds are far more prolific and easier to raise than other livestock, particularly cattle. Ostrich skin is the world’s finest leather and therefore most expensive. Ostrich and emu oils are used in the cosmetic industry and for medicinal purposes.

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