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farmer commit suicide in AAP ralley live on TV

Tell me something in a race. You started equal it's a relay.

Now after sometime you lead because your first partner caught some time. You keep running hard and manage more gap.

Now in the end you get first position and reward.

I worked hard for something so I enjoy it. They didn't they are lagging behind.

I will try to keep on running the gap will only increase.
So I must provide better and expensive schooling.

This analogy fits rich n poor

But ironically these farmer are rich. Land is biggest resource and farmer have land they are not poor only greedy or idiots.

some are lazy, no doubt, but most are unscientific... a small newly-created nation like israel brought "drip irrigation" to these traditional farmers in india.

but why should there be a difference in levels of education, even if the "education" in high-fees colleges is not really worth being called educaiton??

at least there can be a chance of networking with like minds there.

okay, i didn't know that.


by "free water" you mean ground water from the farm or water from a river pumped by the farmer??

or do you mean government canals??

but micro-credit companies have wrecked havoc among the farmers, yes??

and their big loans will be spent on unnecessary things like weddings, festivals and colleges courses in australia.

what kind of compensation??

all types of seeds?? so what profit do capitalist corporations like cargil see in india??


i agree... it has become a unjust lobby.

well, i know of the 90 mercedes benz bought by farmers of a particular maharashtra village a few years ago... but how many farmers all over india can replicate the once-richness of punjab and maharashtra and andhra?? can those regions themselves now??

true enough.
Are you trolling? Congress was jai bhagwaan all these years? ab to allah bachaye :)

the congress did not remove the "jai bhagwaan" obsessiveness that was inherent to india.

Even though I wont get a straight reply from you (looking at your other posts), do you at least agree with 'jai jawaan'? And what should that jawaan be for?

for protecting coolie capitalist innovators like yen aar narayanamurthy and maneka gandhi's human-killing "man's best friend" dogs and "moral police" heroes like pramod muthalik??

because i don't see what internal great system they are protecting.
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So I ask again, How is it that the government can afford to provide Rice and Wheat to the public at Rs. 2-3 per Kilo ?

India has the LARGEST food security program in the world.

No one seems to be asking, how are we paying for it. WHO is paying for it.

25 kg rice for Rs 1

Who is paying for it ?
We the tax payers are paying for it. The largest political bribe in the world.
We the tax payers are paying for it. The largest political bribe in the world.

Not really. Indian Food security program is not only the largest in the world its also the CHEAPEST in the world :azn:

So who is paying for it ? Not the tax payer for sure.
So I ask again, How is it that the government can afford to provide Rice and Wheat to the public at Rs. 2-3 per Kilo ?

India has the LARGEST food security program in the world.

No one seems to be asking, how are we paying for it. WHO is paying for it.

25 kg rice for Rs 1

Who is paying for it ?

‘Rice at 1 rupee a kg’ - The Hindu

Odisha launches Rs 1 per kg rice scheme for poor - IBNLive

Karnataka CM unveils ambitious Rs 1 kg rice scheme - Rediff.com India News

Not really. Indian Food security program is not only the largest in the world its also the CHEAPEST in the world :azn:

So who is paying for it ? Not the tax payer for sure.
So you tell us who? The farmers get MSP right?
Tragic..I can't imagine the look on his kids faces..
This is what Kejriwal, the "new" politician had to say about this incident for,

About 20 minutes after the man was taken away, Mr Kejriwal told the crowd, "I feel sad that before our eyes he climbed the tree. I kept telling the police to save him. The police are not in our control, but at least they are under god's control."

What an utter scumbag.

Am sorry but what don't you understand?

Do you think this was the right time to bring up the issue of Delhi police being under the control of the Central government and not Delhi government? Do you think the Delhi police didn't save/were unable to save the farmer because they didn't want to take orders from the Delhi government? Isn't that what Kejriwal is implying?

Do you think its ok to do cheap politics over the death of some unfortunate soul? Is this the "new politics" the AAP and its supporters keep harping about?
Gopal Singh, the victim’s uncle, said, “Gajendra was under stress and disturbed due to loss of crop.”

“He took the extreme step due to unexpected loss. He earned his livelihood through farming and after the loss, he was disturbed,” Gopal said.

The Dausa district administration, however, countered the family’s claim, saying, loss of crop “does not appear to be the reason” behind it.

“Loss to crops does not appear to be a reason of suicide. His family’s financial condition is fine and they have farm houses and his uncle is the local village sarpanch,” Dausa’s Additional District Collector, Kailash Sharma said.

there is one use of of quoting some uncle who did not help his nephew who was in extreme distress... plus, i have already given this link ( My father threw me out because my crops got destroyed: Farmer says in suicide note - Firstpost ).

the rotten traditional social system of india where money is god and humanity not cared for.

So essentially, this seems to point that this is indeed a case of AAP nautanki gone lethal. Disgusting.

this logic is the same as this... my room's wall is colored blue, therefore the neighbor's sanitary system isn't working.
So tell us why . Are you saying it is a conduit for black money or that the farmers do not get rs100 or what?
This appears that the person was just posing and did not wanted to attempt suicide. However he lost balance and got into trouble. Aap wanted to use this and hence did not tried to stop him at all.
There are lot of suicide cases of Indian farmers, AFAIK Indian govt. lot of subsidies to agriculture sector, what's the reason that they still are in situation where they find suicide the solution?
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