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Farewell To The Fantan

if anyone is familiar with peshawar AB, there is a railway track which cuts through the taxiway. in the 90's due to miscommunication a A-5 collided with the train engine and was written off. luckily the pilot survived this freak accident.

A satellite photo showing Peshawar-Landi Kotal railway track crossing Peshawar Airport runway.

if anyone is familiar with peshawar AB, there is a railway track which cuts through the taxiway. in the 90's due to miscommunication a A-5 collided with the train engine and was written off. luckily the pilot survived this freak accident.

That was close call, who survive ?. Engine or plane ?...any pic, love to see.
if anyone is familiar with peshawar AB, there is a railway track which cuts through the taxiway. in the 90's due to miscommunication a A-5 collided with the train engine and was written off. luckily the pilot survived this freak accident.

Why in the hell PAF made a runway crossing a railway track? beats me thats crazy...
Why in the hell PAF made a runway crossing a railway track? beats me thats crazy...

Its not a PAF base but the Peshawar International Airport.

More like CivilAviationAuthority douchness.......
PAF Fantans were later modified with a GPS reciever (portable), HUD, air data computer and other standard goodies and i m an eye witness to it.
PAF Fantans were later modified with a GPS reciever (portable), HUD, air data computer and other standard goodies and i m an eye witness to it.

at least 22 modifications were conducted
Actually, I believe that airforces should maintain atleast a few squadrons of mechanical aeroplanes like the mig-19s.
this was my all time best pic from paf calendar of 80's, i dont know why they cant produce these masterpieces now...

16 Squadron to stand-up with the JF-17 Thunder on 11th April - 2011 replacing the A-5 Fantan.

Sounds good, last month i went to Kamra...watched 119-121 taking off, i have heard they will be assigned to 16 Sqn at Kamra. 26 is posted back to Peshawer:-)
Just got the news that after some 20 years of service in three PAF Squadrons, the A-5 Fantan was officially retired from the service today.

Just wondering, is it normal to retire older aircraft without inducting their replacement? May be the new squadron of Thunders is inducted but not yet announced.
I wonder if some A-5's will be stored away incase of war time use ? any comments....
Stored? They could be sold for a very low price to african nations, maintenance included. Not everyone needs high tech plane and A5 is a good CAS plane to do some real dirty work.
Just wondering, is it normal to retire older aircraft without inducting their replacement? May be the new squadron of Thunders is inducted but not yet announced.

The A-5 was operated by three PAF Squadrons, 7, 16, and 26.
No. 7 was first to convert some years back with Mirages bought from Australia, while the other two units have recently stood up with the newly inducted and much more capable, JF-17 Thunder,
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