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Far-right hooligans attack police and make Nazi salutes in London

Racist pussyholes .
Was not too far from the action this afternoon. Although the media are not showing it, the police beat the hell out of both the whites and the blacks. Some of the blacks were getting a more severe beating than george floyd. Most of the blacks were not interested in the protest. They were trying to mug people and commit other crimes. I was at Hyde Park. Nearly everyone was white or black. No Brown people apart from me.

Sorry I missed this. What's the issue here? Blacks wants to topple some statues and white supremacists there protecting them?

I saw yesterday government erecting protective shield around churchill statue in London.
if economy goes down darker races will feel it first. A white man can fail in school still gets good job but darker race will cry holding paper qualifications.
Looks like the far-right kuttay took a beating :guns:




If today we can all become one is Asia, these white folks will become beggars. think bout it
Lest all give up on our fight.
Better than kneeling on someone's neck and killing them.
The sissy panzy British police and their pepper spray :lol:
Better than kneeling on someone's neck and killing them.
True that... But still.
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