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Family of Syrian toddler on Turkish beach tried to reach Canada: report

Good idea, so lets leave this thread as is and I will answer it in your future thread. I am trying to voice what I think is correct but meanwhile like to hear what others say and learn. If you strongly believe what you believe there is a good reason behind it. I apologise if I offended you in sectarian or racial way and looking forward for a healthy debate as much as time allows.

Yes, let us do that. Ultimately it should be and will be the Syrians who will decide their long-term fate but since this conflict does not only concern Syria nowadays it's important to find a regional and international solution to end the civil war. Easier said than done though as we have all witnesses. Sadly the regimes of the region and world are prolonging the killings in Syria by not being able to make a deal or find a solution.

As I told you then I am not really in favor of any Arab nor Muslim regime (first of all I don't equal regimes with countries or people) so the main reason for me being against the Al-Assad regime is that he is of the same old "Soviet school" and part of the same uneducated dictators (Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Hafez (his father) that somehow gained power in a few Arab countries and ruined them and future generations and countries. We can all see how Iraq and Libya are doing. I don't believe that it is coincidence. On the other hand look at Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt with a history of neither zero dictators or very mild ones (Egypt).

Not only that his obvious crimes (not seen anywhere in the Arab world in recent years if not decades excluding Al-Bashir in Sudan and Saddam in Iraq) is enough to wish him gone. Besides I believe that a degree of democracy is the solution for many of the problems not only in the Arab world but also the Muslim world and developing world. I personally don't really care much about sect at all and I for instance consider an Arab Muslim, Christian or Atheist as an equal. I am however, as I told you, against the Iranian regime and its policy in certain Arab states but that does not mean that I support everything that the regimes in the GCC are doing or the US or a third party because that is not the case.

Well, I apologize too as well. I have had my battles with a few Iranian users on PDF but truth be told, I have no problem with Iranians outside of those who hate Arabs for simply being Arabs.

Anyway regarding Syria, such debates are present on almost every Arab forum and the tensions there are running high there but outside perspectives are always an added bonus.

In reality we need better leaderships and more sane heads to prevail everywhere in the region and end all silly fights. Europe needed 60 million casualties between WW1 and WW2 to learn that lesson the hard way. Hopefully we won't come close to that number before we learn it.

My last post. I tried to write it as quick as possible as my bed is calling me loudly.:lol:
Arabs are physically ready for democracy, but not mentally.
Shame on every living muslim in this world, including myself.
Death of Humanity......
It's disgusting how the press is swarming that idiot father.The buffoon was in a safe country and what does he do ? He puts his son in the hands of smugglers in a dingy so he can illegally enter Europe ! He should be charged with manslaughter.
AMAZING !!! A picture is worth a thousand words.

Refugees accepted -
Saudi 0
UAE. 0
Qatar 0
Kuwait 0
Turkey 1.8m

And people are bashing Turkey!
Is anyone helping funding the refugees in Turkey? It is normal that Turkey has the most. Neighboring countries bear the most pressure.
Now you are doing it again. Blaming everything on the GCC and Arabs while you as an citizen living in Canada with access to free media know perfectly well that this is an outright lie. You are totally ignoring the fact that had it not been for massive Iranian support to the mass-murderer there would have been no Daesh in Syria or Al-Nusra and Syria would have ended up like Tunisia or Egypt. Meaning more or less peaceful regime changes occurring. Instead you chose to keep him alive along with Russia and this forced the other parties to support the Syrian opposition and in the mean time Daesh emerged from Iraq and took advantage of the chaos like such groups do everywhere there is chaos.

Let me try to counter your points one by one.

1) That's an outright lie as the GCC and Syria (Al-Assad regime) had somewhat cordial ties before the conflict. In fact Syria and KSA had more than good ties and the ties pre-late 2010 between Syria and KSA were so good that Bashar was invited to the opening of KAUST in Thuwal, Hijaz, other inaugurations of huge projects in KSA and he visited KSA several times and so did the late King Abdullah. Not only that the House of Saud and the Al-Assad family have married with each other.

GCC did not tell Bashar to mass-murder local protestors to such an extend that an already despotic regime (his regime is very similar to the Saddam Hussein Ba'athi regime that almost every Iranian cries about here 12 years after its end - the irony here) were met by an unheard (in Syria at the time) number of protestors. When the regime started mass-murdering locals people obviously took up arms with the aim to topple his regime. The Arab League + international community urge him to restrain himself and reform. He did neither. Instead the violence grew and at that point most of the Arab world chose to support the Syrian people along with the international society who condemned the Assad regime.

2) No Arab country is against elections in Syria. The election that we saw 1 year ago or so approved by the Mullah's in Iran and North Korea was a joke. Even you should be able to see it.

3) LOL. GCC has an 2 trillion dollar economy (GDP (nominal). Meaning an economy 5 times the size of 80 million big Iran. GCC is the richest region on the planet in terms of natural resources. Almost 50% of the economy is now non-gas/oil related.

KSA and the GCC are the biggest surplus nations on the planet along with China. The Sovereign Wealth Funds in the GCC alone have an value of 3 trillion dollars. In short you are writing complete and utter nonsense.

Sovereign Wealth Funds Rise & Shine in the GCC (Wealth Worth over USD 3 trillion)

List of sovereign states by current account balance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4) Nonsense.


5) The Iranian regime has blood on their hands in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel. KSA, Bahrain and Yemen.

6) Of course not. Iran has ABSOLUTELY no interest in weakening Arab countries or exporting sectarianism. After all the Iranian regime is a model democracy. The only one in the region.

7) Once again you showcase your lack of knowledge about the Arab world that you are acting like an expert on. Ever heard about the Arab Peace Initiative made by the mainly KSA? It's the best attempt at an lasting peace to date.

Arab Peace Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Even the Israelis were positive had it not been for certain points that they could not agree with. What has Iran offered of solutions other than we all know what?

8) LOL, what? Turning very bad? Does controlling most of Yemen + killing over 2500 Houthi's while losing only 100 soldiers + civilians equal losing? Most of Yemen is against the Houthi terrorist cult but they obviously would prefer a political solution. KSA will once again remain the main donor for Yemen, the lifeline for the Yemeni economy, hosting the largest Yemeni diaspora (outside of Indonesia but that is an ancient one) etc. Iran will be nowhere to see and Iran thought that KSA would act passively so they could install another Hezbollah in the region this time in KSA's backyard. That won't happen though.

9) Houthi's will be forced to do so. KSA and UAE can last much longer.

10) That is good news for Iran. Hopefully the regime will spend money on Iranians inside Iran so they can beat the GDP per capita (nominal) of Angola instead of financing troublemakers in the Arab world and wasting billions on failed regimes and mass-murdering dictators such as Al-Assad.

You were telling me that you are no Mullah supporter but you are supporting their policies 100% while I have already admitted that both parties have their faults. You are yet to even allude to that.

I read your points. Out of respect I post my question here till you open up a thread:
1) So do you think the response to the protest was Assad regimes or would you consider there was elements that wanted this uprising to turn violent and cause an armed rebellion? There are indicators that it was a deliberate attempt to make it more violent. Oppositions say Assad tried from his father cookbook on Homs in 1980's and failed. But I think and have some news evidence for it that Assad was incapable of showing Iron fist like his father and it was a deliberate attempt to justify arm rebellion. What do you think?
2) That I agree. It could have been rigged (election in Iran is rigged most of the time an election in war zone is easier to manipulate anyways), but what do you think another UN, USA, Russia and Europe monitored election would look like? Why wouldn't opposition accept such referendum like election with Assad present. I think that is one thing Iran is requesting.
3) Lets put aside UAE and see the rest. UAE is successfully planning for 1600 billion dirham export in near future. Good for them. I think the picture is not that rosy for the rest. You may agree with oil price now the facts are saying KSA is losing 20% each year equivalent to 140 billion $. If the recent agreement between the KSA and Iran is not implemented for 100$ oil it will lose large portion f saving in 3 years to come specially that it ha snot slowed down investment. The rest of the GCC I need to compare facts and I guess i leave it there.
4) Very good document. What do you see on page 8. I think the blue indicator is the oil and minerals. I see UAE being the most successful.
5) I leave that as it would be tit for tat discussion. You need to be more objective on this.
7) Ye sI was aware of that but putting pressure on Israel to accept it is not done. What Iran was doing was opposing peace process but then they mentioned they wont oppose it if two state solution is in place and Palestinians are happy. There is a difference between Khamenei and conservative opinion and Zarif and moderates on this. But if peace process in place they will be under pressure to accept it.
8) Ground war has just started. Yemenis will inflict significant loss to the occupying forces using there limited capabilities. We will see more of them as it goes. it is not going to be a pretty picture. Doesn't matter if you have Abrams and best tools. The theater of war is not clear and terrain is in Yemenis favor.
9) In my opinion it would be a mutual need.
10) The GDP mentioned is a little misleading. Iran has tripled the exchange rate and is happy doing so ( government is promoting high exchange rate to gain more cash. The PPP in this case and most cases around the world is a better indicator. Still in PPP there is a 200 billion dollar gap between Iran and KSA I think 1300 of Iran to 1500 billion dollar of KSA. But anyway that is a good news indeed.
It's disgusting how the press is swarming that idiot father.The buffoon was in a safe country and what does he do ? He puts his son in the hands of smugglers in a dingy so he can illegally enter Europe ! He should be charged with manslaughter.

I agree. I didn't want to talk much about this because it seems insensitive, but I'd always a bit annoyed when people need a well-placed snap-shot for them to care. Thousands of children being unnecessarily killed in various conflicts around the world don't matter, but suddenly these child, who's death, could very easily have been avoided, is supposed to be "the death of humanity"? The guy was in Turkey for several years. And he didn't like his economic situation in Turkey, so he took two small kids to travel illegally to Canada by boat??

And I'm absolutely disgusted by the hypocrisy of the people. Everyone and their mother suddenly feels sad about this one child? 7.6 million children (below 5) died in 2010. Post your angry messages on your facebook, share the image on instagram, and shed a few tears at night, but we all know everything is back to normal in a few weeks.

All the conflicts in our region could easily be resolved if people pressed their governments. But none of you people care. Most of you care about how big your leader's balls are or which sect is cooler or following some stupid ideology, which is supposed to make the world better, instead makes it much worse.

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