Arabs when arguing claim that we Turks and Iranians and EVERYONE else has inferiority complex towards arabs.
Might it be that it's the other way around?
How can the WHOLE WORLD have inferiority complex towards such cowardly people that eat with their hands.
The arabs are good at one thing however.
The french were known to "surrender", now arabs have replaced them, but they don't surrender, the arabs "run away".
The "run away coward arabs" :
Even the Palestenians (also arabs) think so:
Those civilian Syrians are going to enrich your society greatly. I believe that Erdogan's Arab wife (First Lady of Turkey) is a big supporter of this policy. Expect them to grow in numbers and join the already ancient Turkish Arab community that predates the few 1000 Turkic migrants (or should I rather say your linguistic and military conquerors) that appeared some 1000 years ago in Anatolia. As I said the likeliness of you having any remote DNA relationship to actual Turks from Central Asia/Siberia is less likely than your ancestors being Turkified Arabs. After all less than 100 years ago non-Turks were forcefully Turkified and had to change their original surnames to made up Turkish surnames.
BTW hopefully you do realize that your supposed "blood brothers" the Syrian Turkmens have escaped similarly and in similar numbers. Similar to how it has been in ALL wars. You think that there were not war refugees in Europe during WW1 and WW2 in particular? They were 100 times larger. Or the Balkan Wars recently. Or the war in Donbas where millions of Ukrainians have fled the country due to the conflict or economic situation. There are 2-3 million of them in Poland nowadays alone.
Or what about those Turks who fled to Europe in search for a better life despite no war after WW2 and until very recently? What do you say to them? Your are probably a son or daughter of some toilet cleaner, brick layer or kebab maker yourself.
Talk about an own goal.
This image pretty much sums up arabs versus rest of the world:
Expect for the fact that all those things originate from the Arab world and were founded by our ancestors. Even the Persian figure has Semitic clothing and style copied from ourAssyrian cousins who civilized them.
Some Poorsian propaganda that nobody takes seriously. KSA alone (let alone the entire Arab world) scores better on science.
Let alone economy. Some 2 year wannabe "Aryan" Poorsian made that in Photoshop in the diaspora. Laughable. Thanks for the laugh my 37 year old troll.
@Fenasi Kerim (Kuwaiti Girl under a new username), all the photos that I have posted are of actual Turks. You can google the photos yourself. Unlike the hairy non-Arab women that your 37 year old troll friend posted.
BTW a nice Arabic username that you got yourself there.
Those civilian Syrians are going to enrich your society greatly. I believe that Erdogan's Arab wife (First Lady of Turkey) is a big supporter of this policy. Expect them to grow in numbers and join the already ancient Turkish Arab community that predates the few 1000 Turkic migrants (or should I rather say your linguistic and military conquerors) that appeared some 1000 years ago in Anatolia. As I said the likeliness of you having any remote DNA relationship to actual Turks from Central Asia/Siberia is less likely than your ancestors being Turkified Arabs. After all less than 100 years ago non-Turks were forcefully Turkified and had to change their original surnames to made up Turkish surnames.
BTW hopefully you do realize that your supposed "blood brothers" the Syrian Turkmens have escaped similarly and in similar numbers. Similar to how it has been in ALL wars. You think that there were not war refugees in Europe during WW1 and WW2 in particular? They were 100 times larger. Or the Balkan Wars recently. Or the war in Donbas where millions of Ukrainians have fled the country due to the conflict or economic situation. There are 2-3 million of them in Poland nowadays alone.
Or what about those Turks who fled to Europe in search for a better life despite no war after WW2 and until very recently? What do you say to them? Your are probably a son or daughter of some toilet cleaner, brick layer or kebab maker yourself.
Talk about an own goal.
Expect for the fact that all those things originate from the Arab world and were founded by our ancestors. Even the Persian figure has Semitic clothing and style copied from ourAssyrian cousins who civilized them.
Some Poorsian propaganda that nobody takes seriously. KSA alone (let alone the entire Arab world) scores better on science.
Let alone economy. Some 2 year wannabe "Aryan" Poorsian made that in Photoshop in the diaspora. Laughable. Thanks for the laugh my 37 year old troll.
@Fenasi Kerim (Kuwaiti Girl under a new username), all the photos that I have posted are of actual Turks. You can google the photos yourself. Unlike the hairy non-Arab women that your 37 year old troll friend posted.
BTW a nice Arabic username that you got yourself there.
Quite rich for people who lived under Persian and Turkish rule for so many years. Then French, English, Italian etc to claim they are superior to them lol.
Why don't these trolls go and fight for there greater Arabia it makes me wonder.
No such thing ever occurred. Persians never ruled any Arab lands. It was the other way around. Similarly the Arabized Ottomans ruled most of the Arab territories using local rulers (not even 1/3 of the Arab world) and the Ottomans (a small tribe of actual Turks from Turkmenistan later intermarrying almost exclusively with non-Turks) were the actual conquerors (first and foremost) of your Anatolian people since they Turkified you. You are basically worshipping the people that slaughtered your ancestors and Turkified them, making them lose their identity, original language etc. This is something that DNA has long ago confirmed. So who lives in a bubble here if not a people that disputes DNA, history and who worship their conquerors and who denies their truth origins?.
This is elementary knowledge for every non-Turk that knows anything about history and DNA. Even the educated Pakistani users here will agree and I have seen them mention this openly here as well.
No matter how much you are going to pretend to be some Wolf
this fact will never change.
That's right, you can't say the same Arabs. Not our habit. We did it the other way around hence why you are using an Arabic username today in year 2017 on a Pakistani forum.
Before I leave the Turkified/Arabized Anatolians and the Arabized Poorsian false-flagger using an Australian flag:
The last 3 Turks are probably the winners.
A big resemblance to the actual Turks btw
Just like the DNA confirms.
But we are Wolfs
What a joke.
Something just for you:
@SALMAN F time for you to take over. Enough of time has been wasted on hilarious Turkified trolls and their nonsense.
Arabs are right about the turkish soap opera's being harmful these are spreading immorality among the people these soap operas don't represent our own culture or customs it is fake as hell.. all of characters are extremely rich multi billionairs not even millionairs but billionairs it's so fake and gay
What do you gain from watching them nothing instead they could make scientific and educational programs which people can benefit from but no what do you do you put up a couple of gavats and ho's backstabbing and cheating eachother that's how they keep the people dumb
It's complete trash. No different to ancient Arab soap operas. Only lower classes watch it and luckily it is a dying trend. It is looked down upon to watch it. Same with the Bollywood trash.
Oh my God!!!
That is the most retarded thing I've seen in my life, an A-RAAAB drinking camel piss and washing face with it?
Seriously what is wrong with these A-RAAABS?
Congrats, out of 500 million people you found one such case.
Speaking of urine, millions of people in the West are drinking their own urine for health benefits. Millions more than Arabs doing such things. The conclusion thus must be that all Europeans drink urine.
Still better looking than the Turks that I posted despite being high on drugs.
What should that tell you Turkified/Arabized Anatolian Gypsy?