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FAKE NEWS- Catching up with humans, ghosts are using Facebook


Sep 18, 2014
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Mumbai. A bizarre incident of a ghost tagging himself in Facebook photos and 'Check Ins' of a Mumbai based techie, Michael Shrivastava, has come into light.
The ghost goes by the name of Deepak Chopra (not to be confused with public speaker Deepak Chopra) has power to tag himself in any photo without even being in friend list of the person.

Michael claims that his Facebook account has been “possesed” by Deepak. “He not only tagged himself in couple of group photos from my album, but also in the 'Check In' which I did along with my few other friends,” disclosed a terrified Michael adding that Deepak's profile pic was blank.

Michael further revealed that Deepak even sent him personal messages on Facebook. “He thanked me for clicking his photo, but in reality I can't see anyone other than me and my friends in the photos,” Michael told Faking News.

Mumbai Cyber Crime Investigation Cell (MCCIC) is looking into the matter, and they are hinting at a possible invasion by ghosts on Facebook.

“It's clearly evident that ghosts being bored of living monotonous lives are catching up with humans and they are turning more social,” explained MCCIC chief Harsh Shinde.

Reportedly, a day before the incident happened, Michael had visited Facebook page of the much haunted Bhangarh fort.

“In our initial investigation we have found that ghosts like Deepak mostly hang around Facebook fan pages of haunted places. Chances are pretty high that Deepak first possessed Michael's account while he was on Bhangarh fort page,” reasoned Mr. Shinde, advising people to change their profile pics to that of lord Hanuman before visiting such pages.

The MCCIC chief disclosed another case, in which a female ghost profile going by the name of “Taru Devi” tagged herself in photo of a couple.

“It happened around mid of last month. A man complained that all of a sudden a faint image of a girl, in white clothes and pouting her lips, appeared in background of his cover pic,” revealed Shinde, “These ghosts are very much updated about current pop culture and trends. Gone are the days, when they would come and simply stand in the background like a statue.”

Meanwhile, to help victims get rid of ghosts on Facebook, Mumbai Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is mulling over the idea to hire a hacker who could hack into ghosts' accounts and deactivate them.

“I know, it will not be easy for the hackers to do that, as you must have seen in movies, how tough it is for tantriks to drive away ghosts from a house. But let's hope for the best. We are asking hackers to learn a bit of kaala jaadu,” said an optimistic Vijay Godbole.
Anyone visited bhangarh fort?????
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