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Failed coup general Hafter is looking for an exit after heavily defeated in southern Tripoli.

The Last Shah was undone by the CIA under a joint ops by Islamists and Comunists for a reason...

For the final chaos, IRGC is sent in following MBS/MBZ/Sissie etc...

They are the two sides of the same coin under the Imperialists...

Turkey is here to break this Satanic game by HIS PERMISSION...

Hodri Meydan!!! Bring all the Sheyatin at your disposal....
you say it like you were there for all the time.:enjoy::enjoy:
thank you iran, thank you uae thank you egypt thank you saudistan :)

they made it clear on wich side they are..
actually Iran is giving weapons to both sides so we have to wait and see where will Iran stand at the end

Each Fighters joined into the mission were equipped with 4x BVR and 2x WVR missiles. 10 F-16 equals to 40 BVR + 20 WVR missiles.

8 frigates joined into exercise with 16 cell VLS x 4 ESSM missiles : 512 ESSM missiles

Turkey is preparing to put someone into place they deserved when It was needed.
Where ia yhe war criminal Hafter?

Latest statues of Libya before Sirte operation commence.

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