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Fail: Metel/Silex Lauch from Krivak Class Russian Navy Day...Crimea


Aug 1, 2014
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United States
United States

you can see the missiles went full retard, and both torpedoes splash just meters infront of the frigate.

lucky the torpedoes didn't arm and destroy it :butcher::fie:

Krivak-class frigate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Metel Anti-Ship Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The pair of boosters, the main missile and the payload came apart during launch. Lucky no parts ended up in a spectator area....
Russia decides to modernize anti-submarine missiles SS-N-14 "Silex"

Russia decides to modernize anti-submarine missiles SS-N-14 "Silex" | naval Newsletter | Scoop.it
From fr.rian.ru - September 20, 2013 1:36 PM

Russia will modernize anti-submarine missiles manufactured in the early 1960s and some missile systems, writes Izvestia daily on Friday.According to a source in the military-industrial sector, the decision was taken due to lack of modern copies in circulation as well as the extension of the old warships service time, in a context of modernization of the system command of the Navy.
The anti-submarine missiles of cruise missiles with a releasable torpedo. When approaching the target the torpedo is detached and falls into the water with a parachute. After the separation of the carrier only the torpedo continues its way to the submarine or ship, through a system of determining the coordinates of the target.
For now it is a question of modernizing 39 ammunition Rastroub 85RU system but the Navy plans to do the same with the missile Vodopad 83R, 84R Metel, 86R and 88R of Veter system and their changes with depth grenades. Vessels equipped with these systems are stationed at Severomorsk, in Sevastopol, in Primorye and Kamchatka. The electronics replacement works missiles and launch systems will be supported by the Smolensk aircraft factory.
Konstantin Sivkov, senior vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, said that these missiles were put into service in the Soviet Navy in the 1960s but their performance still corresponded to global standards. Furthermore, the possibility of replacing the torpedo offer this high potential weapon."These missiles are more modern and can destroy heavy submarines.
The 85R is the main anti-missile submarine class on board surface ships and heavy cruisers Admiral Kirov class. Its scope is correct and its main modernized weapon today is the compact torpedo. This is why this weapon can be maintained in the operational state for many years, "Sivkov said.The 85R missile can reach and destroy the target over a maximum distance of 50 km, which gives him a great advantage over their US counterparts: the RUR-5 ASROC missile has a range of 8 km and its successor now in service in the Navy American, RUM-139 VL-ASROC, 28 km.
"The last US ships are equipped with the missile system based on ASROC - this missile has been in service in the early 1960s While the Russian guided missile can project the torpedo to the exact point of long-range drop, US missile's not even guided - it follows a linear path and its range is low, highlights Sivkov There is no reason to withdraw the Russian missile's service. ".
At the time of the Cold War, there were changes to the 86R and 86R with a torpedo missile with a nuclear warhead but they are no longer used today.Missile modernization work will continue until the end of August 2014. Almost one million euros will be allocated for this purpose.
La Russie décide de moderniser les missi...

Main body.

Complete package

Concept essentially builds on the WW2-era German Hs-293 / 294
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