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Facts versus fiction/opinions about the WoT and Pakistan

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Following is a supposed banter where a typical American know it all news pundit aka analyst is talking AT a Pakistani
The pundit believes that Jesus is Republican and is white and America should defend its freedom with the help of its war industry but doesn’t understand why the world hates America.

Please note that I have wrote it with a lighter mood with a serious message. In no way it is meant to spread hatred towards American people. I am just looking at the awkward Pak US relationship or the lack of it vis-à-vis or partnership in WoT and our continued suspicion about each other and the role of the media played to give some colour and spice to the story.

And really sorry for the length of the article, just thought to include all the formula lines and chinches thrown at Pakistan for the past 10 years of WoT.

The Haqqani Factor

-there might be elements within the ISI & military that are sympathetic to Haqqanis & this is unacceptable to America and this concern has been conveyed to Pakistan on many occasions. Such behaviour is not helpful in WoT.

-there ARE elements within the Afghan governments that are overtly anti Pakistani & never loose any opportunity to inflict harm & cause misunderstanding in relation to Pakistan and difficulty in the fight against terrorism. NA leadership and former Khad chief are glowing example who would happily help TTP & BLA this also bring in some questions about the role of CIA. These actions are also not helpful in confidence building

-Pakistan should sever its ties with the Haqqanis if it is serious about the peace in the region, all training camps and safe heavens in NW and Quetta shura should be dismantled.

-NATO & Afghan government should do the same with BLA & TTP setup in Afghanistan. And stop the Indian consulates setup in desolate places in the name of culture to actually facilitate & assist the BLA’s subversive activities in Pakistan. In the light of same alliance & cooperation that is expected of Pakistan. Demanding Pakistan, only, to cooperate, while ignoring or dismissing its similar concerns towards its security vis- a- vis anti Pakistan training camps in Afghanistan are hardly a hallmark of cooperation an against the spirit of WoT partnership.

-It is proven beyond doubt that ISI has links with Haqqanis.

-Yes my royal highness your genius is impressive. It’s a fact that is not denied by ISI. Like any secret agency, ISI keeps like with all likely adversaries to gather intelligence and seek future possible solution. Such work is nothing different to what CIA or any other countries agency would ingress such groups to be better prepared.

-Pakistan has a soft corner for the Haqqanis that’s why its resisting any operation against them.

- so do NATO forces towards the BLA and TTP terrorists. In their videos and interviews they taunt Pakistan from Afghanistan soil & vow to continue fight against the Pakistani state. If NATO and Afghan government doesn’t have soft corner for them then they should be expelled just like the demand for Haqqanis is made.

-that’s absurd there is no proof of that allegation.

-so is your claim too, there is no proof that ISI is helping Taliban. having links and helping are two different things. Read more about the working of CIA and you will get the hint.

-Haqqanis, its Haqqanis!!

-Haqqanis ARE Taliban, they are under the command and oath of Mullah Omar, they formed the part of the Shura before and after their government was toppled after Afghan invasion. Taliban leadership itself has recently chided this American propaganda.

-Haqqannis are…..

-….Goodness personified.

-What is this nonsense.

-not nonsense, careful what you say, or you might be branded a traitor, it’s a a quote from a God fearing Jesus loving Texan politician Charlie Wilson about Jallaludin Haqqani

-Well err. That was an overstatement by him whereas in fact Haqqanis are….

-Moral equivalent of our American forefathers

-oh come on which idiot said that? it cant be Charlie…!!

-that idiot was one of the most beloved American president Ronald Regan.

-Well that was then. This is now. Things have changed.

-indeed time has passed and things have changed but not the Haqqanis. They are the same, their Afghanistan is the same, it just happens that the invaders have changed. And Haqqanis are doing the same thing. Defending their honour and their country and fighting the new oppressors.

-We are not oppressors. We came to rid the Afghans from a most brutal regime of these times.

-Well you never came with an olive branch either. You came with AC-130w, A-10s, Apaches and B-52s and your invasion has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Afghans and you have only replaced Taliban with just another regime that is a punishment for its own people, well so the reports of independent agencies and United nations over its track record.

Enemy of My enemy is my friend no matter what

-Taliban regime was evil based on a medieval interpretation of Islam that was based on terror & intimidation of its own population & northern alliance was the only viable force to counter them.

-And this pretty much qualifies Nothern alliance as your trustworthy partners? Since they were anti-Taliban you chose to ignore their own horrid war crimes and the way they have treated their own ethic groups they claim to represent. forget about what they did to Pashtons because you also gave them the sub-human treatment due to your animosity towards taliban.Re northern alliance did you ever notice why the drug trade escalated under northern alliance and the corruption and millions of dollars swindled & siphoned off(meant for development) to off-shore accounts by the same governors, and how many of Northern alliance leaders like Gen Dostum were actually part of the Communist regime that worked hand in hand with the Soviet invaders & participated in the killing of millions of Afghans? Nothing changed here did it? Now they are with yet another invader and settling their own scores but since they are the enemy of your enemy that’s what that counts yes? Speaks volumes about your own moral standing & righteousness doesn’t it? Yet you only choose to Malign Pakistan.

-wait how is it all related to American ties with Northern alliance? Why does that concern Pakistan?

-well it does because some elements within Northern alliance were part of the communist regime & were involved in terrorism in Pakistan & they didn’t ditch their habits after the withdrawal of the soviets & continued their hostilities by joining hands with India now.. When you have a group that is involved in corruption, drug trade & extortion when you have this recipe you shouldn’t be surprised if you get , lies and deceit too, maybe not now but with the passage of time you will realise that how you were played by some leaders of this faction that played in your failure of your objectives & forced a withdrawal.

-well this is all irrelevant & not a valid argument against our criticism of ISI & Pakistan army.

- Sorry I beg to disagree, we are merely showing you the mirror, your own compromises, moral compass & criteria of choosing your Afghan allies whatever their past & present record is.

The Indian Holy Cow & Evil ISI

-what is your problem with India? Why should we listen to your objection with India’s role in Afghan solution.

- Why India? It is because of its past track record vis-a vis its presence in Afghanistan in the past & present.. It has been malicious and on the single point agenda of causing troubles for Pakistan. India actively supported the Soviet puppet communist regimes of Najibullah & Babrak Karmal and used the hostilities of any of the Afghan regimes to plot disturbances & terrorism in parts of Pakistan specially Balochistan. And most importantly, the Afghans will refuse India just like they have refused Soviets & you Americans and where do you think India stands which is not even at par with China let alone what Soviets were and you guys are. Just like you have concerns about the Haqqanis we have concerns about the Indian designs and for the sake of this alliance you have to consider our objections otherwise your criticism is self defeating.

-Pakistan is obsessed with India, and this obsession is the reason for its reluctance to support Indian involvement in Afghanistan. Instead of deploying its foces along border with India, Pakistan should move its extra troops to help launch the attack in North Waziristan.

-You can hardly blame us for that when they are directly responsible in breaking a part of our country and have been supporting the militancy in Balochistan. We are willing to overlook all that and will move the forces from the eastern borders if India also moves its forces from the borders with Pakistan. Its 80% military deployment including mechanised infantry , armour and air force are deployed along the border in war footings. Ask them to back off and we can move some troops from the East in response. Also, if India distances away itself from the Baloch terrorists that will also be a goodwill sign and Pakistan can more effectively and efficiently confront the militants both local and foreigners that are using its soil against Afghanistan. Think you can ask India to do that?

-But this doesn’t justify ISI contacts with Haqqanis.

-Then do explain why are you establishing contacts with rest of the Taliban factions & willing to approve their offices in Dubai to find a peaceful solution to Afghanistan? why cant Pakistan do the same thing & establish links with the groups that might be part of a future Afghan government after NATO withdrawal? While foreign invading forces have the luxury to leave Afghanistan , we don’t have that choice. We are to live with either a hostile or an indifferent/ peaceful Afghan setup & its Pakistan’s right to work towards a possibility that the later one is a likely outcome rather than former.

-ISI is unreliable and a hurdle towards any progress in WoT.

-No its no where near what CIA is capable of . ISI and is only working towards the national interests which is eliminating all threats within Pakistan and anywhere around it where they are being hatched. The capture of tsome of the top Al Qaeda & Taliban leadership was impossible without ISI, you guys suffer from selective memory loss.

-ISI is a shady organisation

-yes thank you, that’s the whole purpose of it to remain a mystery for thickheads like you and work undercover to expose and disrupt all attempts to cause harm to Pakistan,

-ISI is a notorious organisation.

-CIA & RAW are world renowned charity organisation working for green energy and prosperity

-its not funny

- indeed its not funny but your thinking and reasoning is.

Do More and More and More and don’t expect anything from us Just do More

-Pakistan should be more straight forward and clear in its commitment in fight against terrorism.

-Pakistan is very clear about its commitment in a peaceful settlement in Afghanistan & advocated the inclusion of Pashtons in the Afghan setup & establish dialog with Taliban. If Northern Alliance leadership and Americas also prevent TTP & BLA terrorist from using Afghan soil in plotting and planning attacks against Pakistan then it would also clarify & confirm your postion & help this alliance in the WoT.

- Pakistan needs to do more to stop the Taliban from crossing borders from Pakistan into Afghanistan to attack NATO troops.

-So Does the NATO, well actually NATO has yet to take the first step towards stopping the infiltration from its side which hasn’t happened for the past ten years.

-The safety of our NATO troops is of paramount importance to us

-So is the safety of our civilians and army personal

-the constant attacks on NATO clearly indicate that there are safe heavens in Pakistan from where these militants are operating.

- so are the militants & terrorists hiding in Afghanistan and operating against the Pakistani state, its people and troops.

-Pakistan should realise that eliminating and stopping these terrorist from using Pakistani soil against NATO troops is in its own interest.

- so should NATO forces and American establishment that stopping BLA and TTP from using save heavens and training camps within Afghanistan with tacit approval from the likes of Khad chief Amr Ullah Salay & warlord Gen Fahim, Abdullah Abdullah is not only against the spirit of the cooperation in WoT but also undermines the sacrifices & achievements of a major non NATO ally in this region.

-what achievements? Name a few

-well for starters the elimination &r capture of key Al Qaeda figures is one, then having to deal with the influx of Afghan refugees & constantly suffer the consequences of joining the War on terror & having a chronically anti-Pakistan northern alliance brought into power after invasion & a constantly bickering ally like yourself is nothing short of an achievement.

-Pakistan wants to have a foothold in Afghanistan and wants a favourable government after NATO forces leave.

-whats wrong with that? you want a favourable government and positive influence in Afghanistan too when you withdraw don’t you?

-Pakistan is not sincere in fighting the war on terror and prolonged peace in Afghanistan. That’s why 2 May operation had to be unilateral.

-on the contrary, the Abbotabad operation was conducted by Americans as a revenge for being left behind when Pakistan’s progress in brining Afghan Taliban and Afghan government met that a peaceful closure was near , the Gilani & Kyani visit in Afghanistan was the key.& even Karzai was very positive and upbeat about it. but this operation threw everything away. It only helped the terrorists in stirring up the violence. Unilateral action in Abbotabad was a deceit by the Americans by using Pakistani leads to ascertain OBL’s likely hideout but not sharing their own side of the leads to help Pakistan to capture him like Pakistan did when it captured, KSM and Al Libbi etc.

-Pakistan is not doing enough

- if doing enough means discharging your weapons without any regard to the possible harm to the civilian population then yes guilty as charged because we wont be ruthless like yourself so it will never be enough for you, because you are an invader and a stranger you don’t belong here, you have no moral or emotional attachment to the people and the place, we are to live here so our approach is different , we are natives of this land we wont be trigger happy like you are. Before you open your mouth just tell us will you be flying apaches over downtown Manhattan & firing on school vans and crippled civilians and giggling over their crippling bodies? Of course you will only reserve that for Afghans & Iraqis or any other country you plan to invade.

-they hate us for our freedom!

-excuse me? What freedom? Freedom to invade? Freedom to tell lies? Freedom to cover up after massacres? Indeed no one with a strand of humanity will applaud the action of your troops exhibited in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Blame can be used as evidence

-Now even the Afghan interior minister is blaming ISI in the plotting the assassination of Barhanudin Rabbani.

-Just like anything else, its just a blame & allegation without proof coming from a person who is involved moving millions of dollars to Dubai, that’s the credibility of a person you are quoting.

-you have no proof of his involvement, show us the proof that he is involved in corruption. And that’s irrelevant anyway, why shouldn’t we believe a person even if he is involved in corruption.

-Ask him to provide proof about ISI involvement in assassination first. As far as relevance of corruption is concerned we believe that in the western world you call it credibility of a person. If anyone is proven to be corrupt his political and public career is pretty much over. If you are willing to have a differ set of moral standards in this part of the world then that’s a different story & that’s what we point out to you.

-but that was Afghan vice president that took away millions of dollars and Karzai’s brother, you are blaming the interior minister for no reason.

-Just using your own principles that your Bush regime coined after 911, first is called guilty by association and the other one is guilty until proven innocent. So this interior minister is part of corrupt Nothern alliance government and his fellow ministers are milking your taxpayer money for past ten years and also making a good buck from the drug money which is ended in the streets if your own cities.

-you are joking, this is serious stuff. We are talking about war on terror here.

-No I am not joking. Actually horrid joke was when president Bush discussed with Tony Blair to bomb the Al Jazira office after the network started to expose the stories of the Iraqi civilians killed due to direct American attacks. when this horrid story went public, the Americans said that Bush was only joking but the fact was that Tony Blair was able to talk sense into him and according to Downing street there was no suggestion of a joke when Mr Bush came up with this proposal. So either you guys had a joker for 8 years or a liar, you make your pick and in either case the consequences are in front of us all.

-Well continued attacks on NATO troops is a proof that Haqqanis have save heavens and help from Pakistan.

-so are TTP and BLA and their propaganda videos made in Afghanistan. They may have save heavens in NW but that’s under constant aerial surveillance and attacks from American drones, either their operators are inept or complicit in letting the Haqqanis operate freely in NW.

-Well its not the same thing, Pakistan shouldn’t try to distract and avoid its obligations. TTP and BLA are not a threat to NATO forces or the Afghan government.

-then don’t expect us to pursue the groups that are no danger to Pakistan.

-well why doesn’t Pakistan army expand its operations in NW?

-its already fighting and consolidating its positions in the rest of the tribal areas. If expanding the war is that easy then all those American troops that are part of the surge should be deployed along the border with North Waziristan which can stop the infiltrations.

-that’s not the point, its Pakistan that should launch the operation in North Waziristan as it is part of Pakistan.

-Exactly that’s not the point, the point is to continue to blame Pakistan and do nothing similar to what is demanded of Pakistan. Hence there is no indication if the NATO forces have ever even tried to prevent any free movement of the Haqqani Taliban once they are inside Afghanistan. They are able to roam and go past 3 provinces and launch their attacks in Kabul and then safely travel back all the way under the nose of American troops back into North Waziristian and Pakistan is to be blamed?

-Yes because NW is part of Pakistan and it shouldn’t allow these insurgents from using its soil.

-If NATO troops get their act together and instead of bullying and intimidating the civilians, and fight the Haqqanis while they are in Afghanistan which is currently under their occupation then this diabolical argument would never happen. You do your bit when they are in Afghanistan or as per your claim infiltrating into Afghanistan from NW. We will do our bit when time and resources allow us. Until then instruct your drone operators to target the insurgents and not the local population if you intend to win this war in this century.

Popular Opinion is all that matters stuff the truth

-Enough, its not true, don’t try to divert the discussion. The truth is that Osama was involved in 911 attack and we took him out when he was a guest of your ISI.

-correction, its called popular opinion, it has nothing to do with the truth. Still there is no conclusive evidence of Osama’s involvement in 911. And as far as his death is concerned both your military, intelligence and political leadership has admitted that there is no evidence that suggests that the Pakistani military or political leadership was involved or aware of Osama’s hideout in Abbotabad but that doesn’t matter. What matters is the popular opinion. That Osama was involed in 911 and Pakistan was hiding him AND, it was HIM who the US Navy SEALS took out in 2nd May operation. What actually happens no one knows but thanks to your CNN& FOX News and the news pundits like Fareed Zakaria & Glenn Beck what matters is what people in the media and the government day and night bombard the public with and this constant doze has its intended effect. Lies, and make believe theories becomes a truth through popular option after this media onslaught. So whenever a sentence starts or includes the word, “the world knows…, it’s a fact since everyone knows… blab la bla. It is basing its argument over popular opinion. When suspicions and allegations are used as facts then blaming ISI for all the ills in Afghanistan comes naturally.

-Pakistan shouldn’t become part of the problem due to its soft & selective approach towards Taliban. this is the biggest problem faced by the people of Afghanistan.

-correction please, according to the UNODC (united nations office on Drugs & crime) report based on 2008-09 survey. the biggest problem of Afghans is the dishonesty of the government & its administration. The corruption makes up $2.5 Billion and drug trade makes up $2.8 Billion annually in Afghanistan. Corruption, bribes and drugs go hand in hand and the Ahmed Zia Massoud himself was caught with $52 Million in cash when he landed in Dubai. Such is the extent of the brazen swindling and corruption of the northern alliance leadership that it beggars belief that Americans are still pinning hope with an alliance which is corrupt, inept & hates the Pashtons, blames Pakistan for the failure of its approach.

-Well they have a point, we can see where they are coming from.

-Their arguments are coming from their own nether regions and it suits you because its easier to put blame on Pakistan rather than realise that demonising the whole Pashton ethnicity due to your conflict with Taliban was a failed strategy & so was choosing a group of warlords opposed to Taliban that have been corrupt & equally brutal like Taliban as your allies. Pakistan told you from the early days of invasion , not to play in the hands of the northern alliance that were using your military might to crush the Pashtons in the name of fighting the Taliban and after tens of thousands of Afghans and ten years you are thinking about negotiation but still blaming Pakistan instead of yourself.

-Well Pashtons are sympathetic to Taliban and Northern Alliance hatred for them is understandable.

-This hatred is based on bigotry and racism and is condemnable not understandable as per your own modern ethical rules on with UN is based. The revenge path Northern alliance took against the Pashtons after coming to power and the way you were played into punishing the biggest ethnicity of Afghanistan left it no choice but to look towards the same Taliban who had brutalised it. Pashtons themselves have suffered as much under Taliban if not more than any other ethic groups of Afghanistan. But your discrimination alienated the Afghan majority and that’s where Taliban gained, not that much militarily but in confirming you guys just as brutal, loathsome and oppressive like the previous invaders. .Thats something that ISI or Haqqanis or Iranians or anyone for that matter could never have achieved. In short, “you blew it buddy” its time to pack and go.

_Taliban have only attacked other ethnicities that’s what annoyed northern alliance.

- In southern Afghan provinces including, Pakitia & Khost & in Pakistani tribal areas , a large number of tribal elders have been assassinated and mosques bombed by Taliban as a revenge for not siding with them so this thinking is unfounded and a misinformation by northern alliance leadership.

Operation make Osama Fish Food

-How OBL was able to live that long undetected in Abbotabad undetected? He must have had some help from ISI & army.

-yes indeed that’s a concern that how he was able to live that long, as far as the help is concerned, his helpers didn’t do very well in terms of hospitality. He was reduced to living on the vegetables grown in the compound and some raised chicken. The shabby and dilapidated condition of his place hardly suggested that he had any help from the Pakistani state when he was reduced to survive on whatever was possible to grow in few square yards of the compound. Also don’t forget, Pakistanis themselves had shared the information about this compound in the pst and even raided it but it was found to be empty but this information is left out while talking about the raid either out of convenience or due to selective reporting.

-But still he was so close to the Military academy, that does bring up questions. Either ISI and Pakistan army are inept or complicit regarding OBL hideout.

-indeed it does bring up questions, we do our soul searching while you do yours too specially regarding the assassination of the brother of Hamid Karzai and Ustad Rabbani. Either the NATO troops & CIA were inept or complicit in the assassination of a person who advocated dialog with Taliban something similar to Pakistani stand. It will be foolish of the ISI to assassinate a pro-Pakistani politician that was a war veteran and respected among the Afghan faction and probably the only person that could have brought stability in Afghanistan. The allegation on ISI also contradicts the allegations over ISI as some evil scheming organisation that constantly outthinks and outclasses the worlds top agencies like CIA.

-hold on, these are two different things.

-indeed they are different because the victims and the places are different.

-Its this a joke that Navy SEALS were able to sneak deep into Pakistan and eliminate Osama Bin Laden? That says a lot about Pakistan security.

-Its not a joke but a deceit, Pakistan didn’t consider Afghanistan a hostile country and dint think a super power which is partner and allied in the WoT will betray its trust and use the absence of the air surveillance to sneak in its stealth helicopters into Abbotabad. That too, says a lot about a supposed friend and an ally in WoT.

-What if the terrorists also decide to do something like this and attack and take over the nuclear installation. Even Indians are contemplating to imitate our successful operation and attack the LeT camps being run by the ISI.

-First thing is, terrorists don’t have access to helicopters or planes unless they hijack them after plotting and training for 18 months just like 911 while CIA was sleeping or if you or Indians decide to give them a lift. As far as Indians are concerned they wont be that lucky. Now that you guys have taught us a lesson not to trust you. We have ample air cover on the western side as well so in case any of you decides to be adventurous it wont be the same happy flight back home.

-Are you threatening us with war?

-No not threatening you with war but just reminding you that we are prepared to defend our airspace and don’t expect a friendly nation and an ally in WoT to betray us again. As far as Indians are concerned we have shot down their jets and UAVs they can try their luck with the helicopters too if they want.

-Well we got Osama in the end and you guys failed to catch him yourself.

_yes indeed you got him as far as the popular opinion goes despite the fact that both the military, CIA and state departed changed the circumstances and the events many times, but you also used our leads too about this hide out just like the many other likely hideouts that we had been tracking and gathering intelligence about. It just happens that you in the end decided to keep your side of information to yourself and launch the attack when the time was right for you.

Since we failed it got to be your fault

-Pakistan is not sincere in the peace in Afghanistan.

-on the contrary its Pakistan that has been asking the Americans to find a peaceful solution and include ALL factions of Afghanistan. It was Americans that totally dismissed and alienated the Pashton population on the behest of Indians & Northern Alliance bigots. It is Americans who have taken 10 years to realise that their awesome weaponry is not the answer to every solution. Pakistan on the other hand worked towards convincing Taliban and Afghan government to sit down and talk about peaceful Afghanistan after Americans withdrew.

-attacks on GHQ clearly mean that Pakistan is helpless in the fight against the terrorism.

-repeated attacks on NATO forces and installations within the Kabul green zone are also not the glowing examples of American foolproof security.

- Pakistan should understand that it cant force its will on the people of Afghanistan.

-correction, its not just Pakistan but no country in the world, no matter how much it feels it has the freedom to invade other countries and no matter how many drones and apaches it has, can dictate the Afghan people.

-we are here to win the hearts and minds.

-really? Give us the number of civilians killed in Iraq due to direct attacks by Americans, give us the number of Pakistani and Afghan civilian killed due to drone, helicopter and ground attacks. you don’t know do you?

-it is not clear who is in charge in Pakistan? The civilian government or the powerful military?

-well at least there are only two to look to when seeking any decision, but when it comes to America, its hard to see who is in charge or calling the shots. Obama despite being a great orator of American righteousness is a weak president and strangely mum over the tirade of his lieutenant Mullen. Then it’s the CIA, Pentagon, state department and the senators etc and what not. While one plays the bad cop the other plays the obnoxious cop. Sometimes their individual statements and outbursts seem to contradict each other. It might help the viewer counts of sensational media and ratings of Glen Back but hardly productive and conducive to something so serious that involves the regional peace in South Asia

-Pakistan should make its policy clear and upfront what it wants.

-So should USA and its officials should conduct the state to state relations through diplomatic channels only not through media tirades like its a “West wing” drama.

-you are either with us or against us.

-we are with you to find a peaceful solution to Afghanistan. We are with you in a peaceful and dignified withdrawal from Afghanistan. We support your all peaceful initiatives in the region specially Afghanistan. But we are against any effort or plot to divide Afghanistan on ethnic lines and we are against using Afghan soil to plant and plot attacks against the Pakistan. Just ask yourselves, do you want to burn the American taxpayer money for years beyond 2014? Or do you want to want to give peace a chance and not be as cocky as you were when you demonised the whole Pak Afghan Pashton population?

-Pakistan needs to ask it self if it is really sincere in the war against terror as this cant go forever.

-Indeed so should America, the military might, the drones have failed and this constant bickering has wasted 10 years and if Americans have finally realised that including Pashtons in the future equation in Afghanistan and bringing in Taliban on the discussion table is the only way forward for a peaceful solution. And as far as sincerity is concerned, trying to divide the Taliban by differentiating Haqqanis from rest of the Taliban body and continuing to attack and seek to capture their leadership while meeting them in Dubai and Bahrain is anything but sincerity.

-America is continuing to work with Pakistan to convince it to cooperate in this region.

-just tell your civil and military leadership and their spokesmen to think before they open their mount. Their rhetoric might make interesting viewing on Fox news but its hardly conducive towards the bilateral relations and cooperation.

-America will never allow the return of Taliban in power.

-Well that’s not for you to decide but the Afghans. And since your pundits & analysts have been using a cliché line about Pakistan throughout the WoT that was beggars cant be choosers so it has to do more, I am afraid I am having to use the cliché line for you, “losers cant be choosers” you have failed to subdue the Taliban, your anti Pashton policy failed, the drug trade increased, the corruption increased, the violence never subdued and now you are realising to sit down and talk with Taliban yet you are denying yourself any success by ruling out talking with Haqqanis, maybe you need another ten years to correct yourself.

Who the hell would read this? :undecided:
I thought you said it was written in a lighter sense ?!

Why India? It is because of its past track record vis-a vis its presence in Afghanistan in the past & present.. It has been malicious and on the single point agenda of causing troubles for Pakistan. India actively supported the Soviet puppet communist regimes of Najibullah & Babrak Karmal and used the hostilities of any of the Afghan regimes to plot disturbances & terrorism in parts of Pakistan specially Balochistan. And most importantly, the Afghans will refuse India just like they have refused Soviets & you Americans and where do you think India stands which is not even at par with China let alone what Soviets were and you guys are. Just like you have concerns about the Haqqanis we have concerns about the Indian designs and for the sake of this alliance you have to consider our objections otherwise your criticism is self defeating.

considering this i would rather say it was written in "Pakistan-is-a-holy-cow-cum-victim" and "Pak-decides-what-afghans-must-do" and "Pak-is-always-correct" senses....

A mere justification for its dubious record of running with the hares and hunting with the hounds....
Another one.

Bharat, US, Afghanistan are all accusing you. Even though they have no proof, the fact that since the whole world can't be doing propaganda against you.

That's 3 countries of the 190-something countries in the whole world. How do they add up to being the whole world? Also, US, UK, Australia, Spain, South Korea and several other countries thought that Iraq had WMDs.
You have to see the genius of bharatis and Americans when it comes to the matter of evidence.

Pakistan accuses - Pakistan must provide evidence!
US or Afghanistan or Bharat accuses - 3 countries can never lie if they're saying the same thing, even if they're not providing any evidence! :-)lol:)

F*cking top grade hypocrites.
A. It is too short.

B. It needs more color.

(in a lighter mood of course! :D )
You have to see the genius of bharatis and Americans when it comes to the matter of evidence.

Pakistan accuses - Pakistan must provide evidence!
US or Afghanistan or Bharat accuses - 3 countries can never lie if they're saying the same thing, even if they're not providing any evidence! :-)lol:)

F*cking top grade hypocrites.

Afghanistan doesnt count, since its govt is a "veritable arm" of CIA.
Appologies for the length of my original post in this thread. The contents relate to almost everything that we Pakistanis have been facing since the American invasion of Afghanistan. If you compare the volume of what has been written printed and telecast about us then you might understand the reason for its huge size.

The idea was to respond or try to answer the most commonly asked questions and allegations levelled at Pakistanis and the reason I said it was written in the “light “ mood “ was due to the fact that America and Pakistan seem to be on different wavelengths, whatever Pakistanis say or do is never enough and the response is not even registered, if you look up the key words and clinches like, beggars not choosers, do more, Haqaanis ISI etc you will see the same set of questions posed at Pakistan after regular intervals by same or different people and it appears they didn’t even bother to check what Pakistan has said. The other joke was about the colour of the conversation. Blue and red was also a reference to the boxing corners and also meant to make the body of the post less daunting.

But still, I have broken down the post and you are not compelled to read everything. When I started writing it I thought it might never end but the clinches and on-liners thrown at us were so many and so amusing that I couldn’t stop but still there was a serious message as well for people who understand.

Someone said that this thread is an excuse to show Pakistan as a victim well all I can say is if loosing about 35000 Pakistanis doesn’t give us the right to complain or feel victim then you surely have a heart of stone and no argument can ever help you to change your mind.

I once again apologise for the hurt and panic caused to some of my readers due to the length of my article and I “promise” to “do more” to be precise and short in the future.

Thanks for reading it or even scrolling through
I knew I could count on you.

---------- Post added at 02:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:02 PM ----------

Another one.

Bharat, US, Afghanistan are all accusing you. Even though they have no proof, the fact that since the whole world can't be doing propaganda against you.

That's 3 countries of the 190-something countries in the whole world. How do they add up to being the whole world? Also, US, UK, Australia, Spain, South Korea and several other countries thought that Iraq had WMDs.

how could I miss that haha
I thought I pretty much covered every formula line that is thrown by the righteous world at us
talking about world when they say the world doesnt believe what Pakistan says

and when you check this world consists of a handful of countries whereas in reality the rest of the world doesn’t give a toss about this region and what the accusers have to say
Man its lengthy article. But I do like the points mentioned.

especially the CIA & RAW are charity organisation working for green energy .

Following is a supposed banter where a typical American know it all news pundit aka analyst is talking AT a Pakistani
The pundit believes that Jesus is Republican and is white and America should defend its freedom with the help of its war industry but doesn’t understand why the world hates America.

Please note that I have wrote it with a lighter mood with a serious message. In no way it is meant to spread hatred towards American people. I am just looking at the awkward Pak US relationship or the lack of it vis-à-vis or partnership in WoT and our continued suspicion about each other and the role of the media played to give some colour and spice to the story.

And really sorry for the length of the article, just thought to include all the formula lines and chinches thrown at Pakistan for the past 10 years of WoT.

The Haqqani Factor

-there might be elements within the ISI & military that are sympathetic to Haqqanis & this is unacceptable to America and this concern has been conveyed to Pakistan on many occasions. Such behaviour is not helpful in WoT.

-there ARE elements within the Afghan governments that are overtly anti Pakistani & never loose any opportunity to inflict harm & cause misunderstanding in relation to Pakistan and difficulty in the fight against terrorism. NA leadership and former Khad chief are glowing example who would happily help TTP & BLA this also bring in some questions about the role of CIA. These actions are also not helpful in confidence building

Nice read :tup:
Nice read :tup:

hehe now the Afghan govt. has declared that the statement made by the captured person regarding the assassination of Late Burhanudin Rabbani is a "proof" that ISI is involved,
I guess they had been a bit impatient here, had they "persisted" then that poor soul would have admitted to the Global financial Meltdown too.

Afghan officials are a good learners, following the foot steps of Americans, now they are using the statements of "admission" as a proof to level charges against Pakistan.

should we round up some Afghanis from the cities and get some proofs of our own too?
what do you say?
should we round up some Afghanis from the cities and get some proofs of our own too?
what do you say?

Yes. Absolutely that should be done to project Pakistan's point of view more forcefully than it has been in the past.

In fact, it is long overdue already.
Yes. Absolutely that should be done to project Pakistan's point of view more forcefully than it has been in the past.

In fact, it is long overdue already.
but then again if someone from them is found to have diplomatic "immunity" then this whole scheme might backfire
but then again if someone from them is found to have diplomatic "immunity" then this whole scheme might backfire

Good point, but from a real life standpoint, diplomatic immunity for an Afghan vs a US citizen is going to be very different. How much aid does Afghanistan give to Pakistan? How many Pakistani elite have Afghan Green Cards? ;)
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