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Facts about Mumbai Attacks

Just like mehranbase attack
Just like srilanka team attack
Just like queta blast
Just like peshawar blast

All planned by Pakistan planted on india .

Nope, just your Mumbai attacks, oh and yes lets not forget the recent coward terrorist act by your gov on funding terrorist on the attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi.

Just like APS right? Pak planned it and planted on India.

Your nation funds terrorist to cause harm in Pakistan, so why cant it plant a attack on its own soil and show Pakistan as the one who did it, you should ask your coward raw about it all.

Ha ha ha. .. ...:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Let the world know .

Likewise yahudi did 9/11
Osama was not in abottabad and nobody lived in osama house.

Grow up and stop living in your one stop world of Bollywood, Pakistan had no part of 9/11 " learn " second Osama was a planted US story which never happened and Pakistan corrupt gov was paid to go along with the US plan. US couldn't even show his body to the world rather a fake made up story for a disgraced victory.
Nope, just your Mumbai attacks, oh and yes lets not forget the recent coward terrorist act by your gov on funding terrorist on the attack on the Chinese consulate in Karachi.

Your nation funds terrorist to cause harm in Pakistan, so why cant it plant a attack on its own soil and show Pakistan as the one who did it, you should ask your coward raw about it all.
Yes yes we know. Pakistan is innocent. Never had any ill will against anyone. All other nations are plotting against Pakistan. Never had any terrorist living inside Pakistan like honourable Musalman like Hafeez Saeed and Osama bin Laden (Obviously planted by USA as no body was found). Can you please show any evidence stating India did the attack? Even a fake one like we did with David Headly in collaboration with USA and the Pakistani minister who accepted 26/11 was plotted in Pak?
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