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F1 team helps build new UK breathing aid for Covid-19 patients

You can't be more wrong on this. This has probably been the only time they have actually listened to the scientists. The various scientists themselves are divided on what the measures had to be and how to escalate.

Then how is it that when basic protection gear was NOT ordered weeks ago when the govt was advised to do so. That is why 25% of the NHS staff cannot come to work due to symptoms of covid-19. If you cannot protect doctors and nurses how are you going to protect patients. 1 Consultant and a couple of nurses are already dead.
How come the govt twiddled its thumbs for 2.5 weeks when NHS consultants asked the govt to order ventilation machines.
2 years ago NHS did a full internal exam on coping with a pandemic. The results pointed out vast failures in NHS. THIS REPORT WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC AND WAS BURIED. The report pointed out the very failures the govt now "claims" to be addressing. This report will never be released as it points to govt deliberate destruction of NHS critical care
What happens when critical care beds are REDUCED by 30-40% within 7 years
As I said Boris and his gang are very very good at PR of stiff upper lip and crocodile tears of we are all in it together and the daily "war" briefings from number 10
Then how is it that when basic protection gear was NOT ordered weeks ago when the govt was advised to do so. That is why 25% of the NHS staff cannot come to work due to symptoms of covid-19. If you cannot protect doctors and nurses how are you going to protect patients. 1 Consultant and a couple of nurses are already dead.
How come the govt twiddled its thumbs for 2.5 weeks when NHS consultants asked the govt to order ventilation machines.
2 years ago NHS did a full internal exam on coping with a pandemic. The results pointed out vast failures in NHS. THIS REPORT WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC AND WAS BURIED. The report pointed out the very failures the govt now "claims" to be addressing. This report will never be released as it points to govt deliberate destruction of NHS critical care
What happens when critical care beds are REDUCED by 30-40% within 7 years
As I said Boris and his gang are very very good at PR of stiff upper lip and crocodile tears of we are all in it together and the daily "war" briefings from number 10

Basic gear was ordered but delay was by logistical nightmares due to transit nations closing their borders and once it reached UK, general logistics of mounting delivery of this gear was not possible with the built in logistics of the NHS, hence why the military was called.

Can you give me a source of this 25% of NHS workers?
In italy with full PPE so far over 50 doctors are dead. I am not trying to justify the deaths just highlighting the fact that the nature of the job is inherently dangerous.

The government did not twiddled its thumb. Their action plan was implemented and assembly line are un and running in time before the peak of the cases hit the NHS.

There are multiple reports of failure in the NHS. Most failures are attributed to the mis-management within the the NHS. The article published by Telegraph is the kind of scaremongering you don't need at this time.

If suddenly you had shortage of beds and places in the morgues to keep the dead then I agree with you line of thinking that the government must be criticised. Look around you, the conversions of Excel London, NEC Birmingham and the Morgues established, the current status of the ventilator issues. The response by the government has been nothing short of admirable.

The amount of critical care beds are reviewed by the NHS this does not take into account the requirement increase in a pandemic that's because you can never predict when one will come.

What I sense in your tone and general whinging demeanour is the tell tale signs of a hard left labour support who is cringing through closed teeth how well a tory government is coping with such a critical scenario.

Nothing... nothing that a tory government will do, no matter how well they do it. Will satisfy you inbuilt hatred for tories.
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Nothing... nothing that a tory government will do, no matter how well they do it. Will satisfy you inbuilt hatred for tories.

This is not the time to criticise for the sake of criticising but to come together as a nation to fight the epidemic.

Look and see how badly affected that even more well resourced countries like France have been with a death toll sadly twice as high as UK, and you can see that the government is doing everything within it's power to save as many lives as possible. OK there is an element of luck involved as to why UK death toll has not been been higher so far but you need to take it at times like this.

The conversion of Excel and other centres in the future as well would have been unbelievable just one month ago.
I do not think any other country apart from China has been able to increase capacity like this yet.

We can get back to business as usual after Covid-19 is beaten and like I already said I am not a Tory supporter at all! I voted for Corbyn at the last election as I was hoping for a "Grand Alliance" of Labour, Lib Dems and SNP:p:.
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This is not the time to criticise for the sake of criticising but to come together as a nation to fight the epidemic.

Look and see how badly affected that even more well resourced countries like France have been with a death toll sadly twice as high as UK, and you can see that the government is doing everything within it's power to save as much people as possible. OK there is an element of luck involved as to why UK death toll has not been been higher so far but you need to take it at times like this.

The conversion of Excel and other centres in the future as well would have been unbelievable just one month ago.
I do not think any other country apart from China has been able to increase capacity like this yet.

We can get back to business as usual after Covid-19 is beaten and like I already said I am not a Tory supporter at all! I voted for Corbyn at the last election as I was hoping for a "Grand Alliance" of Labour, Lib Dems and SNP:p:.

Yeah I agree with your statement, however looking at his arguments it is uncalled for at this time. In fact I agree with you that credit should be given to the tories for managing it well. No government will get it right 100% every time. Like you said there is an element of luck involved but you cannot deny the effort that has gone into managing the society completely dismantling itself.

It was only 2011 during we saw what our population is capable of when one person was shot dead. Creating and fanning mass hysteria doesn't help the situation. If this was after COVID-19 is finished - then no issues but now is not the time.
We have been crediting China for doubling its capacity and provisions equally this must be noted for our government as well, and the UK businesses and industry.
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