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F-35s for India: Is America About to Make a Big Stealth Sale?

:blink: Not sure what Mr Roblin is smoking..must be some good $hit.

F-35 for India is a non-starter for the foreseeable future since neither party is interested.

And god forbid the F-35 in the hands of the Indian pilot they will surely ruin its reputation
...like they did with the C130J ....they found a unique way to crash an aircraft that has a stellar global reputation for safety over 4 decades long - ruined in one month with the IAF. :cry:


... a second C-130J flown into a pole..:cheesy:


I am almost afraid to google IAF C-17 Globemaster :unsure:

C-130Js have been involved in the following notable accidents:
  • On 12 February 2007, RAF Hercules C.4 C-130J-30 ZH876, c/n 5460, seriously damaged during landing, no casualties.[111][112]
  • On 15 March 2012, Royal Norwegian Air Force C-130J-30, 10–5630, c/n 5630, on a flight from Evenes, Norway to Kiruna, Sweden, impacted the side of Kebnekaise mountain, and disintegrated. All five aboard were killed.[113] The aircraft was to collect soldiers and fly back to the Norwegian base for the NATO exercise "Cold Response".[114]
  • On 28 March 2014, Indian Air Force C-130J-30 KC-3803 crashed near Gwalior, India, killing all 5 personnel aboard.[115][116][117] The aircraft was conducting low level penetration training by flying at around 300 ft when it ran into wake turbulence from another aircraft in the formation, which caused it to crash.[118]
  • On 2 October 2015, a U.S. Air Force C-130J assigned to the 774th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, part of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing crashed shortly after takeoff from Jalalabad Airfield, Afghanistan killing all 11 onboard and 3 on the ground.

List of accidents and incidents involving the Lockheed C-130 Hercules
C-130Js have been involved in the following notable accidents:
  • On 12 February 2007, RAF Hercules C.4 C-130J-30 ZH876, c/n 5460, seriously damaged during landing, no casualties.[111][112]
  • On 15 March 2012, Royal Norwegian Air Force C-130J-30, 10–5630, c/n 5630, on a flight from Evenes, Norway to Kiruna, Sweden, impacted the side of Kebnekaise mountain, and disintegrated. All five aboard were killed.[113] The aircraft was to collect soldiers and fly back to the Norwegian base for the NATO exercise "Cold Response".[114]
  • On 28 March 2014, Indian Air Force C-130J-30 KC-3803 crashed near Gwalior, India, killing all 5 personnel aboard.[115][116][117] The aircraft was conducting low level penetration training by flying at around 300 ft when it ran into wake turbulence from another aircraft in the formation, which caused it to crash.[118]
  • On 2 October 2015, a U.S. Air Force C-130J assigned to the 774th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, part of the 455th Air Expeditionary Wing crashed shortly after takeoff from Jalalabad Airfield, Afghanistan killing all 11 onboard and 3 on the ground.

List of accidents and incidents involving the Lockheed C-130 Hercules

How many of them crashed inverted due to wake turbulence? Really boggles the mind..and what about the C130 J the IAF flew into a pole? IAF pilots are truly one of a kind.
That would be a big kick in the nuts of PAF.
Pakistan would be inferior airforce for the first time.

You have nothing to worry about. Mig 21 will be the main fighter jet of IAF all the way to the 2040, i can bet on it. India doesn't have the money, nor the political will to acquire any aircraft in meaningful numbers. It took 15 years to finalize Rafale, that too at 1/4th the original numbers. India demands too much from defense companies- local production/offset clause/TOT. No one is willing to give that for good aircraft, they only offer it for old aircraft like the F16 which we don't want. Besides, we already acquired S400 and will probably acquire S500 whenever its ready, so F35 won't even be offered until its obsolete.

How many of them crashed inverted due to wake turbulence? Really boggles the mind..and what about the C130 J the IAF flew into a pole? IAF pilots are truly one of a kind.

Rich coming from a guy whose country has been gangbanged by every rag tag rebel group that comes to mind, whether it be the Cuban forces in 1961, vietcong or the Taliban. Have you people actually won at something since WW2? Despite having the best equipment available, a military budget that is more than the the rest of the world's put together, you people lose every war you fight :lol:. Our aircraft crash because they are old and we simply don't have funds to buy new ones. 90% of our crashes are old Cheetah helicopters, Mig 21s, Jaguars and Mig 27s. These aircraft are all about 40 years old. Besides, these aircraft operate in the most hostile locations imaginable - himalayas, the mountain ranges of North east India --basically places where american forces wouldn't last a day. You on the other hand, have no excuse except incompetence.
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Rich coming from a guy whose country has been gangbanged by every rag tag rebel group that comes to mind, whether it be the Cuban forces in 1961, vietcong or the Taliban. Have you people actually won at something since WW2? Despite having the best equipment available, a military budget that is more than the the rest of the world's put together, you people lose every war you fight :lol:. Our aircraft crash because they are old and we simply don't have funds to buy new ones. 90% of our crashes are old Cheetah helicopters, Mig 21s, Jaguars and Mig 27s. These aircraft are all about 40 years old. You on the other hand, have no excuse except incompetence.

I’m sorry..did I upset you. Indian military is joke - just a sad reality for you. Or may be not, I assume you moved to Canada - good call :enjoy:
Nope, if we said no to Turkey a NATO ally and an F-35 partner. India has no chance.

Except that India seems to be reliably on America's side which is why they are selling them so much stuff despite them
I’m sorry..did I upset you. Indian military is joke - just a sad reality for you. Or may be not, I assume you moved to Canada - good call :enjoy:

If only our military could beat the joke military in the wars we have fought against them...
Why nationationalinterest as a source is allowed here. Everything related to Pakistan India is written by Indian authors with misleading information.
Americans seriously want a nuclear war in this region. Any F35 delivered to India and we should hit India with everything we have got instead of waiting for them to hit us without being deducted.

Come up with something new... NUKES' BLUFF is over...
Come up with something new... NUKES' BLUFF is over...
I never said nuclear weapons i said we should hit them with everything we have got if this is the case. So why are your panties in a twist. Secondly It is India who needs to come up with something new. Your previous new normal was busted on a bright shinny day of 27th February.

Congressional watchdog skeptical on new F-35 logistics system

Due to longstanding performance problems with ALIS, the Defense Department intends to co-develop a new cloud-based replacement with Lockheed known as the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN, which would be fielded by 2022.

But in a new report released Monday, the Government Accountability Office noted that the Department of Defense still needs to solidify the acquisition strategy and goals of ODIN.

“Officials from the Office of the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation stressed that effectively transitioning from the current system to a future one will be particularly challenging for DOD given the need to continue sustaining the more than 400 aircraft that have already been fielded with current ALIS,” the organization stated.

Better and better. This shit will be FOC in 2035. Since then, it's more **** than FOC.
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