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F-35 racked up a 28:1 kill ratio at recent Red Flag exercises

f35 was crashed n japan and it crashed multiple times in recent years so it is not best jet and in real combat it may give different results than in exercise.28:1 seems that it killed mosquitoes instead of jets and seems unrealistic

Some planes are worse than others

Don't Fear China's Aircraft Carriers (Fear China's Accident-Prone Carrier Fighters)

The J-15—which is an unlicensed Chinese development based on a T-10K-3 prototype of the Russian Su-33 Flanker-D—has proven to be a disappointment in service with the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The navalized Chinese Flanker derivative has suffered a number of high-profile crashes due to technical issues with the aircraft’s engines and flight control system.'

The J-15’s problems are apparently serious enough that Beijing is embarking on the development of a new carrier-based aircraft that would take the J-15’s place in China’s nascent carrier air wings.
By the way, folks...


3. What has the process been like having to come up with a completely new demonstration from scratch? What all goes into deciding what maneuvers will be included, parameters, etc.?

Two people that deserve credit right off the bat are Maj Aaron “Gambit” Stevens, fellow F-35A Instructor Pilot and Billie Flynn, Lockheed Martin Test/Demo Pilot extraordinaire. Both helped immensely in the development of this profile. It started with Gambit and I sitting down with a blank slate and deciding how to best showcase this incredible jet.

By the way, folks...


3. What has the process been like having to come up with a completely new demonstration from scratch? What all goes into deciding what maneuvers will be included, parameters, etc.?

Two people that deserve credit right off the bat are Maj Aaron “Gambit” Stevens, fellow F-35A Instructor Pilot and Billie Flynn, Lockheed Martin Test/Demo Pilot extraordinaire. Both helped immensely in the development of this profile. It started with Gambit and I sitting down with a blank slate and deciding how to best showcase this incredible jet.


There was a handle named gambit
Who made a comment, so candid
Airshows reveal nothing dammit
To the memory, this you must commit


Maj Aaron "Gambit" Stevens obviously never ran across the PDF propaganda machine called @gambit :P
There was a handle named gambit
Who made a comment, so candid
Airshows reveal nothing dammit
To the memory, this you must commit

Airshows reveal nothing?
Spoken by a typical know-nothing. :enjoy:

Precisely because you are a know-nothing, you misconstrued my post about airshows. While an aircraft in an airshow cannot reveals everything it can do, that 'cannot' came from the environmental constraints imposed by the airshow. Those who actually live your forum handle understand that once those constraints are removed, an aircraft will be able to reveal its full capabilities, of course, the subject being a military aircraft, only the few can see those full capabilities.

Maj Aaron "Gambit" Stevens obviously never ran across the PDF propaganda machine called @gambit :P
Being a pilot in the F-35 demo team, the major is actually the greater 'propaganda machine' than I am. :lol:

Face the harsh reality, buddy. You lost.
Airshows reveal nothing?
Spoken by a typical know-nothing. :enjoy:

Precisely because you are a know-nothing, you misconstrued my post about airshows. While an aircraft in an airshow cannot reveals everything it can do, that 'cannot' came from the environmental constraints imposed by the airshow. Those who actually live your forum handle understand that once those constraints are removed, an aircraft will be able to reveal its full capabilities, of course, the subject being a military aircraft, only the few can see those full capabilities.

Being a pilot in the F-35 demo team, the major is actually the greater 'propaganda machine' than I am. :lol:

Face the harsh reality, buddy. You lost.

Moi? Lost? Let's see. An ex American airforce fighter pilot is reduced to word play and boisterousness. You can't provide scientific, rational arguments. All you have is airshow clips and the criterion is: if you agree with me you are a genius otherwise you are a 'know-nothing'. A term you needed to coin because of your (lack of) command over the English language.

Here is a list of misrepresentations you have made on the forum over time: there are no kill switches proven wrong by myself, the Chinese are completely ignorant in semi-conductor fab proven wrong by your own government accepting defeat in 5G, Iraqi pilots were competent proven wrong by F-15 fighter pilots writing how the Iraqis were clueless completely, the Su-57 is a cancelled project whereas the Russians flew it against F-22 in Syria. The list of your intellectual dishonesty is large indeed.

Now be a gentleman and agree to buy the first round, and remember I only take orange juice and only when I am not fasting.
If you consider Iraqis as competent than what level do you think PLAAF and Russians are? @gambit
I consider the Iraqi Air Force of Desert Storm as competent enough to the point we did not take them lightly. People misunderstood what we did to them. People think that just because they were defeated, the pilots and even their air commanders were inept and ill trained. We did not see the Iraqi Air Force that way.

We defeated the Iraqi Air Force based upon the institutional flaws of the Iraqi Air Force. A major flaw was that the Iraqi Air Force followed rigid Soviet/Chinese combat operations of ground control intercept (GCI) doctrine. Essentially, without ground radars and controllers, pilots have no back up in terms of what to do next, simple as that. The jets have radars, but the doctrine for the use of radar is confined to immediate combat, not much for creative search, track, and allocation of targets among the fighters. All those things must be done by ground controllers.

Another institutional flaw was the rigid command and control structure that go from field to HQ. Everything must be approved by HQ. Saddam Hussein and his staff must be in the loop all the time. So when we destroyed Iraq's border radars, Iraq's command and control was effectively blinded and that led to widespread confusion among the field units on what to do next.

If we had pauses between strikes, the Iraqi Air Force would have regroup and probably put up a better fight than what experienced. That was why timing among our air units were so crucial. We did not allow the Iraqi Air Force any respite. The final result was when individual air bases took it upon themselves to fight, their fighters were unsupported in every way, and they lost. The Iraqi Air Force was essentially fighting like WW II units.

The Russian Air Force is no longer a credible force. The few Russian forum members will howl but that is the INSTITUTIONAL truth.

The PLAAF is a rising air force and the USAF take that seriously. There are still strong influence of GCI doctrine in the PLAAF, but it seems the PLAAF is learning, albeit slowly, the weaknesses of GCI. Back in Desert Storm, the Iraqi Air Force and the PLAAF would be comparable with the Iraqi have a slight edge due to combat experience in the Iraq-Iran War. But today, the PLAAF is clearly over the Iraqis and is one step above the RuAF and will be more.

The issue is not about individual pilots or even at the wing level. It was, is, and will always be about combat doctrines and currently, flexibility rules the sky.

Moi? Lost?
Yes, you have. Am not going to waste this thread addressing issues that you claimed to prove me 'wrong' as you feebly tried to save face in this thread. You are done. All criticisms from Pierre Sprey and the APA are done. The F-22 is the Ace of Spades. The F-35 is Ace of Clubs. The F-15 is Ace of Diamonds. The F-16 is Ace of Hearts. Our allies holds all the face cards. You got zilch. I could say 'Deal with it' but it would be hilarious. :lol:
I consider the Iraqi Air Force of Desert Storm as competent enough to the point we did not take them lightly. People misunderstood what we did to them. People think that just because they were defeated, the pilots and even their air commanders were inept and ill trained. We did not see the Iraqi Air Force that way.

We defeated the Iraqi Air Force based upon the institutional flaws of the Iraqi Air Force. A major flaw was that the Iraqi Air Force followed rigid Soviet/Chinese combat operations of ground control intercept (GCI) doctrine. Essentially, without ground radars and controllers, pilots have no back up in terms of what to do next, simple as that. The jets have radars, but the doctrine for the use of radar is confined to immediate combat, not much for creative search, track, and allocation of targets among the fighters. All those things must be done by ground controllers.

Another institutional flaw was the rigid command and control structure that go from field to HQ. Everything must be approved by HQ. Saddam Hussein and his staff must be in the loop all the time. So when we destroyed Iraq's border radars, Iraq's command and control was effectively blinded and that led to widespread confusion among the field units on what to do next.

If we had pauses between strikes, the Iraqi Air Force would have regroup and probably put up a better fight than what experienced. That was why timing among our air units were so crucial. We did not allow the Iraqi Air Force any respite. The final result was when individual air bases took it upon themselves to fight, their fighters were unsupported in every way, and they lost. The Iraqi Air Force was essentially fighting like WW II units.

The Russian Air Force is no longer a credible force. The few Russian forum members will howl but that is the INSTITUTIONAL truth.

The PLAAF is a rising air force and the USAF take that seriously. There are still strong influence of GCI doctrine in the PLAAF, but it seems the PLAAF is learning, albeit slowly, the weaknesses of GCI. Back in Desert Storm, the Iraqi Air Force and the PLAAF would be comparable with the Iraqi have a slight edge due to combat experience in the Iraq-Iran War. But today, the PLAAF is clearly over the Iraqis and is one step above the RuAF and will be more.

The issue is not about individual pilots or even at the wing level. It was, is, and will always be about combat doctrines and currently, flexibility rules the sky.

Yes, you have. Am not going to waste this thread addressing issues that you claimed to prove me 'wrong' as you feebly tried to save face in this thread. You are done. All criticisms from Pierre Sprey and the APA are done. The F-22 is the Ace of Spades. The F-35 is Ace of Clubs. The F-15 is Ace of Diamonds. The F-16 is Ace of Hearts. Our allies holds all the face cards. You got zilch. I could say 'Deal with it' but it would be hilarious. :lol:

Hogwash. It would have been incompetence of the highest order if USAF took the enemy lightly. But the fact if the matter is that enemy was incompetent. One of them even got tricked into running his own jet into the ground


Some of them bailed out without a shot being fired. Some of them were trying to escape to Iran. Hold on a second. Which other airforce you like to call competent? USAF! Oops...

Yep, you won. Like you won in Afghanistan. Silly child.
Of course what I said was 'hogwash'. Coming from you, it CANNOT be anything else. Anything I said MUST be 'hogwash'.

Buddy, no one on this forum is going to cite you as a reference on things aviation in general, let alone military aviation, no matter how much blood sugar you spent railing at the F-35. The silly child is YOU, sonny.
Of course what I said was 'hogwash'. Coming from you, it CANNOT be anything else. Anything I said MUST be 'hogwash'.

Buddy, no one on this forum is going to cite you as a reference on things aviation in general, let alone military aviation, no matter how much blood sugar you spent railing at the F-35. The silly child is YOU, sonny.

I am not looking for a citation count.
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