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F-22p News & Discussions

what missiles does the ship use for air defence or point defence.it has to protect itself against cruise missiles like exocet and harpoon.

PDMS = HQ7 a.k.a. FM-90 (a chinese modified version of the french Crotale)
PDMS = HQ7 a.k.a. FM-90 (a chinese modified version of the french Crotale)

are they active radar guided and longe range.chinese sams are not not proven in battle yet so is pakistan going in for western missiles like evolved sea sparrow,ram or even aster( expensive but effective against supersonic cruise missiles and has the most recent tech),if cost is a matter vl-mica or irist(heard pak was interested in air to air ).or is it going to stick to chinese missiles.
what missiles does the ship use for air defence or point defence.it has to protect itself against cruise missiles like exocet and harpoon.

Yes it can prtotect itself against cruise missiles , harpoons etc.
Not only that, Air/surface search is provided by a 2D radars mounted on top of the main mask. The radar operates at E/F-band, with a maximum range of 150km to aircraft and 50km to sea-skimming missile, submarines etc. There is also a Knife Rest radar working at A-band to provide long-range air surveillance and early warning.

The frigate is equipped with a single Rice Lamp, I/J-band or Rice Bowl, I-band to destroy 12km to aircraft/air missel and 6km to anti-ship missile for the four dual-37mm AAA guns, J-band for the HQ-7 SAM (short range air defence missel), and a Type 343GA or Type 344 (I/J-band) for the YJ-83 SSM and the dual-100mm main gun.

The frigate has a JM-83H electro-optial tracker in case of electronic jamming of the gun radar.

For navigation, the frigate has two RM-1290 (Racal Decca 1290) navigation radars located on the foremast yardarms.

These above are known but I also heard in paper few months ago that F-22p will be configured with more advanced radars that can search and track arial missels , jets and under water missels and submarines with longer range radars (probabily 200+ Km).

Lets see more when we will recieve them
Pakistan will also get Z-9C helicopters with them which are chinees copy of Eurocopter.

Yes it can prtotect itself against cruise missiles , harpoons etc.
Not only that, Air/surface search is provided by a 2D radars mounted on top of the main mask. The radar operates at E/F-band, with a maximum range of 150km to aircraft and 50km to sea-skimming missile, submarines etc. There is also a Knife Rest radar working at A-band to provide long-range air surveillance and early warning.

The frigate is equipped with a single Rice Lamp, I/J-band or Rice Bowl, I-band to destroy 12km to aircraft/air missel and 6km to anti-ship missile for the four dual-37mm AAA guns, J-band for the HQ-7 SAM (short range air defence missel), and a Type 343GA or Type 344 (I/J-band) for the YJ-83 SSM and the dual-100mm main gun.

The frigate has a JM-83H electro-optial tracker in case of electronic jamming of the gun radar.

For navigation, the frigate has two RM-1290 (Racal Decca 1290) navigation radars located on the foremast yardarms.

These above are known but I also heard in paper few months ago that F-22p will be configured with more advanced radars that can search and track arial missels , jets and under water missels and submarines with longer range radars (probabily 200+ Km).

Lets see more when we will recieve them

wow way to go.any long range sams in the class of sm-6,barak-ng,aster-30.i mean the current missiles are short ranged.
are they active radar guided and longe range.chinese sams are not not proven in battle yet so is pakistan going in for western missiles like evolved sea sparrow,ram or even aster( expensive but effective against supersonic cruise missiles and has the most recent tech),if cost is a matter vl-mica or irist(heard pak was interested in air to air ).or is it going to stick to chinese missiles.

No, they are not active radar homing (AFAIK)
No, they are not long range.
Like I said, F22P has FM-90, which is a Chinese development of the French Crotale missile (see here)
Why don't you google F22P first ?
Pakistan will also get Z-9C helicopters with them which are chinees copy of Eurocopter.


what are your comments on this helicopter, i seriously doubt its capabilities! i dont think that the Z9C can carry any torpedo or anti ship missiles! the attack version do have pylons to carry these missiles but we will be getting ASW ones and they will serve us by detecting the enemy not by destroying it!
kindly correct me if i am wrong!

what are your comments on this helicopter, i seriously doubt its capabilities! i dont think that the Z9C can carry any torpedo or anti ship missiles! the attack version do have pylons to carry these missiles but we will be getting ASW ones and they will serve us by detecting the enemy not by destroying it!
kindly correct me if i am wrong!


You are wrong and herewith corrected.

Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter
The Z-9C was designed for both ASW role, equipped with dipping sonar, sonar buoys, magnetic anomaly detector (MAD), and two external weapon pylons to carry 1~2 ET52 (A244/S copy) anti-submarine torpedoes. A second mission for the Z-9C is target detection and data relay. The helicopter could use its KLC-1 surface search radar to locate enemy surface vessels at ‘over-the-horizon’ distance, and transmit the target information to the YJ-83 anti-ship missile during its midcourse flight using the datalink antenna installed on the helicopter’s cockpit roof. Some Z-9Cs are configured for SAR missions with a hoist, FLIR unit, and searchlight.
A recent Internet-source photo revealed that the HAMC is currently developing an improved variant of the Z-9C designated Z-9D. The helicopter can carry two TL-10 anti-ship missiles developed by Hongdu Aviation Industry Group

The Z-9C is generally identical to the Z-9B / SA 365 N2 Dauphin-II.

The Z-9C is fitted with a pair of external pylon to carry 1~2 Chinese indigenous ET52 anti-submarine torpedoes. The ET52 was a Chinese copy of the Italian Whitehead A244/S, using active/passive acoustic homing to a maximum range of 9.5km.

The latest Z-9D can carry two Hongdu TL-10 lightweight anti-ship missiles under its weapon pylons. The missile uses active-radar homing and has a maximum range of 15km. The warhead is 30kg and flying speed is Mach 0.85.

From: Zhi-9C/D Naval Helicopter - SinoDefence.com
See also: Wapedia - Wiki: Harbin Z-9
See also: Chinese Military Aviation

It is not unlikely that in time the C version can/will be upgraded to the D version.

You have access to the internet. Please, do a little research.
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Pakistan: Navy to Receive F-22P Frigate In August

The Pakistani navy will receive four F-22P frigates, with the first arriving from China in August, and the second arriving in December, the Associated Press of Pakistan reported June 4, citing a statement by the Pakistani navy.

Construction on the first two frigates is already complete, and they are undergoing sea trials and demonstrating weapons systems. Each ship will carry a Z-9EC helicopter, and two of the helicopters have already been delivered to Pakistan.

(Associated Press, 04.06.2009)
Two already delivered? How did AFM miss that? :) Well, june till december are very important months for Pakistan. The refuelers will be delivered, first jf17 squadron will be operational in Peshawar. First 10+ jf17's will be constructed by PAC. Erieye will arrive in october. There is a chance of Chinese awacs cause these are in construction now. The first Orions with Hawkeye 2000 will arrive. We might see another unexpected deal... :) That will result in retirement of almost all Mirage 3/5.

Next year june first Block52...
I think sir Jabar1 mentioned it that we can kiss bye the block-52 as we are not getting it.

My friend.
Jabar1 may be right, only time will tell whether Bl52s come or not. But remember PAF is not sleeping and there is always an alternate plan. We will not be caught by surprise this time round and hence Munir,s post.
The American's are doing their best ot delay everything or get the grip on Pakistan tightened. It does not work. That explains that they do not deliver even decades olds cobra's to stop Taleban. The fact is that CIA, Mossad and ma bharat's RAW are beind the Taleban funding. We have seen weapons form India and US, just like sophisticated communications... The signs are clear. Their problem is that China is leading. Iran is no longer the bad guy and signed deal with Pakistan (oil/gasline). India screwed pretty much everything to be a superpower. Sri Lankan defeating Tamil terrorists is the latest. Pakistan gains control of tribal area's. Karzai is loving Pakistan. Here some insights...

RAW & MOSSAD fail to derail Pakistan-Iran pipeline. Deal defies US.
Posted on June 6, 2009 by Moin Ansari
The signing of the Iran-Pakistan pipeline and the release of Mumbai suspect Saeed on the eve of Richard Holbrooke’s visit to Islamabad can be described in one word–Defiance. The signatures thumb their nose at the US sanctions on Iran and the release of the most hated person in Delhi asks India to read between the lines (read the finger between the index finger & second finger). It must have taken the PPPP all the guts it could muster, but the bottom line is that Mr. Gilani has prevailed and the pipeline deal between Tehran and Iran has been signed.

This is not just a steel pipe running over barren land. This is a rope which ties Iran and Pakistan together in an embrace from which there is no retreat. This is the beginning of putting life into the dormant ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization. This is the resurrection of the RCD (Regional Cooperation for Development).

Iran and and Pakistan have been talking about the pipeline for more than a decade. However it took a personal effort from the Pakistani president and the Iranian leadership to finally push the deal through. From the very beginning, the US has opposed the Iran Pakistan pipeline for two reasons. It wanted the TAPI pipeline, and it it wanted Iran outside the pipeline grid. The politics of IPC, IPI, TAPI, TAPIC

In the end Iran and Pakistan won.

Iran Pakistan gas pipelineFor a few hours it was touch and go. For the first time in the history of Tehran-Islamabad relations, the Pakistani ambassador had to face a mild demarche from Tehran. What is curious is the fact that even the demarche did not blame the Pakistani government, it blamed foreign powers staging the attack from Pakistani territory. PM Gilani and President Zardari went into overdrive, arrested every one of the named Jundallah agents and shipped them to Iran. The Pakistanis also sent the elite Pakistani commandos to chase down the Mossad and RAW agents who are supporting Jundullah. Apparently the concrete actions and the general visibility of CIA and the MI6 in Iran told the Iranians who the culprits behind Jundulllah are. The CIA has been spending $450 million to destabilize Iran, fomenting trouble in Iranian Krudistan, the Iranian Azeris, and Khuzistan (aka Arabistan). The apparent cooperation of the BLA, and Jundallah told Tehran reams about the “conspiracy” that is being hatched. The BLA did’t do any favors by acknowledging the fact that they and Jundullah have an office in Tel Aviv. Hizbullah vs. Jundullah–Iranian Israeli proxy wars

The Iranians are shrewed negotiators. After 2001 the fully cooperated with the USA in finding and handing over key Al-Qaida and Taliban insurgents to America. They provided precise information to the USA on the whereabouts of the Taliban. This time around they thought it more prudent to work with the Pakistanis. Israel’s new neighbor-”Iran”- Impact of a Hizbullah run Labanon

A last ditch effort by a revamped Jundullah was nipped in the bud and ignored. Junduallah had tried to stage an attack on an Iranian mosque and had tried to blame it on Pakistan. However the tactic failed and better sense prevailed in Tehran.

The Iranians figure that the the terror in Sistan-Baluchistan is being caused by the same powers that published the Ralph Peters map. Mr. Peters now regularly appears on the Fox Network and even suggested that all Gitmo prisoners should be shot dead. As if one needed proof of his insanity, he further pointed out the fact that the US is not taking any more prisoners, instead it is shooting them all. All this is not lost to the Iranians.

ANKARA: The gas pipeline project between neighboring Pakistan and Iran has been formally signed here late on Friday, Geo news reported. The agreement was signed between Iranian National Oil Company (INOC) and Pakistani Interstate Gas Company (PIGC)..

The Managing Director (MD) of PIGC Hassan Nawab told Geo news the agreement is governed through third country law so it was bound to be signed in a third country and has been signed here in Turkey.
He said the work on the project has commenced from today (Friday) and will be completed by 2013 whereby Pakistan will receive 750 cubic million gas on daily basis which will be enough for generation of 4000 megawatt electricity.

“The gas pipeline will begin from Gawadar near Iranian border having 800 kilometer length”, he maintained adding, “The determination of gas price will be linked with contemporary oil prices at international market but will be less than 25 per cent as compared to crude oil prices”. The estimated cost of the project will be US $1.2 billion, he added. The News

Turkey has gone through its own convulsions with Israel, after Israel tried to topple the Islamic government in Ankara. The Israeli Turkish relations are at the lowest ebb. The theatrics at the G8 summit were only the tip of the iceberg.. Turkey as a great friend of Pakistan has played a key role on two counts. It has brought the temperature down between Kabul and Islamabad and it has convinced the Iranians to deal with Pakistan. While the USA had threatened sanctions against any international firm bidding on the project the the Iranians had planned to build the pipeline themselves. In fact they have already started work on it. Pakistan has a few major oil companies working on pipeline construction. Attock refinery and Pakistan Oilfields have had more than several decades of experience in building and maintaining pipelines. The Oil and Gas Development Corporation (OGDC) also has huge infrastructure to build the pipeline. Pipelines through Turkey

Iran Pakistan Pipeline. As reported earlier by Rupee News, one of the most fascinating part of the “the Pipeline game” is the entrance of Russia into the picture. Russia attacked Georgia to control oil pipeline. It has been revealed without much fanfare that Russia’s Gozprom is one of the bidders on the pipeline. Gozprom’s entrance into a major Pakistani project is a huge development in the history of South Asia. For Russia to finance the billion Dollar project is no small matter. If China and Russia cooperate on the venture, Iran can be hooked up to the Russian grid. This maintains the status quo. Russia thus continues its monopoly on energy. it can hold a knife at Europe’s jugular and thus prevent NATO encroachment into the Russian sphere of influence. Already Russia and China are wary of US intentions in Central Asia. Russia spent a billion dollars to steal away a US base in one of the former Soviet republics. Though the US have been given a facility by Islamov, but the fact that the US was asked to vacate a base is of major importance in international affairs. In a very significant development, Iran has promised to supply free electricity to the port of Gwader. This essentially signals the cementing of Pakistani-Iranian relations as never before. Iran also posted its elite Revolutionary Guards on the Baluch border to assist Pakistan against foreign and domestic enemies. Pakistan has appreciated this effort from brotherly Iran–beyond words.

There is another dimension to the puzzle. It is the Indian influence. Like Lord Curzon the current rulers in Delhi think that Delhi has a role in Central Asia. Pakistan is a major impediment to Delhi’s reach to Bokhara and Samarkand. India’s new view of Iran? All roads lead to Islamabad!

A few years ago the Iranian president had made a trip to Bharat (aka India) amid much fanfare. At the time, India had convinced Iran on building an alternative route to Kabul through Chahbahar. India had hoped on setting up some competition to Gwadar in reaching Central Asia. Hundreds of Indians worked in Iran trying to hook up the Iranian road system to the Afghan ring road. Never in the history of mankind has a road of a few dozen kilometers been given as much publicity as the one build by India in Afghanistan. Even before the opening of the road, all bridges had been blown up and the road is in the hands of the Taliban and remains unusable.

The Indo-Iranian relationship has fallen into the ditch of mistrust and betrayal after India stabbed Iran at the IAEA and launched an Iran specific satellite for Israel. The Israeli influence in Delhi has led to a rapid decline in relations between Delhi and Tehran.

After India withdrew from the “Peace pipeline” it became totally clear to the mullahs of Tehran that India could not be trusted. With Jundallah operatives openly being trained in Afghanistan under the auspices of RAW and Mossad, Tehran had made its decision. It would build the pipeline with Pakistan. There is no chance of the pipeline being extended to India. The circumference of the pipeline has been reduced from 56 inches to 42 inches. Even if India wanted to import Iranian gas in the future, there is not enough capacity in the pipeline. For India to import gas from Iran, a new pipeline will have to be laid in parallel to the existing one–something that is unlikely to happen once the original pipeline has been built.

The US is working hard on attempting to seduce Tehran. Iran is making its own moves, trying to show the West that it can put forward a more moderate leader like Mosavi, which doesn’t deny the holocaust and who is not so brusque.

China rail integrates Afghanistan, Tajikistan, & Pakistan. June will tell a story. For the first time Sri Lanka is being invited to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an observer. In international relations this means that both Delhi and Khatmandu are competing for the same seat on the SCO. There are rumors that Iran may be given membership to the SCO. This may or may not happen. China doesn’t want a confrontation with the US. Russia on the other hand is not inclined to be so docile. Only time will tell if and when the SCO will be formally expanded. However for all practical purposes, Iran and Pakistan are in the inner circle. With Lanka joining the SCO as a Pakistani and Chinese ally, Delhi is the odd man out. IPC pipeline heralds the eviction fo India from Afghanistan and Chahbahar.

With President Barack Obama officially announcing retreat from Afghanistan, and with Swat more or less clear of the RAW infestation, the Delhi sponsored terrorists can continue to bomb civilians but India knows that the gig is up and RAW has lost its game to control Amu Darya. Thanks to Iran and Turkey, Afghan Pakistani relations have never been better. Mr. Karzai now sees the writing on the wall. With the appointment of Mr. Zalmay Khalilzad in his fiefdom, he is now willing to play ball with Pakistan.

We might see another unexpected deal... That will result in retirement of almost all Mirage 3/5

Most intriguing -- But why not allow the Navy to form an Air attack wing with the Mirage 3/5?

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