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F-22 export project


Aug 25, 2009
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* General Schwartz says diverts talent from other projects

* Will talk to lawmakers to gauge their intent

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland, Sept 15 (Reuters) - A top U.S. Air Force official expressed doubts on Tuesday about diverting service personnel toward developing an export version of Lockheed Martin Corp's (LMT.N) F-22 fighter.

An export version could keep the production line going even as the Obama administration seeks to end purchases of the advanced combat jet during fiscal 2010, that begins Oct. 1.

But Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz said personnel were needed to focus on what he described as higher-priority programs, including a new aerial refueling tanker and a new long-range strike capability.

He termed the proposed F-22 for export as more of a commercial issue than a government issue.

"I personally don't see it as being the best use of our acquisition talent," Schwartz told reporters after a speech to the annual meeting of the Air Force Association.

Schwartz, the service's top uniformed officer, said he would talk to members of Congress and their staff to make sure the Air Force understood their intent.

Japan, Israel and Australia have shown interest in buying the supersonic, radar-evading F-22 Raptor, manufactured by Lockheed as its top dogfighter.

Foreign F-22 sales have been banned by a 1998 law aimed at protecting the "stealth" technology and other high-tech features said to make the fighter too good for money to buy.

In its version of a defense spending bill for fiscal 2010, the Senate Appropriations Committee included a provision that, if enacted, would clear the way for an export version "that protects classified and sensitive information, technologies and U.S. warfighting capabilities."

President Barack Obama's 2010 budget request, now moving through Congress, asked to end F-22 production.

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted last week for a $636.3 billion defense spending bill that would cap the U.S. F-22 fleet at 187, down from a Cold War-era plan to buy as many as 750.

For years, Japan has sought to buy two squadrons of the F-22, possibly 40 planes, a request that has become more compelling due to tensions with neighboring North Korea. (Reporting by Andrea Shalal-Esa and Jim Wolf; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)

-My comments... the F-35 Lightning 5th generation fighter is fine for export for countries...F-22 Raptor is really why the U.S advancement in defense technology is eons away from it's counter-parts..Countries like China,Russia, and India who are trying to develop their own 5th generation fighter probably won't have a line in production for another decade or so...F-22 Raptor stays in the :usflag:
NO..... please don't sell this beast to other countries. It will trigger an arms race and more money will be spent on defense by the competing countries resulting in more problems for the lower middle and lower class.
NO..... please don't sell this beast to other countries. It will trigger an arms race and more money will be spent on defense by the competing countries resulting in more problems for the lower middle and lower class.

They probably wont be able to...............

Do you know how much one single fighter costs?!!!...............

more than that, do you know how much money it costs to upkeep them!!!..........

Only someone Super Rich (U; S) or out of their minds (Sheiks) would do such a thing!!!!
or out of their minds (Sheiks) would do such a thing!!!!

Why not? Afterall they can flex their muscles against Iran.

However they will hide these aircrafts (mostly in Sands Saddam's Iraq style) when Israeli's target them.

if we talk about protection then price dosent matter

Protection has a price tag associated with it. You cannot just have F22 and ignore all other aspects. And having a squadron of F22 would mean whole of defense budget for few couple of countries.

I dont think that there would be anyone who could actually afford that much
A single F-22 aircraft is 150 million dollars an export version because we're going to make money would be Umm anywhere from 250-300 million dollars and it costs roughly around a billion+ dollars for maintenance PER aircraft..
A single F-22 aircraft is 150 million dollars an export version because we're going to make money would be Umm anywhere from 250-300 million dollars and it costs roughly around a billion+ dollars for maintenance PER aircraft..

Wow! look at those pariceszzzzzz :woot:
A single F-22 aircraft is 150 million dollars an export version because we're going to make money would be Umm anywhere from 250-300 million dollars and it costs roughly around a billion+ dollars for maintenance PER aircraft..

Anything free with it???????????????

Like free insurance policy for Indians. :undecided: Everyone knows our capability of pushing the wrong button and crashing down.

or free pilots because anyone who pays such a price will not be able to pay for pilots after that

But dont worry you know Indians and Chinese we will come up with something cheap to sell to the world. :partay:
They probably wont be able to...............

Do you know how much one single fighter costs?!!!...............

more than that, do you know how much money it costs to upkeep them!!!..........

Only someone Super Rich (U; S) or out of their minds (Sheiks) would do such a thing!!!!

What about Japan?

Look at the chain effect:
Japan buys F22... China feels insecure, they develop JXX at faster pace, to coup China, India gets Stealth quickly, To coup India, ahh Pakistan spends millions (In the end every problem comes to the poors)
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