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F-16 Production to end soon?


Sep 19, 2008
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Aug. 05--Lockheed Martin will someday build the last F-16 fighter jet at its Fort Worth plant, but that day is still years away.

Lockheed could be close to landing another foreign order for F-16s after the Defense Department notified Congress on Tuesday that the government of Oman requested permission to negotiate to buy 18 planes, weapons and other equipment worth about $3.5 billion.

It would be Oman's second F-16 purchase after taking delivery of the first of 12 in August 2005.

Just a year ago Lockheed's F-16 order backlog was down to about 80 planes, and production was slated to end in 2012. But late last year, Egypt and Morocco each ordered 24 planes, extending the production line another year.

"I think we're into 2013, and 18 F-16s for Oman would extend the line until summer of 2014," Lockheed spokesman Joe Stout said. The F-16 order backlog was 81 planes at the end of June.

The Oman deal still faces several hurdles. Congress has 30 days to veto the proposed sale. If that does not occur, the U.S. government would extend a formal offer to sell planes to Oman. Once that offer is accepted, Oman and Lockheed would negotiate terms of a sale.

The Block 50/52 model aircraft Lockheed is now building and delivering to most foreign customers is essentially on a par with the latest aircraft operated by the U.S. Air Force.

In addition to the 18 planes, at cost of $60 million each, Oman would purchase weapons systems, radars, navigation and other electronics systems. It would also get upgraded components for its 12 existing F-16s.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which handles controlled weapons sales, said in its message to Congress that the proposed sale would not upset the military balance of power in the Middle East and would enable Oman to cooperate with U.S. and allied forces.

Lockheed delivered 31 F-16s last year. It is building about two a month, with 11 delivered in the first six months of 2010.

Teal Group aerospace analyst Richard Aboulafia said it's conceivable that F-16 production could extend beyond 2015 or well beyond if a couple of large deals are consummated.

"If you adjust [the price] for inflation, the F-16 is an incredibly good deal," he said.

Lockheed is pressing India to select the F-16 for an order of 126 multirole fighters the nation has been considering buying in a drawn-out procurement process. Taiwan would like to buy 66 new model F-16s, but both the Bush and Obama administrations have refused for fear of upsetting China.

Sales of the F-35 joint strike fighter were supposed to have sealed the fate of the F-16, but years of delays and soaring cost estimates could keep the F-16 production line going.

"The most interesting thing is Israel. Given the sticker shock they seem to be having about the F-35, they could decide to opt for a high-low mix of some F-35s and more F-16s," Aboulafia said.

He said Israel and other F-16 owners could decide to buy some additional jets over the next several years to replace their oldest planes.

Bob Cox, 817-390-7723

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Copyright (c) 2010, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Texas
Lockheed's F-16 shows resilience as Oman is interested in buying more - Poten & Partners
F16 is one of the legendry aircraft due to its agility and modularity which is yet to be countered by anyone yet!
I don't think we'll get F35s any time soon.

Plus, after the flood, I don't think we'll be investing in anything any time soon.

Oh, and I forgot to add: F16 Zindabad! Pakistan Zindabad!
I think for PAF JF-17 and J-10B is way to go. Cheap to acquire and maintain. Since these are single engine fighters they fit in PAF doctorine well. Gripen is also a good option to look upon.
Croatian Air Force is going to replace mig-21s in 2010 through 2011.
The contenders are F-16 Block 52 and jas gripen c/d

Most likely winner is Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 52 a total order of up to 12 might increase to 16 worth $800 million.
If LM win MMRCA competition (really rare chances) so production line will be open for another 6 years
^ if f-16 wins Mrca deal the production line ends in 2022(2015-2022):)
Pakistan must require minimum of 150 F-16s before the production end.

Pakistan should exercise option for another 18 F-16 Block 52. We should also consider getting 36 more F-16 Block 52. Since they can be integrated very quickly in PAF compared to FC-20s which may take time to integrate.
If LM win MMRCA competition (really rare chances) so production line will be open for another 6 years

PAF will most likely exercise the option for 18 more... from what i have heard plus we are trying to get our emborged f-16 which are now used by USN and i think PAF will keep the channel open for used USAF f-16's when and if offered for sale. As far is India is in the pic they really are not .. hence, i don't think at all that they will buy the viper knowing 1. PAF uses f-16 2. knowing the production line will close in the near future.
PAF will most likely exercise the option for 18 more... from what i have heard plus we are trying to get our emborged f-16 which are now used by USN and i think PAF will keep the channel open for used USAF f-16's when and if offered for sale. As far is India is in the pic they really are not .. hence, i don't think at all that they will buy the viper knowing 1. PAF uses f-16 2. knowing the production line will close in the near future.

Regarding our embarged F-16's didn't we recieved 14 F-16 B, so how many are left with USN or USAF? weren't they around 26 in total back in 1990's? i always get confused on the actual numbers!:P
even if Inida goes for f16.. it will get 18 in fly away conditon , rest will be made in Inida. so this line has to come to end
even if Inida goes for f16.. it will get 18 in fly away conditon , rest will be made in Inida. so this line has to come to end

We hope that IAF goes for F-16IN Block 60 since it will be advantageous for PAF since we know the capabilities of F-16s. But India most likely would not select F-16IN for the same reason. Then Pakistan may order F-16 Block 60 to face Indian MRCA winner.
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