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F-16: Could It Achieve Supercruise with the F-135?


Aug 1, 2014
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United States
United States
Hypothetically speaking if you took out the F-110-129/35 and modified the F-16 for the F-135 could the F-16 Supercruise???

I'm thinking it most defiantly would in a clean configuration and even in an air-interdiction role like 4 AIM-120, 2 Aim-9, and no external fuel tanks but with CFTs or just one on the center line.


is it meant to supercruise , or is it merely a short range interceptor / air superiority fighter like the F/A-18 ?
Supercruise is sustained supersonic speeds without afterburners.

But it is possible with certain F-16 variants (engines) and altitudes, along with maintenance record.

F-16 was only meant to be supersonic that too at short intervals. It would require some redesigns/ reinforcements to the air-frame for supercruise.
I think if they managed to make a power to weight ratio as the F-16N it can supercruise
is it meant to supercruise , or is it merely a short range interceptor / air superiority fighter like the F/A-18 ?

I dunno. Im just curious if it would be possible in that config if it could super cruise with a full load out.

F-110-128 military thrust is 76.3KN
F-135 military thrust is 125KN

that is a huge increase. F-135 without reheat is just as powerful as F-110 with reheat,
i think they introduced supercruise with the f-22 because it was turn of the century , a feat to show off with , the f-22 also had thrust vectoring which was a huge deal back in 2000's , now it's all about the f-35
Actually F-16Ns of the US Navy were capable of supercruise. They had a stripped down configuration and with enhanced thrust. F-16XL which never entered production was designed with supercruise capability as well.


"One thing that we had to be careful about was the fact that the jet would do supersonic cruise (supercruise) in the configuration that we flew it. Generally slick, at altitude it could go supersonic with no afterburner with the help of its powerful General Electric engine. This was something we had to keep in mind transiting around the country. Unlike the F-14, there was not a noticeable reduction in acceleration as you approached Mach 1. Bottom line, it was sleek and it was fast. I’ve personally seen it achieving Mach two."

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