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Exports decline despite subsidies, devaluation

- Devaluation makes our exports cheaper for foreign consumers so that's why it increases exports in the long
Not again, how in the world it makes our export cheap --- devaluation raises price of oil/gas we import, taking loans on Riba has its own cost, electricity rates going up ---

Now explain the rocket science how this export is cheap with rising cost of production? (you talking like that idiot Asad Umar)

Don't blame mullahs, they haven't destroyed our economy, it's your non mullahs who have decimated this country.
Not again, how in the world it makes our export cheap --- devaluation raises price of oil/gas we import, taking loans on Riba has its own cost, electricity rates going up ---

Now explain the rocket science how this export is cheap with rising cost of production? (you talking like that idiot Asad Umar)

Not all the inputs are imported. We do value addition locally i.e. the work done by our labourers. We also produce some inputs locally like the cotton that goes into our textiles. Finally not all energy is based on imported fuel. We have gas, hydropower and other renewables based electricity generation here too.

Don't blame mullahs, they haven't destroyed our economy, it's your non mullahs who have decimated this country.

The rising tide of extremism is one of the reasons for the state of the country. We have bomb blasts every month because of them. They also discourage people from taking contraceptives and even warn against polio vaccines. How can you say they are not the cause of a lot of our problems?
It can't, at the end due to devaluation the poverty in the country will go high, which force the exporter to pay more so his cost will increase and at the end he might loss more as compare to gains. Rest of the country will become further poor.

We had enough foreign reserves (15 billion dollars to be exact when PTI government was formed).

Money will never be enough unless you reduce your spending, reduce your imports, devaluation will scare off foreign investment which will.make sure you fall further. Business happens due to trust which all loss.

I sent some money to Pakistan in 2018, now when I calculated I lost thousands due to devaluation. So you think I will send again?

Same time there is no overpriced or underpriced currencies, you just need to keep enough foreign reserves to keep it up.

Also you need to remember, PPP when left the government rupee was 103 with only 8 billion reserves. How 15 billions are not enough for it now?

This headless chicken was due to they didn't even know how to run economy.

Devaluation is good for nothing if our export potential is weak and substandard, if the devaluation was done to curb imports then that is a stupid policy, the best way to curb imports is to go Trump's way, that is put targeted tariffs on the targeted import items. A general drastic devaluation in short span of time puts unbearable burden on everyone particularly for lower middle class and poor people.
I think get your facts straight, it's the ruling elite which has destroyed this country, nothing to do with my generation or youth. ---

You're the one who started it by talking about the youth being to blame for the country's problems. No one under the age of 50 is in charge of anything in Pakistan. It is you old people that are to blame.
its good that import is not growing anymore... Pakistan should be careful of what it imports before sorting out the export.

There are days on PDF that certain responses should go in the hall of fame of responses. smh
You're the one who started it by talking about the youth being to blame for the country's problems. No one under the age of 50 is in charge of anything in Pakistan. It is you old people that are to blame.

Pakistan's problems have been caused by kalay angraiz who are leftovers of Brits who left them behind to rule this country through their bureaucracy. Molvis have nothing to do with the economic problems of pakistan, they are all caused by harami kalay angraiz types irrespective of their age. Corruption and incompetence have no age correlation, corrupts and incompetents are found in all age groups.
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Not all the inputs are imported. We do value addition locally i.e. the work done by our labourers. We also produce some inputs locally like the cotton that goes into our textiles. Finally not all energy is based on imported fuel. We have gas, hydropower and other renewables based electricity generation here too.

The rising tide of extremism is one of the reasons for the state of the country. We have bomb blasts every month because of them. They also discourage people from taking contraceptives and even warn against polio vaccines. How can you say they are not the cause of a lot of our problems?
Okay like the cotton that goes into our textile.--- the machinery in that textile is imported, that textile runs on expensive electricity etc., etc., - even the cotton uses expensive imported insecticides/herbicides/fungicides.

Okay name the mullah who was finance minister in the last 30'years, Mullah _________?

Because Mullah says don't use contraceptive that's why our imports are more than exports. --- Mullah is also responsible for not building dams.
I keep hearing in this forum that raw/nds are behind blasts .......

You know this mullah syndrome is becoming funny now ........

Pakistan's problems have been caused by kalay angraiz who are leftovers of Brits who left them over to rule this country through their bureaucracy. Molvis have nothing to do with the economic problems of pakistan, they are all caused by harami kalay angraiz types irrespective of their age.
Yes correct, you got the right words "Kalay Angraiz" ---- Mr @Abdussamad ! your opinion on Kalay Angraiz who are real culprits.
I really dont understand these f'ing govt official in Pakistan, are they human bachy or are they product of man and female monkey because they do talk like circus monkeys. Can someone tell these MOFOs that export only increase if you have something to export. You only have limited quantity of produce/fruits/corps to export and that quantity available for export is decreasing every year because of more consumption by increasing population. So you f'ing economic expert (my a$$) can do whatever the Fcuk you want you eport wont increase unless you start to produce something new to export....can someone remove these f'ing economic experts i cant even look at their stupid faces.
Second mini budget was announced on Jan 2019 in which most of the policies were to take place from July 2019 onwards so data before July 2019 is meaningless w.r.t exports. By the end of 2019, we can only properly analyze where Pakistan is going with their exports. As far as imports is concerned, drop in $4 billions is very good news. This should be the headline more.
Pakistan's problems have been caused by kalay angraiz who are leftovers of Brits who left them over to rule this country through their bureaucracy. Molvis have nothing to do with the economic problems of pakistan, they are all caused by harami kalay angraiz types irrespective of their age.

Mix bag of sorts I see these colonial hold overs and moulvis as the same card why else they can go unguarded from the writ of the state
what ever right steps IK intend to take will fall on wrong path , it's my prediction, if any one likes it or not I don't care @Dubious @Irfan Baloch ,
why you quote me on your one liner?

you are free to think what you just wrote above but be prepared for a challenge or a demand to explain why you came up with such conclusion?

without being snide explain yourself to the person
and stay civil in any such discussion trail. otherwise you will be simply dismissed like many unknown and insignificant posters who couldn't compose a decent explanation to their claims
why you quote me on your one liner?

you are free to think what you just wrote above but be prepared for a challenge or a demand to explain why you came up with such conclusion?

without being snide explain yourself to the person
and stay civil in any such discussion trail. otherwise you will be simply dismissed like many unknown and insignificant posters who couldn't compose a decent explanation to their claims
because you banned me , you attempted to insult me , bcoz you think I'm noni or ppp etc, because you people are biased, because you think sin is only that what others commit, and you are an angel,
coz you banned him once for what he thinks is PTI related :unsure:
that is wrong on two counts
I don't ban people on political or religious disagreements. people must build an argument and be prepared for challenge. like or dislike is not a reason.

second I didn't ban him and I know who did and looking at his content I would say I support the action

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