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Exporting Defense Systems



New Recruit

May 22, 2021
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Selamun aleyküm.
I hope you are fine and doing well.
I feel sorry for the Yemeni Muslims under the bombardment of the USAUDI jet fighters and Syrians under the bombardment of the ISRAELI jet fighters.
And I know sadly no country except Iran supports Syrians and Yemenis. And that support is only limited to sending a few millitary advisors.
It is said that Russia sent some Defense Systems to Syria but they only protect the Russian bases. They don't defend Syria against Israeli airstrikes.
So, my question is; did/will the Islamic Republic send Syria and Yemen and Lebanon for that matter some of their own defence systems?
If they can't, what is the reason? Some sanctions on global arms exports? Or they don't have the way/means to send them? Meaning that Sanaa and Damascus are under blockade? Or is there another reason?
Selamun aleyküm.
I hope you are fine and doing well.
I feel sorry for the Yemeni Muslims under the bombardment of the USAUDI jet fighters and Syrians under the bombardment of the ISRAELI jet fighters.
And I know sadly no country except Iran supports Syrians and Yemenis. And that support is only limited to sending a few millitary advisors.
It is said that Russia sent some Defense Systems to Syria but they only protect the Russian bases. They don't defend Syria against Israeli airstrikes.
So, my question is; did/will the Islamic Republic send Syria and Yemen and Lebanon for that matter some of their own defence systems?
If they can't, what is the reason? Some sanctions on global arms exports? Or they don't have the way/means to send them? Meaning that Sanaa and Damascus are under blockade? Or is there another reason?
To my Turkish friend...Iran's policy with regards to members of resistance is simple and can be described in this famous proverb:

"You do not give fish to a hungry man...you teach him how to fish"

Having said that..sometimes you need to sustain them until they have learned the science of fishing..
Selamun aleyküm.
I hope you are fine and doing well.
I feel sorry for the Yemeni Muslims under the bombardment of the USAUDI jet fighters and Syrians under the bombardment of the ISRAELI jet fighters.
And I know sadly no country except Iran supports Syrians and Yemenis. And that support is only limited to sending a few millitary advisors.
It is said that Russia sent some Defense Systems to Syria but they only protect the Russian bases. They don't defend Syria against Israeli airstrikes.
So, my question is; did/will the Islamic Republic send Syria and Yemen and Lebanon for that matter some of their own defence systems?
If they can't, what is the reason? Some sanctions on global arms exports? Or they don't have the way/means to send them? Meaning that Sanaa and Damascus are under blockade? Or is there another reason?
They don't have a good PR
As saudis are our friends*
To my Turkish friend...Iran's policy with regards to members of resistance is simple and can be described in this famous proverb:

"You do not give fish to a hungry man...you teach him how to fish"

Having said that..sometimes you need to sustain them until they have learned the science of fishing..

I was always thinking Iran is not sending them such defence systems because the MSM is already crying "Iran backed Houthis" or "Iran backed Essad Regime" and etc. Though they don't say "American backed Zionists bomb Syria" or "American backed Saudi Coalition bomb Yemen." So, I was asking myself why not really support and arm Yemenis or Syrians then? The MSM would bitch about it no matter what.
Anyway. I was not arguing or trying to teach you guys what you should do. You already know what to do.
And now that you explained it, I understand it and it looks like indeed the reasonable and right way.
However, it would take time for them to build such things even if you send a few engineers to teach.
And it is saddening to see the bombardment news everyday.
I hope it changes soon though.
Thanks for the response.
Selamun aleyküm.
I hope you are fine and doing well.
I feel sorry for the Yemeni Muslims under the bombardment of the USAUDI jet fighters and Syrians under the bombardment of the ISRAELI jet fighters.
And I know sadly no country except Iran supports Syrians and Yemenis. And that support is only limited to sending a few millitary advisors.
It is said that Russia sent some Defense Systems to Syria but they only protect the Russian bases. They don't defend Syria against Israeli airstrikes.
So, my question is; did/will the Islamic Republic send Syria and Yemen and Lebanon for that matter some of their own defence systems?
If they can't, what is the reason? Some sanctions on global arms exports? Or they don't have the way/means to send them? Meaning that Sanaa and Damascus are under blockade? Or is there another reason?
When your enemies are the richest countries in the world, then you have to change your warfare, otherwise you will run out of resources and loose.

So sometimes you cover under ground instead of trying to engage with enemy. sometimes the sole purpose is to increase the cost of war for enemy, not yourself!

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