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Explosion sinks INS Sindhurakshak Submarine with 18 onboard.

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Be the better person/human being, isn't that what Islam is about? stop cheering the deaths like they do, wont make us any better.
They lost we don't cheer but we also don't show any remorse and but they need to question Russians and need to get weapons from some other countries
If the Submarine was sunk either by militants or insurgents then you had a right to celebrate.
But this was an accident.

BR members celebrate only militant/rebel attacks in Pakistan and not accidents.

So you want to justify what those b@stards do. What if we start celebrating Indian soldiers death at the hands of militants and insurgents. I know a lot of Indians on this forum would have problem with that. No?
If a Pakistani Submarine was sunk by BLA or TTP I would have celebrated.
But if a PN submarine was lost in an accident just like INS Sindhurakshak I would not have celebrated.
If the people who died were indian civilians then it would be in poor taste for me to celebrate. Even though indians (hindus) on BR use words like "IED Mubarak" everytime soldiers or even civilians are killed in bomb explosions in Pakistan.

But for us to celebrate the deaths of indian sailors is completely justified because they were being trained to fight a war with Pakistan. They were enemies of Pakistan.
So you want to justify what those bstards do. What if we start celebrating Indian soldiers death at the hands of militants and insurgents. I know a lot of Indians on this forum would have problem with that. No?

I wouldn't have any problem with that.
If a Pakistani Submarine was sunk by BLA or TTP I would have celebrated.
But if a PN submarine was lost in an accident just like INS Sindhurakshak I would not have celebrated.

Going by your logic the guys who are celebrating also think that this sub was sunk by some terrorists and you guys are just trying to cover up. Anyways. stop this bs. You might celebrate our deaths but at least on this forum we aren't allowed to do that in reciprocal.
If a Pakistani Submarine was sunk by BLA or TTP I would have celebrated.
But if a PN submarine was lost in an accident just like INS Sindhurakshak I would not have celebrated.
Both equally want me to question your age and mentality :D

They lost we don't cheer but we also don't show any remorse and but they need to question Russians and need to get weapons from some other countries
Makes sense zarvan bhai, would be interesting to see how Russia responds to this/
Going by your logic the guys who are celebrating also think that this sub was sunk by some terrorists and you guys are just trying to cover up. Anyways. stop this bs. You might celebrate our deaths but at least on this forum we aren't allowed to do that in reciprocal.

Well then we even can claim that the 150 Pakistan Soldiers who according to your army were killed in an avalanche were actually killed in an insurgent attack & the avalanche was a cover up.
After all TTP has presence in Gilgit-Baltistan.
Well then we even can claim that the 150 Pakistan Soldiers who according to your army were killed in an avalanche were actually killed in an insurgent attack & the avalanche was a cover up.
After all TTP has presence in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Whatever but don't even try to defend what those r@ts at Bharat Ratsh!t forum do. And never try to do that here. Just a word of advice.
India is going to cancel hint retaliation against Pakistan during LoC cross border firing after the past few days full of drums, they will think twice before attack Pakistan. :)

Indian Official: All 18 on Submarine Feared Dead

All 18 sailors aboard an Indian submarine hit Wednesday by twin explosions and an intense fire are feared dead, a naval official said. The submarine had also been damaged in a deadly explosion in 2010 and had only recently returned to service.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because divers had yet to recover any bodies, said the navy believed there was no way anyone could have survived the intensity of the blasts and fire, which occurred when the diesel-powered submarine was docked at a Mumbai navy base.

Officials had earlier said that there had been no contact with the sailors since the explosions, which lit up the sky above the base. They said navy divers had opened one of its hatches but had not yet been able to enter the submarine because it was dark and full of muddy water.

"We hope for the best but we have to prepare for the worst," Admiral D.K. Joshi, the navy chief, told reporters earlier in Mumbai.

The explosions in the submarine's torpedo compartment sent a huge fireball into the air and sent nearby sailors jumping into the sea in panic. It is shaping up to be another embarrassment for India's military, which has been hit with a corruption scandal as it races to modernize its forces.

Defense Minister A.K. Antony said some sailors were killed but gave no other details.

"It's a loss to all of us. It's a tragedy," Antony told reporters in New Delhi before leaving for Mumbai to assess the situation.

Because the submarine was docked, a unit of navy watchmen was on board when the blasts occurred and not the normal crew, Joshi said.

At least some weaponry exploded in the near-simultaneous blasts, Joshi added.

A video of the explosions filmed by bystanders showed an enormous ball of red and yellow fire rising hundreds of feet into the air.

About a dozen fire engines rushed to the dockyard and extinguished the fire in about two hours, officials said.

Navy spokesman Narendra Vispute said the cause of the explosions was being investigated.

The 16-year-old Russian-made submarine, INS Sindhurakshak, was hit by an explosion in 2010 that killed one sailor and injured two others. The navy said that accident was caused by a faulty battery valve that leaked hydrogen, causing an explosion in the vessel's battery compartment.

The sub recently returned from Russia after a 2½ year refit, overhaul and upgrade, said Rahul Bedi, an analyst for the independent Jane's Information Group. Joshi, the navy chief, said it returned to India in April, and had been certified for use by the Indian navy.

Russian ship repair company Zvyozdochka said the blasts were unrelated to its repair work.

"According to the members of our warranty group, the vessel was functioning properly and had no technical faults at the time of the incident," the Interfax news agency quoted an unidentified company representative as saying.

Zvyozdochka said the submarine had been "in active use" and had logged 24,000 kilometers (15,000 miles) on three missions.

Wednesday's accident came at a time when India is facing a shortage of submarines because of obsolescence, Bedi said.

The government has authorized the navy to have up to 24 conventional submarines, but it has just 14, including eight Russian Kilo-class and four German Type HDW209 boats. Bedi said five of those will be retired by 2014-15.

Russia of course will say, India maintenance is not working properly, see the blue bold.
FIRST PHOTOS: Indian Kilo-class INS Sindhurakshak Sunk At Berth



Raptorrx707 So you are claiming it was done by Pakistan but then going by your logic we can claim both the Bus crash which killed nearly 25 Pakistani soldiers 2-3 months back was engineered by RAW or the avalanche which killed 150 Pakistani soldiers was triggered by RAW and Indian Army soldiers from Indian bases in Siachen glacier.

Hongwu Was super duper china technology responsible for 70+ Chinese navy men dead when ming class sub sank in the sea?
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