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Explore other options if Pakistan continues to violate ceasefire: Omar Abdu

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Monday asked the Centre to explore other options if Pakistan continues to violate ceasefire.

Questioning the role of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Omar said that either the Sharif was involved in the ceasefire violations or he was not in control of the situation.

"I don't understand whether Pak Prime Minister is involved (in the violations) or he is not in control of the situation. But whatever it is, we must strive to defeat these forces, who are trying to destroy the lives of our people living close to the borders," he said.

Omar further said that if the ceasefire is violated again, then a befitting reply needs to be given.

"It cannot be a one-sided affair, we can't be at the receiving end without giving any response," Omar reportedly said.

Reacting to Nawaz Sharif asking for US intervention on Kashmir issue, Omar reportedly said, "Pakistan PM is guilty of playing to his home audience. Clearly, he knows from experience that India will not accept any sort of foreign intervention in the matter of Jammu and Kashmir. Make it clear that no sort of mediation or any sort of role for a third party exists (in Kashmir). It is something that both the countries have agreed."

The sharp reaction from the Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister comes in the wake continuous ceasefire violations by the Pakistan in the recent times.

Referring to the meeting between Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan, Omar said that Manmohan Singh was very forthright in putting across India's concerns.

"A mechanism had been worked out whereby the DGMOs of both countries would meet to discuss cooling of the LoC and IB (international Border). That has not happened so far. I believe that is an option that needs to be exercised, failing which obviously, Government of India will have to look at responding in kind," he said.

In a recent offensive, the Pakistan troops targeted the Indian posts and opened firing along the International Border in Jammu district late on Sunday which continued throughout the night.

The heavy firing created panic among villagers who have been fleeing the areas after being caught between the shooting.

"We do not want that common people face problems but continued ceasefire violations will not be tolerated. Today, villages are being deserted...People are leaving their farms, their houses and children are leaving their schools. The reason is that Pakistan is violating the ceasefire," Omar said.

Omar said ceasefire along the LoC and International border in Jammu and Kashmir was one of the major steps agreed by India and Pakistan which had benefited the people of the state.

A total of 136 ceasefire violations have been reported in 2013, the highest in the past 8 years, a Defence spokesman said.

Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde will be visiting the areas along the International Border on Tuesday to review the security situation.

Explore other options if Pakistan continues to violate ceasefire: Omar Abdullah
its unfortunate that on one hand they claim to be interested in peace on other they provide cover fire for terrorists.

its unfortunate that on one hand they claim to be interested in peace on other they provide cover fire for terrorists.
its time for us to respond in kind.how long can we take this nonsence.

totally agree with him ,its time for us to respond in kind.how long can we take this nonsence.
With elections approaching and the reality sinking in, this joker is realising his worth and thats why this change in tone.

OT : South block itself seems to be divided over the response to be given. Next few days/weeks are critical.
Its the Indian side who is violating the Cease Fire, funny that these puppets can say such things while majority of Kashmiri people haven't elected them :)

Someone go and tell this joker that Pakistan can also use other means to stop these violations of indian army....

We need to sent some commandos to take these puppets down, enough is enough, already one politician on Pakistani side said we need to take some actions now, UN failed to do something about the disputed area of Kashmir in last 50+ years.

we do not have anything to loose , its indian side economy which will get the hit ...

Its the Indian side who is violating the Cease Fire, funny that these puppets can say such things while majority of Kashmiri people haven't elected them :)

Someone go and tell this joker that Pakistan can also use other means to stop these violations of indian army....

We need to sent some commandos to take these puppets down, enough is enough, already one politician on Pakistani side said we need to take some actions now, UN failed to do something about the disputed area of Kashmir in last 50+ years.

we do not have anything to loose , its indian side economy which will get the hit ...
Its the Indian side who is violating the Cease Fire, funny that these puppets can say such things while majority of Kashmiri people haven't elected them :)

Someone go and tell this joker that Pakistan can also use other means to stop these violations of indian army....

We need to sent some commandos to take these puppets down, enough is enough, already one politician on Pakistani side said we need to take some actions now, UN failed to do something about the disputed area of Kashmir in last 50+ years.

we do not have anything to loose , its indian side economy which will get the hit ...

You are overestimating yourself with your typical "ham to doobenge sanam tumhen bhi le doobenge" syndrome :hang2:

Its time to capture muzaffarabad and gilgit . :yay:
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