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Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

Nobel peace prize is OPINION there are many scientists of other races that do great things.

If Jews are supposedly super intelligent beings why does Israel perform poorly on international competitions where there is a point system rather than a panel of judges?


Why is the USA team 4/6 chinese? 1 English and 1 Irish?

International Mathematical Olympiad

AS for all of the other Jewish achievements you will see that most of them are awards handed out by a COMMITTEE OF JUDGES but in actual competition they fall short. All of this is evidence that jews have more influence as a group.

And as for world chess champions most of them have been russians

are you a moron. 20th century physics is almost entirely jewish. the absolute crem de la crem of 20th century physics. the undisputed giants.
are you a moron. 20th century physics is almost entirely jewish. the absolute crem de la crem of 20th century physics. the undisputed giants.

Then why are all the world records in Quantum Physics currently held by China?

There are many scientists in the world doing great things, Jewish scientists just get the most publicity. And most of the world does not look at research papers that are not from the USA or Europe so these news are rarely publicized.

Chinese Researchers Tap Quantum Noise to Generate Randomness at Record Rates | Popular Science

The method is a bit mind-bending, but still more impressive is the output: 300 megabits per second of random data, blowing a 100-megabit record set by American scientists using a different method earlier this month clean out of the water. Which means the U.S. will now have to top the Chinese to stay ahead in the encryption game, setting up a competitive back-and-forth that should make true Cold Warriors wistful for the good old days.

DailyTech - China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record

China Teleports Photons 10 Miles, Surpasses U.S./European Record

Update: China claims record in quantum cat state

China claims record in quantum cat state
Mark LaPedus
5/28/2010 7:34 AM EDT
CHENGDU, China -- A research group in China recently claimed a new breakthrough and record in the so-called ''hyper-entangled Schrodinger cat state.''
are you a moron. 20th century physics is almost entirely jewish. the absolute crem de la crem of 20th century physics. the undisputed giants.

You can post without those words,unless you wish to get reported or banned for personal attacks. :coffee:
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dude, net net i am not denying that the chinese are smart. i am just telling you that the frequency of genius and high genius is much much higher in the jews.

Information Processing: ashkenazim

he is someone (a physicist of ethnic chinese ancestry living in the US) who knows a lot about all the latest IQ research and research on genius level talent.

i don't know that much about psychometry myself to rebut your moronic arguments which aren't backed by any research but shouts of jewish conspiracy theory.
dude, net net i am not denying that the chinese are smart. i am just telling you that the frequency of genius and high genius is much much higher in the jews.

Information Processing: ashkenazim

he is someone (a physicist of ethnic chinese ancestry living in the US) who knows a lot about all the latest IQ research and research on genius level talent.

i don't know that much about psychometry myself to rebut your moronic arguments which aren't backed by any research but shouts of jewish conspiracy theory.

Would you not agree that Jews have a disproportionate control over the governments of the Oceania countries, United States, Canada, Australia and control over western European countries?

I mean the media of all these countries are pro israel, the governments blatantly support Israel no matter what and anyone who is branded antisemetic is thrown in jail or turned into a social pariah.

I see all these claims of supernatural Jewish intelligence, yet they win no competitions and they break no world records. The only awards they seem to win are the ones that award prizes through a committee of judges.

There are many people who have came up with the theory of relativity, yet he is the one who gets credit for it
Was Einstein a plagiarist? ? The Register
Can you tell me how almost entirely Jewish are those on this list.

List of Nobel laureates in Physics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At least 180 Jews and persons of half- or three-quarters-Jewish ancestry have been awarded the Nobel Prize,1 accounting for 22% of all individual recipients worldwide between 1901 and 2009, and constituting 36% of all US recipients2 during the same period. In the research fields of Chemistry, Economics, Physics, and Physiology/Medicine, the corresponding world and US percentages are 27% and 39%, respectively. Among women laureates in the four research fields, the Jewish percentages (world and US) are 38% and 50%, respectively.3 (Jews currently make up approximately 0.25% of the world's population and 2% of the US population.)

Chemistry (31 prize winners, 20% of world total, 28% of US total)
Economics (27 prize winners, 42% of world total, 56% of US total)
Literature (13 prize winners, 12% of world total, 27% of US total)
Peace (9 prize winners, 9% of world total, 10% of US total)4

Physics (47 prize winners, 25% of world total, 36% of US total)
Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 27% of world total, 40% of US total)
See also data on "other Nobels":

Jewish Recipients of the Kyoto Prize (25% of recipients)
Jewish Recipients of the Wolf Foundation Prize (34% of recipients)
Jewish Recipients of the US National Medal of Science (38% of recipients)

Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

Something extrordinary is going on there, I think anyone with half a brain can see that. There are 13 million jews and they have earned five times more nobel prizes then all the people in China, India and Muslems Countries combined.
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Would you not agree that Jews have a disproportionate control over the governments of the Oceania countries, United States, Canada, Australia and control over western European countries?

I mean the media of all these countries are pro israel, the governments blatantly support Israel no matter what and anyone who is branded antisemetic is thrown in jail or turned into a social pariah.

I see all these claims of supernatural Jewish intelligence, yet they win no competitions and they break no world records. The only awards they seem to win are the ones that award prizes through a committee of judges.

There are many people who have came up with the theory of relativity, yet he is the one who gets credit for it
Was Einstein a plagiarist? ? The Register

No I dont agree, the Jews have no control in America any more then any other group. The Media supports the Jews for the same reason most Americans do.

First, Americans stand with Israel because in it they recognize a liberal democracy much like their own: a nation in which elections are lively, fair, and democratic; in which freedom of speech and the press are core values; in which the political rights of minorities are respected; and in which a commitment to civil liberties and justice is woven into the very fabric of society.

Second, Americans know that Israel is a stable ally in one of the world's most critical and volatile regions. Its intelligence service is perhaps the world's finest, its military is the best in the Middle East, and its painfully acquired expertise in counterterrorism is invaluable -- all the more so as we wage our own war against jihadi terrorists.

Third, Americans sympathize with Israel because they understand that the enemies of Israel hate the United States as well. The suicide bombers who revel in the death of innocent Jews, the fanatics who chant "Death to Israel," the Iranian- and Syrian-backed forces that launch rockets from Gaza or Lebanon with the aim of shedding Israeli blood -- they are steeped in the same murderous ideology as Osama bin Laden and the Islamists who slaughtered so many Americans on Sept. 11, 2001.

And fourth, there is a deep religious bond between American Christians and the Jewish people, a bond that stretches back to the earliest era of American history. More than a century before the Revolutionary War, the Puritan leader Increase Mather taught his followers to anticipate the day when the Jews would return to their homeland and establish "the most glorious nation in the whole world." In 1819, former President John Adams wrote of his wish to see "the Jews again in Judea an independent nation." Today, tens of millions of American evangelicals passionately support -- even love -- the Jewish state, and consider it nothing less than their duty as Christians to stand with Israel and her people.

Why are Americans so pro-Israel? For reasons practical and idealistic, religious and strategic. They are linked by the kinship of common values -- an affinity of strength and decency that reflects the best of both nations, and sets them apart from the other nations of the world
Why are Americans so pro-Israel? :: Jeff Jacoby
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This thread needed to be locked 5 pages ago...

I have found the subjects of gentics interesting, it got a bad name with Hilter and its one of those subjects that not poltical correct and its hard for a lot of people to stay objective. I am of the opinion there are differant kinds of intelligence.
I have found the subjects of gentics interesting, it got a bad name with Hilter and its one of those subjects that not poltical correct and its hard for a lot of people to stay objective. I am of the opinion there are differant kinds of intelligence.

Genetics doesn't have a bad name. Eugenics and Social Darwinism does, and rightly so.
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reading between the lines one can comprehend that high quality nutritions leads to better intelligence. Lowest IQ was found in africa which is also heavily malnutrionised.

This theory doesn't hold.

Based on UNICEF and world hunger reports, Indians are more malnourished than sub-Saharan Africans, and yet Indians' (and Pakistanis') average IQ scores are about 20 points higher than those of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Mozambique, Gabon, etc.
This theory doesn't hold.

Based on UNICEF and world hunger reports, Indians are more malnourished than sub-Saharan Africans, and yet Indians' (and Pakistanis') average IQ scores are about 20 points higher than those of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Mozambique, Gabon, etc.

It has an impact on IQ not the total determination of IQ. A high disease load would have a much bigger impact on a body's access to nutrients than chronic malnutrition. Especially those parasitic and prolonged diseases like malaria.

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