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Exclusive Video of Our Home-Made patrol vessel (Padma class): BNS Atandra :D

Padma, a Hindu name? Why should it be (it isn't, btw)?

Yes Padma is a Hindu name. . . which means Lotus. . And If OPV's Name is given on the River padma ( which is main distributary river of Ganges ) then . . I'm bang on target, Sir :partay:

It's the name of the river Brahmaputra as it flows down Mymensingh district of bdesh
Or I mite b wrong
Yes Padma is a Hindu name. . . which means Lotus. . And If OPV's Name is given on the River padma ( which is main distributary river of Ganges ) then . . I'm bang on target, Sir :partay:

There's nothing Hindu about the name of a flower; Mother Nature is agnostic. The boat is named after the river, which is named after a flower, and there's nothing Hindu about it.

Padma is indeed a Hindu name. The vessel seems to be named after the Padma River as @chak de INDIA has pointed out above.
Padma River - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How do you get that Padma is a Hindu name? From Wikipedia? Bad idea, in two senses. Wikipedia is not the soundest source, for one. The second reason is that the article clearly says that the word Padma finds frequent mention in Hindu mythology. So what? Does mention of a name in mythology, particularly a botanical or a biological name, give it a religious connotatioin? Are you claiming all Indo-Aryan languages for Hinduism, then?

How silly can this get?

well...they cud have....but alas there were no native lotuses back in arabia
maybe they cud borrow the urdu word for lotus.....our pakistani brothers cud help...

Pretty silly things to say. Try to get it on board that languages don't belong to religions.

@Joe Shearer i hope its clear now ? :azn:

Yeah, very clear.

You need to go back to school. Idiot.
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You need to go back to school. Idiot.
Post reported. :coffee:

Besides you are waaaay off target. :ashamed:
Congrats Bangladesh :tup:
@BDforever - cool boat this :yay:

In my opinion this is a smarter way to build a navy. Rather than focus on massive battleships and aircraft carriers, building smaller corvetters, fast attack crafts and patrol boats is cheaper and better, provided they have numbers. Of course bigger ships are important for a wider variety of actions, but for Bangladesh, having more of these boats is better than a couple of heavy frigates.

Remember what a few missile boats did to Karachi harbor in 71? :azn:
@janon :)
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There's nothing Hindu about the name of a flower; Mother Nature is agnostic. The boat is named after the river, which is named after a flower, and there's nothing Hindu about it.

The name could have been derived from Urdu/Bengali which is much closer to the Muslims/Bangladeshis and hence the curiosity. Padma is a Hindu word in the sense that it is derived from/is Sanskrit. It does not imply proprietorship by the Hindus. This is so hard to grasp?

How do you get that Padma is a Hindu name? From Wikipedia? Bad idea, in two senses. Wikipedia is not the soundest source, for one. The second reason is that the article clearly says that the word Padma finds frequent mention in Hindu mythology. So what? Does mention of a name in mythology, particularly a botanical or a biological name, give it a religious connotatioin? Are you claiming all Indo-Aryan languages for Hinduism, then?

How silly can this get?

It looks like you've decided to parade your stupidity like no other. Thanks for the laughter though. I appreciate it.

You need to go back to school. Idiot.

Calling people names only exposes one's own insecurity. Kindly learn the art of having a conversation/debate.
I am going to ask the river which religion it follows.....and if you still believe in religious monopoly of words....I believe you should rid your selves the shame of naming your country India(not a hindu name....heck not a word used in any 'hindu' language)!BTW don't even think about using Hindustan(its a "mughal" name)!
The name could have been derived from Urdu/Bengali which is much closer to the Muslims/Bangladeshis and hence the curiosity. Padma is a Hindu word in the sense that it is derived from/is Sanskrit. It does not imply proprietorship by the Hindus. This is so hard to grasp?

You are the limit.
  1. There is nothing called Urdu/Bengali. There is Urdu, and there is Bengali. Period.
  2. There is nothing closer to the Muslims/Bangladeshis than Bengali. Period.
  3. Every single word in Bengali derives from Magadhi Prakrit, not from Sanskrit, and that includes the flower name padma. Period.
  4. There is nothing called a Hindu word. Period.
Which of the above did you find difficult to get on board?

It looks like you've decided to parade your stupidity like no other. Thanks for the laughter though. I appreciate it.

Good. Keep appreciating it. It exposes what you can, and cannot appreciate.

For my part, I can't be bothered about the reactions of every johnny-come-lately who thinks he can write a sentence or two. There was not a single thought in your reply which was not utterly ridiculous.

Calling people names only exposes one's own insecurity. Kindly learn the art of having a conversation/debate.

You are hugely mistaken if you are under the impression that I am having a conversation or a debate with you. I am setting your silly misconceptions right. So when I encounter more than normal stupidity, I tend to be abrupt and testy.

You may be very sure that I need no certification about my security, certainly not from a newcomer with less than a month on board. Learn to respect those who know more than you.

I am going to ask the river which religion it follows.....and if you still believe in religious monopoly of words....I believe you should rid your selves the shame of naming your country India(not a hindu name....heck not a word used in any 'hindu' language)!BTW don't even think about using Hindustan(its a "mughal" name)!

In case you have not noticed yet, this is one more flock of Internet Hindus and they will buzz around creating a nuisance until they get bored and join some pro-Modi site. Their average life on this forum is about six months. I know it is difficult to tolerate their asinine thought processes, but there is not much that can be done about it. Short of ignoring them altogether, which is really difficult when they get to their antics in earnest.
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