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Exclusive Video of IAF Mi-17 Crash

Oh, really? No other air force does air maintenance missions? I know that your sole purpose on the forum is to badmouth India, but even that can be done in a more informed manner.

Air maintenance (which is what this is) is in fact a standard military practice, and while the IAF may do it a lot more than other air forces, due to their geographical requirements, it is still a bread-and-butter activity for any air force in the world.

Then your "knowledge" is rather minimal, and you haven't seen military aviation in action up close.

That's all right, not everybody has the opportunities to do so - but to parade your ignorance so brazenly, and to celebrate your lack of opportunity as a virtue - well, that requires a staggering level of stupidity.

This is SOP for supplies to forward posts in mountainous terrain - for the Indian army and air force, for the Pakistan military, and for your own Chinese air force, Mister "Han Warrior".

(Oh how easy it is to be a "warrior" on the internet, without having seen any military activity upclose in real life.)
Sure sure...whatever you say if it makes you feel better. :lol:
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