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Exclusive: Supreme Leader's military adviser says Iran's response will be 'against military sites'

you packed bunch of hyena around yourself ...
you should watch yourself ...
the arrogance is the first step of fall ...

Arrogance is just a word, meaningless on it's own.

The US military will fight any war and any adversary regardless of their capability, just like any other country would.
I disagree, The US can also be very well organized along with support which cancels out the strength that you have mentioned. On the other hand, The US military sophistication and superiority however cannot be matched by the Iranian forces. The US military will have a the resources and capabilities to fight any war, anywhere on the planet.

You have to remember, the US military is the worlds most battle tested and most experienced when it comes to actually fighting a war.

We won't be losing our superpower status as I can only see Iran targeting our bases in the region, nothing more, while the US military can target the whole country of Iran. Casualties and losses on the bases wont dethrone the US as a superpower.
Battle tested against whom? The Talibans? An Iraq weakened by two wars and years of sanctions? The Vietnamese?

You will be losing your super power status because your aircraft carriers and your military bases in the Middle East, the main source of energy in the world, will be attacked and damaged. And once that happens, your petrodollar agreement with Arab states will be useless and the main reason for the world's financial system to rely on the US dollar and banking system will be gone. You are risking an economic collapse as well in my opinion.

If you think that a war with Iran means a war inside the Iranian territory only, you are oversimplifying the issue too much. Just today your naval base in Kenya came under attack. All anti-American forces, whether supported by Iran or not, will use this opportunity to weaken you because it is the best opportunity to attack you. Unless you think you are loved around the world, that's food for thought. Iran alone is capable of engaging you in a war that will be played in more than 5 million kilometers squared for months.
Arrogance is just a word, meaningless on it's own.

The US military will fight any war and any adversary regardless of their capability, just like any other country would.

well I bet, Darius III , The Sassanid , Khawrazm Shah had similar mind set like what you have ....
well I bet, Darius III , The Sassanid , Khawrazm Shah had similar mind set like what you have ....

While, going for it, you shall keep in mind the line of Hafiz Shiraz, which appears in my Avatar.:-)
In conflicts, casualties goes both ways, will you also be waiting for proud Iranians getting burnt to death?.
in our Deen, death is a beginning of reality - I remember when Indiatv asked Musharraf that if India strikes Pakistan what will be the response and he replied, no sir, I'm not worth my salt If I don't strike you back. Full stop - the attack from Iran is imminent, watch out.
Iran Is Not TRUMP and USA ... they calculate and do things carefully and rightly
How cheap of america to target cultural sites with a history of over 3000 yrs.
Shameful America.
First they kill the general who was fighting ISIS and other terrorists in the region and now they want to attack the country fighting isis on the ground, and that too they blackmail saying they will attack cultural sites.
Shameful, uncultured, terrorist supporting, money-minded brutes= america

Attacking cultural visited is something ISIS did.
In these given circumstances it is best for Iran to reply strongly or else they will be weakened on every front and eventually, it will be easy for the US to take control of Iran.

If, however Iran replies, the US will announce a war where they will strike the Iranian military sites openly, but not to forget that Iran plays a very important & strategic role where it is located. Any mistake by the US can be fatal for everyone. Iran has things that the US fears the most.

Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Yesterday USA secretly sent a message to Iran , " If you retaliate , we will target the desicon maker - supreme leader "

This won't get un answered , after the public funeral which will be attended by the leader and make security measures to assure his safety, USA will get bloody ....

They really are scared , or else they wouldn't send so much messages ....
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