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Exclusive pictures: Men killed in Machil encounter were hunters?

Recently your posts have gone from unbaised/ thoughtful to down right toilet quality. Can you back your claims? ever? or first thing that comes to mind due to your endless hate for Pakistanis compels you to puke one liners to make a point and stick to it?
I said what I read in Indian newspaper. There are certain things you cannot verify. Pakistan and India has their version and I chose to believe Indian due to obvious reasons. Its not about bias but lack of way to verify.
I said what I read in Indian newspaper. There are certain things you cannot verify. Pakistan and India has their version and I chose to believe Indian due to obvious reasons. Its not about bias but lack of way to verify.

Fist of all, I want to thank you for completely shattering your credibility as an "Elite" member, believing in what is told in the favorable media and denying to listen to anyone else.

Secondly, you are wrong. There are ways to verify this incident, maybe not for you but at-least for GOI by presenting that "compelling" evidence in-front of the world, justifying their kill. Now, I know the phrase "Innocent until proved guilty" is despised in Indian army, instead "Guilty because we said so" is the popular one. However, four family lives were destroyed that day, not that you could care one bit about a person being a Muslim.

I actually see a connection here. Now, I wont say I will believe this theory since I have an open mind, looking at all possibilities but your guys killed have a solid logical connection with these 4 people your army murdered after labeling them "guides to terrorists" since throwing words around, crying over a cracker going off and blaming Pakistan is quite simple and a habit of IA.

P.S. Your govt. may want to include some security cameras in your International arms shopping spree, so that for once they can catch "us" red handed. Although, I know the popular claim goes as Indian jawans/ astronomy experts being good enough to very accurately identify who is from PA and who from a terrorist organization as soon as they get ambushed in middle of night, midst of confusion, chaos, and cover of darkness. Same astronomy experts that couldn't tell difference b/w planets and drones for 6 months straight.
They went to hunting in an area where infiltrators are regularly shot and dead..?That is really absurd.
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