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Exclusive : Pakistani Armed Drone Scores Bulls eye

why the F@ck are we using windows XP

and amazing work by our boys congrats
ask this from chinese drone and radar manufacturers lol, theres nothing wrong with it, its just an operating system for the computers integrated with many weapon and radar systems
Pentagon uses windows 98 in most computers, theirs whole documentaries on YouTube you can watch that answer that question
Pentagon and even US Army have shifted to Windows 10 by now (these shifts commenced in 2017). Some of their networks are on Linux.
Is this even real or remotely anything to do with Pakistani military?

All I can make out from the video is bunch of Pakistani guys are watching some footage on a screen.

It could be just another US drone strike on Pakistan all we know and Pakistanis are being lead to own it as their own?
watch caefuly , its not just any coputer screen, its a proper console inside a control unit, and the comentry clearly indicates that they are the people who are operating it
At long last Pak has “officially” started doing it the Turkish way.....


Take the hell out of these Murtedin under the Mushrikin!!! No RAW agent - the USA has officially said there’s none - should feel safe anywhere inside Afganistan!!! And, do it with vengeance for all the Mukti Bahini terrorists you couldn’t kill.....
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