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Exclusive: Pakistan Army, Lashkar actively planning major surgical strike on India

Exclusive: Pakistan Army, Lashkar actively planning major surgical strike on India
In 2017, Pakistan had made five such surgical strike attempts along the LoC in J&K. No one was killed in the February attempt but seven intruders and two Indian soldiers were killed in the five BAT attempts in 2017.

Manjeet Singh Negi
New Delhi
January 3, 2019
UPDATED: January 3, 2019 21:11 IST

Pakistan Army headed by Gen Qamar Bajwa is apparently planning a surgical strike on India. (Image: Reuters)
  • Pakistan is apparently planning a major surgical strike on India
  • On Dec 31, two intruders were killed by the Indian Army
  • India had in 2016 hit several Pakistani outposts along the border in a major surgical strike

Pakistan Army Special Forces and terrorists belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba have come together to carry out surgical strikes on Indian posts along the Line of Control (LoC).

"Small teams of Pakistan Army commandos from its Special Services Group (SSG) and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists are active in Rajouri and Poonch sector," claimed sources in the intelligence unit.

On December 31, two intruders, who the Indian Army suspects to be Pakistani soldiers, were killed when the Army foiled a Pakistani Border Action Team (BAT) attempt to attack Indian forward posts along the LoC in Nowgam sector of north Kashmir's Kupwara district.

This was the Pakistan army's second attempt using BAT this year to push intruders into the Indian side of Jammu and Kashmir and attack forward posts, the last time being on February 23, 2018.

In 2017, it had made five such attempts along the LoC in J&K. No one was killed in the February attempt but seven intruders and two Indian soldiers were killed in the five BAT attempts in 2017.

In September 2016, India had announced that it had conducted a major operation on the LoC to avenge the killings of personnel killed in the Uri terror attack and termed it as "surgical strike".

The surgical strikes were carried out on terror launch pads across the border days after the terror attack left 20 soldiers dead in Kashmir's Uri.

In a recent interview with news agency ANI, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that it was a big risk, but it had to be done for the sake of the Indian Army.

Modi also asserted that it would be a "big mistake" to think that Pakistan will mend its ways after just "one war", referring to the 2016 surgical strike.
Gen Bajwa lookin scary AF in that picture. Its probably one of my favorite pictures of him.
Another BullC*** With the words "Surgical Strike" and "BAT" coming from Indian Social media.
Kindly don't post articles based on these two words and waste time of readers on PDF. Its only good to give mental Org*** to some friends from across the border
1999 Kargil. Does that ring any bell ??? Even Mr. Musharraf had agreed with that. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
and do you know that those 1500,mostly from a paramilitary faced 3000 enemy army soldiers and made them beg clinton.
NLI weren't militants, and neither were NSAs involved.

Which NLI ?? That was not what government of Pakistan as well as your COAS kept on repeating back then ??

So do you mean they are pathological liars, huh?? :o::o::o:
Which NLI ?? That was not what government of Pakistan as well as your COAS kept on repeating back then ??

So do you mean they are pathological liars, huh?? :o::o::o:
War is deceit.
he wrote letters and begged. Clinton accepted and invited Pakistanis for dialogues.

You can claim whatever that satisfies your petty ego without any proof. But the fact is it was your P.M who paid an uninvited and unscheduled visit to U.S in 1999. Moreover why would Indian P.M use a primitive way of writing love letters, when he can very well call the White House ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol:

On any given day, I would trust the word of the man himself (Mr. Clinton) rather than any gullible Pakistani or Indian citizen. It's everywhere in internet and even YouTube. :p:
You can claim whatever that satisfies your petty ego without any proof. But the fact is it was your P.M who paid an uninvited and unscheduled visit to U.S in 1999. Moreover why would Indian P.M use a primitive way of writing love letters, when he can very well call the White House ??? LOL :lol::lol::lol:
so u reject any letters?

Now when you believe the same. Where or which line in that letter sounds like begging to you ????

And excerpt from one of the above link;

He was the man of peace and friendship even with neighboring country Pakistan. But, there was a moment when he had lost his calm and said, "we will get Pakistanis out, one way or the other'' in a secret letter to US President."

If this sounds as begging. You better get some good English lessons. :woot::woot::woot:
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