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Exclusive insight into French industry's review Jaguar 6x6 armored vehicle first prototype

Small but very lethal IFV

Stanag Level IV Protection (which means its protection is equal to modern day MRAP's)
40 mm Cannon (capable of both HE , Normal and AP rounds)
smoke Screen grenades

and It also contain MBDA MMP ATGM which means that it can effectively engage tanks and low flying helicopters at 4 km range
Small but very lethal IFV

Stanag Level IV Protection (which means its protection is equal to modern day MRAP's)
40 mm Cannon (capable of both HE , Normal and AP rounds)
smoke Screen grenades

and It also contain MBDA MMP ATGM which means that it can effectively engage tanks and low flying helicopters at 4 km range

It looks nice doesn't it.. But put that in urban battlefield and I can tell you they will have issues with small arms fire taking out steering hydraulics that are completely exposed! That's why you want combat proven platforms, not new and shiny...
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