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Exclusive | Abhinandan Video Message before leaving from Pakistan

Pakistanis are making sure that credibility of their video confessions are considered as zero with such videos. Stupid stuff. This video puts a big question mark on KBY video statements as well.
We dont want to look credible in the eyes of Hindu terrorist. We just wanted to hurt their egos.
I still believe giving this rat away without any condition was a mistake now our civilian blood has been spilled while we were giving him away if we dont cause a bloody nose to India Imran khan has lost my support
yeh lo Evidence indain Bacho0
Then why send a 1950s, when you had a state of the art Tejas Oops sorry i forget you had to bring it over a tata.

Why send one? This one took out an F16 it seems. Chased it back into its territory too.

O he will face more than that...Prob lynching threats for what he said ....Hope he is all well :(
Lol. He is a hero.

then why you blaming us before even he open lips ? this show that you want to blame us no matter what ?
What exactly have I blamed you for? Sounds like a guilty conscience

Duress isnt for Heroes...
You wouldn't know. You've never had one.
That was for the video & will of Abhinandan contrary to what Indians been saying about last video.
i also have a request. Can you please highlight on twitter India's excuse of Geneva Conventions for their pilot while disregarding the same with using human shields. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/29/india-army-chief-kashmir-protests-man-tied-to-vehicle
I am depressed that our foreign affairs have not called in their respective countries media and propagate our side.
Watch again

How do you know ?
Watch his body language

So where are the 2 remaining pilots out of 3 your DGISPR announced ,did they die ?
i think F 16D is twin seater no ? Reality will hurt PAF like never before.
keep the propaganda in pakistan no-one buys outside it.
Your great hero crumbled and not sustained one night stand under pressure the great Maha yodha.. WC Abhi talking parrot from famous "I am not suppose to tell you " so many times if he shot down f16 he would go back in tri color all his bravado attitude flushed in toilet in his last video in Pakistan.
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This one took out an F16 it seems.
Lol. I'll be waiting for that day when a believe like a thin glass of you and your nation will break and you will see that your whole life you guys were lied by your media n govts. Ah i pity you
Then watch again

would have been better if he said '' he didn't down any pak jet" categorically
would have been better if he said '' he didn't down any pak jet" categorically
No isuee.

This could be done next time.
Lol. I'll be waiting for that day when a believe like a thin glass of you and your nation will break and you will see that your whole life you guys were lied by your media n govts. Ah i pity you
Lol. But I doubt you lot have the capacity to break the opaque ceiling of deceit and lies which has included gems like Americans and Chinese coming to help in 71, fighting till the last man, winning in 65 and 99 when all subsequent evidence has proved the contrary. So I don't expect that legacy is going to be tarnished. The latest gem was after Imran Khan seized the diplomatic and moral initiative, the shoddily edited video has just punctured his narrative. Well done.
mil jayen to @War Thunder kay paas jama kara dena usko namonay ikhatta karne ka shauq hai

Ab rare makhlooq agathi kaney ka shoq to rakna chahiye
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