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Evidence suggests ex-ISI chief Asad Durrani remained in contact with RAW: Ministry of Defence

Maybe boys are mad at him for leaking the Uzma Bint-e-Laden story to Simon Hersh? :D
I hope that's not why, he also had the story out of a few people in their own intel and the US state department. The truth always comes out eventually.
Maybe boys are mad at him for leaking the Uzma Bint-e-Laden story to Simon Hersh? :D
I hope that's not why, he also had the story out of a few people in their own intel and the US state department. The truth always comes out eventually.
What's the purpose of being top spy only to leak the secrets after retirement? 🤣
I'm not sure what sort of secrets he'd leak 25 years post retirement, but admittedly my knowledge of this is limited what's been made public, and that is pretty limited.
What I meant was that top spy is the last person to leak any secrets post retirement
Maybe boys are mad at him for leaking the Uzma Bint-e-Laden story to Simon Hersh? :D
I hope that's not why, he also had the story out of a few people in their own intel and the US state department. The truth always comes out eventually.
Ah Dear: The dead OBL in Pakistan custody is a wild and illogical conspiracy theory with no merit. You cannot make assumptions over assumptions to reach a conclusion that has no solid basis or explanation. OBL was caught and killed in Pakistan by US forces is a widely accepted fact.
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I think the issue isn't of what he may have leaked to RAW or not. It seems the issue has more to do with the principle of the matter. An ISI chief not only in contact with the RAW chief but also writing a book (and essentially gaining financial benefits from it). The general may not hold any personal grudges but the institution which is in a constant state of war with RAW would like hold it (rather it's members).

It appears to be more about setting a precedent. I understand there are probably a lot of other things that the military let's go, however, i understand the reason behind it somewhat.

There may be other stuff that wasn't made public and/or whatever may have been shared may not necessarily have ended in the book.
Ministry of Defence urges Islamabad High Court not to remove Asad Durrani's name from no-fly list
Durrani was found guilty of violating the military's code of conduct after he co-authored "The Spy Chronicles" with former RAW chief AS Dulat
Durrani refuses to comment on the matter
The Ministry of Defence has submitted a written response to a petition filed by former Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief retired Lt Gen Asad Durrani at the Islamabad High Court, urging the court not to remove his name from the Exit Control List (ECL).

According to a copy of the response seen by Geo News, the ministry has told the court that it has evidence which suggests Durrani remained in contact with Indian spy agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

The defence ministry also said that it has evidence which suggests Durrani has been in contact with anti-state elements from other countries since 2008.

The former ISI chief has moved the high court to seek the removal of his name from the no-fly list, stating that he wants to go abroad.

Durrani's name was included in the ECL in 2019 following the Ministry of Defence's recommendation, sources said. They told Geo News that court proceedings for the petition filed by the former ISI chief will commence from the second week of February.

An inquiry was launched against Durrani for publishing "The Spy Chronicles", which he has co-authored with former chief of India’s spy agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) AS Dulat.

Durrani was summoned to the Pakistan Army's General Headquarters (GHQ) in May 2018, where he was asked to explain his position on views attributed to him in the book.

The ISPR said in 2019 that Durrani has been found guilty of violating the military code of conduct after he co-authored the book.

“He has been found guilty of violating the military code of conduct. His pension and other benefits have been stopped,” the then Director-General ISPR had tweeted.

Lt Gen (retd) Asad Durrani guilty of violating military code of conduct: DG ISPR

I'm really enjoying this Durrani drama. RAW has placed another agent in the higher echelon of Pakistan military. :pop:
Sorry but now this is getting stupid and pathetic. Yes Asad Durrani has big mouth. But please this going at a very bad place and has to be stopped now.
This man is a snake. If we let him go. He will bite Pakistan worse than Hussain Haqqani.
I do not understand , despite all the evidence against him, supposedly. Why he is not charge for treason under Army Act and given appropriate sentence!!!

It is a mockery of ISI as an organisation that it's ex-head is involved in such activities; co-operation, supporting and collaborating with country's arch enemy India.

In which country such behaviour would be tolerated!!

yai Durrani shakal say hi lagta hai Harram khor.
Durani wrote a book and came into limelight, imagine how many generails are collaborating with others who after retirement living abroad. Pak army needs to stop believing generails as demigods and these demigods cannot be punished whether they put martial law, break the country, collaborate with the enemy, hack even treason is pardoned to these demigods only life sentence of 14 years is given to Lieutenant General Javed Iqbal when the death sentence is the punishment for betraying one nation is in every culture, religon and nation.
Ah Dear: The dead OBL in Pakistan custody is a wild and illogical conspiracy theory with no merit. You cannot make assumptions over assumptions to reach a conclusion that has no solid basis or explanation. OBL was caught and killed in Pakistan by US forces is a widely accepted fact.
Dead OBL in our custody? Who said anything about the that? He was alive, and in our custody.

Seymour Hersh’s version published in the London Review of Books doesn’t deny the above in bold, just paints what led up to the raid and how the US found out about his presence. Also, this guy isn’t some conspiracy nut, he has sources, and he had them corroborate the story, he’s a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist after all.
I'm really enjoying this Durrani drama. RAW has placed another agent in the higher echelon of Pakistan military. :pop:

Yes. Its very alarming

When did RAW chief retire? He faces no such blacklash for his part which suggests he got better of Durrani?
Dead OBL in our custody? Who said anything about the that? He was alive, and in our custody.

Seymour Hersh’s version published in the London Review of Books doesn’t deny the above in bold, just paints what led up to the raid and how the US found out about his presence. Also, this guy isn’t some conspiracy nut, he has sources, and he had them corroborate the story, he’s a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist after all.
I pretty sure it was Asad Durrani who gave that as a plausible explanation. You are right about Hersh, he basically said Pakistan was keeping OBL as a guest. Now even if you take Seymour hersh: it doesnt matter what awards he won in the past. It doesn’t mean that rest of his stories will be taken as Gospel - and especially for a matter of this nature we have to establish its credibility and authenticity in an impartial manner.

-There is not a single shred of evidence that supports this narrative- no source no witnesses at all. Just a story from a journalist who himself didn’t fully stand behind it, and most of his sources were from Pakistan.

- For it to be true you have to have a world view in which US govt is so sinister and evil that they will lie to their own public about their biggest public enemy after Hitler. And on top of that the secret is shared by Pakistan as well - why would US share a secret that can destroy its credibility in the world and most importantly in front of its own public with a country like Pakistan? It’s ridiculous in this front it self.

- US is not a friend or a deep ally like UK is. There is no reason why US would massively lie to its own public in order to save a rogue state like Pakistan. If Pakistani state had any involvement, believe me Pakistan would have faced dire consequences immediately. Make no mistake about that. Just look at how US is reacting on Daniel Pearls alleged murderers release from Courts. Just look at how US supports Indian actions against Pakistan itself.

There are so many more paradoxis and contradictions in this narrative itself. Now my issue isn’t specifically with the conspiracy theory narrative- its our favorite national pass time to gossip about secret orgs that we are all just aware of - but the problem is that some don’t recognize the inauthenticity and lack of credibility of the theory, and then start believing it with full conviction and based on that come up with policies and stances against institutions and our own state. I.e we are blaming the Govt and Army for punishing Durrani just because he leaked secrets about the OBL episode! The OBL part is itself a theory that doesn’t even survive the test of basic logic as I explained above and on top of that there is no credible evidence - but the problem is we are willing to jump the gun without establishing the real facts and take actions, such as in this case blaming our own state and institutions.
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