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(EVIDENCE) Simpsons Predicted Coronavirus Outbreak 1993



New Recruit

Jan 10, 2019
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I am not the type of person who believes in palm readers or horoscopes as my religion forbids such activities. This does not mean they don't exist but it simply means there are people who have been planning and predicting the forthcoming events in the history of mankind. Call it New World Order but this clip has opened my eyes.

The clip uncovers how US is involved in Wuhan, how coronavirus pandemic spread and how they are planning to contain it. Each clips have been hinting what if scenarios, so don't misinterpret and say these events took place in different episodes. Also don't forget to share your thoughts.
There’s a lot of books written on this pandemic ....too precise ...makes you think what the hell is happening
Scientists already know of such possibilities. Such things have happened alot in history and im im s will happen in future too. World is more connected these days so its the worst this time around. Next time it might be even more bad.
Well that's 6 mins of my life I'm not getting back. These conspiracy theories are just silly. The reason a lot of media predicted a covid-19 like outbreak is because scientists and doctors have been worried by the likelihood of such an outbreak for decades, especially since SARS. Probably the best example of this is the film Contagion. It basically looked at how SARS started and spread, and took some cues from the origins of Nipah, then basically plotted a worse case scenario in terms of high r0, high mortality and containment failure. Yet now it's taken as fuel for a bunch of wacky and baseless conspiracies.

As for these Simpsons clips, you've taken 6 mins worth of material from some 679 episodes of the show. Most of these clips don't mention anything relevant either. Flu has been around since forever, an episode based on this is hardly anything out of the ordinary, H1N1 outbreak in 1918 killed tens of millions. First clip just mentions Wuhan, one of China's largest cities in passing, no mention of disease etc, for example, the flu clip is from Osaka, another large city of Japan but not the capital, so what's the big deal here? As for the last clip, I fail to see the significance here too, quarantines have been around for hundreds of years, it's a method used for controlling spread of plague and smallpox even in those times. What's the deal then stringing together these random clips with little significance from a show with lots of content?

Please don't waste your energy with this stuff, and don't spread it. I see conspiracy theories like this coming from all sorts of people. But seeing how much Pakistanis, including those in my WhatsApp contacts, believe and spread this sort of content is really disheartening.
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