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Everything Will Be Fine Soon, Says PM Modi on Ceasefire Violations by Pakistan

modi has said nothing like that, infact he has given army full freedom to shoot
700 militants, what happen to the remaining 1300? As per Indian media there were 2000 militants earlier.
Damn.This guy is much professional than I thought.
He already give full freedom to Indian Army and BSF.
He talks only through his action :tup:

Too late, the upper hand will now remain with Pakistan Rangers after Indians kill Pakistani Villagers, Pak Rangers took out Indian border posts without a single Pak Ranger loss....so from now on Indian BSF dead numbers are high and higher...

India has lost it....too late to wake up...Modi would need to beg Pakistan, for a face saving exit....am sure Nawaz will give him. India has LOST it.
there are some ... brainwashed peoples who join this jihadi cause ... but they will be wipe out real soon ... but majority are bloody Useless and fcuking Afghani, Tajik and Uzbik ...

Thus the Brainwashed Pakistanis Includs the one spreading Terrorists in Pakistan's neighbouring countries or they are freedom fighters?

Not just they are not Pakistanis, they aren't Muslim either.

I know a true Muslim can never Kill Muslim. :agree:

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