What an amusing display. Seriously. Every place America is bashed, the flag waving patriot comes to the rescue. This is no different. I'm no film critic, I am a huge fan of film, and know a good film when I see it. And I'm sorry if me putting down the All American, Gun toting, apple pie garbage I insulted, hurt you.
It was totally predictable film, I called almost all of everything that happened in the film before it happened. It was a classic, all American self righteous douche finds the military, turns him into a gentleman, then he meets a lady... right as he's about to be shipped off to war. It was predictable, right till the end.
The violence in the film was juvenile. It's as if someone who graduated from playing too many first person shooter video games, started making this garbage. And then the whole flag waving thing at the end, what a bloody joke.
Also, the word 'film' is normal, just because you hill-billy cowboys think it's snobby to say 'film' doesn't make it true. You'll find that it's common in places outside of Texas for some to call them 'films' and not 'movies', especially in the UK. Not that it matters, but the butthurt was very visible.
muh freedumbs.