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Even Philippinos themselves don't believe US will help them in Spratly

Wow, so I guess the super duper hyper Chinese technologies are going to pick apart decoys from the real deal ...ok that aside

Chinese UAVs can be equipped with infrared sensors to determine whether it's a real Vietnamese SAM or a decoy (that lacks real heat emissions and the proper overall infrared signature).


Innovative New Chinese UAV Emerges


Clearest Soar Dragon picture to date

Innovative New Chinese UAV Emerges | AVIATION WEEK

"Innovative New Chinese UAV Emerges
By David A. Fulghum, Bill Sweetman
Jul 1, 2011

The latest unmanned aircraft pictures from China show a reconnaissance truck with a joined wing and tail that could considerably increase range and payload and produce better handling at high altitudes.

U.S. analysts already are suggesting that the new Chinese UAV design — with its 60,000-ft. cruising altitude, 300-mi. radar surveillance range and low radar reflectivity if it uses the right composite structure — could serve as the targeting node for China’s anti-ship ballistic missiles. The ASBM threat against carriers finally has U.S. Navy officials worried.

Photographs emerging from Chinese Internet sources, depicting the aircraft on what is likely Chengdu Aircraft Corporation’s (CAC) ramp, show a new design featuring a novel joined-wing layout. In the same size class as the General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems Inc. Avenger, and powered by a single turbofan engine, the new UAV is the most advanced Chinese design seen to date and the largest joined-wing aircraft known to have been built.

The company also makes the J-10 strike fighter, the J-20 stealth fighter prototype and a Global Hawk-like maritime reconnaissance UAV called the Xianglong, or Soaring Dragon, which flew in December 2009. CAC officials say it has a wingspan of 75 ft., length of 45 ft. and a cruise altitude of 55,000-to-60,000 ft. Chinese sources credited it with a 7,500-kg (16,500-lb.) takeoff weight and 3,800 nm range. The forebody is bulged to accommodate a high-data-rate satcom antenna.

Joined wings — a subset of closed-wing systems — comprise a sweptback forward wing and a forward-swept aft wing.

In the new Chinese UAV (as in many such configurations) the rear wing is higher than the forward wing to reduce the effect of the forward wing’s downwash on the rear wing’s lifting qualities. The rear wing has a shorter span than the front wing and its downturned tips meet the front wing at a part-span point.

Advocates of the joined wing claim that its advantages stem from the fact that the front and rear wings are structurally cross-braced.

This allows a higher aspect ratio while keeping down weight and staying within flutter limits. A higher aspect ratio reduces drag due to lift, and because the wings are both slender and short-span (relative to a single wing with equivalent lift) the wing chords are short, which makes it easier to achieve laminar flow. The joined wing also can reduce trim drag.

Studies of joined wings go back to the earliest years of aviation, but modern work is traceable to Julian Wolkovitch, a California aerodynamicist.

Wolkovitch worked with Burt Rutan on an early design study, the Model 58 Predator agricultural airplane, and drew up plans to develop a flight demonstrator based on the fuselage of the Ames-Dryden AD-1 skewed-wing aircraft. However, the project was still unfunded when Wolkovitch died in 1991. (Rutan went on to build a different Predator design.)

More recently, Boeing used a joined-wing configuration in its contribution to the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) SensorCraft project, aimed at developing an aircraft capable of carrying an airframe-integrated, 360-deg.-coverage, high-resolution radar and remaining on station for 30 hr. at 2,000 nm range.

A small, low-speed free-flight model known as VA-1, with a 14-ft. wingspan, was completed by AFRL in 2003 and test flown.

A model of Boeing’s Joined Wing SensorCraft was tested last year in NASA Langley’s Transonic Dynamics Tunnel under the Air Force’s Aerodynamic Efficiency Improvement program."

[Note: Thank you to Qwerrty for the news link.]

China please take some body of your own size
like USA EU NATO India i would support that clearly

China vs PH that dont looks nice
like USA took against Iraq Saddam Libya Afghanistan they are not even worth or fighting for die for

USA should take China India RUssia to fight with
well Philippines dont trust USA that is true i even read newspaper how the USA treat the spartly island issue and also they are reopening base in PH,
partly it is the fault of China if they did not mess a round here there would no been USA and everything would have been peaceful now USA have a excuse to have a lot of presence in ASIA

The United States has taught China that you always fight weak countries. No one fights large countries. It is an object lesson that the U.S. avoided firing a single cruise missile during the 2008 Russo-Georgian War.

1. Fight someone small to ensure victory.

2. Fight someone weak to minimize casualties.

3. Stay out of someone else's war, especially if it involves a really big country.

To act contrary to U.S. guidelines for fighting a war is illogical and stupid.
Vietnam government is collapsing because of crazy corruption. Nobody believes in the VCP anymore. Only the common Vietnamese are starving and exploited. This is why they are shrieking like monkeys over the South China Sea to divert domestic attention, making aggressive moves against China too.

Now is the best time for China to launch agent orange attacks on Vietnam. Vietnamese should be a deformed nation forever! Then Laotians, Khmer and Thai will all laugh at deformed Viets.

I can understand why you always say that "Vietnam is collapsing" or "Vietnam Government is collapsing".

I believe that your country is still very much Bo Xilai. Your CCP government will export the attention of billions of people to SCS to rescue the collapse of CCP.

Your government should attack melamine milk, cooking oil from sewage, apple coated-pesticide, fake eggs, fake pig ears ... before they can attack with agent orange to Vietnam....
Phillipines is re-opening it's bases for Americans aren't they ? They are ready to take the gamble at least .Why do the Chinese seem worried ? If the Americans are not going to do anything, Well and good . Sleep , drink , party :D
Chinese UAVs can be equipped with infrared sensors to determine whether it's a real Vietnamese SAM or a decoy (that lacks real heat emissions and the proper overall infrared signature).
Inflatable decoys also feature the heat signature of the real ones.
1. Fight someone small to ensure victory.

2. Fight someone weak to minimize casualties.

3. Stay out of someone else's war, especially if it involves a really big country.

To act contrary to U.S. guidelines for fighting a war is illogical and stupid.

By your logical, that your China just like a "colombo" student due to against India. I don't think India is a "small" country and yet,
even "small" country that China nor U.S could not crushed.[Afghanistan, Viet Nam, Iraq or even Cuba]

With your logical that made China's is super duper hero when its INVADED Tibet and that only country made China Army has "VERY LESS CASUALTIES. Am I right?
Inflatable decoys also feature the heat signature of the real ones.

Use television cameras to record footage over a period of weeks. It should be possible to tell whether sufficient personnel are present to operate a real SAM or not.

By your logical, that your China just like a "colombo" student due to against India. I don't think India is a "small" country and yet,
even "small" country that China nor U.S could not crushed.[Afghanistan, Viet Nam, Iraq or even Cuba]

With your logical that made China's is super duper hero when its INVADED Tibet and that only country made China Army has "VERY LESS CASUALTIES. Am I right?

China won't treat the opposing side with kid gloves like the U.S.

The U.S. has ridiculous rules of engagement. The U.S. treats wars like a police action.

China will shoot first and ask questions later. You will not see a parade of ridiculous U.S.-style prosecutions. In a war, if you feel threatened then just shoot them. No one should second-guess you.
Use television cameras to record footage over a period of weeks. It should be possible to tell whether sufficient personnel are present to operate a real SAM or not.
Then we will have some personnels over the dummy sites to satisfy your curiosity .
Then we will have some personnels over the dummy sites to satisfy your curiosity .

I didn't say it was impossible to sometimes fool the UAVs watching overhead.

China has thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles. China can build plenty more. There will be a lot of wasted strikes. However, China will also eliminate most of the real ones to clear the way for the J-10s and WZ-10s.
Use television cameras to record footage over a period of weeks. It should be possible to tell whether sufficient personnel are present to operate a real SAM or not.
Talk is cheap, show your UAV to dispute zone if you have the guts....eh, I forgot that most of so called China" high-tech weapon"s are just a poor copy used to cheat their poor peasant and kill their own soldiers:D
Talk is cheap, show your UAV to dispute zone if you have the guts....eh, I forgot that most of so called China" high-tech weapon"s are just a poor copy used to cheat their poor peasant and kill their own soldiers:D

Jesus, there have only been like four J-10 crashes in ten years.

How many times are you going to keep posting a J-10 crash? You've posted three crashes in the last three hours (posts #15, #26, and #39). That's very misleading.
I didn't say it was impossible to sometimes fool the UAVs watching overhead.

China has thousands of ballistic and cruise missiles. China can build plenty more. There will be a lot of wasted strikes. However, China will also eliminate most of the real ones to clear the way for the J-10s and WZ-10s.
Clear the dummy sites and clear the real ones if you can and just hope that the real SAM sites do not move .
Clear the dummy sites and clear the real ones if you can and just hope that the real SAM sites do not move .

The idea is to use ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles to destroy known SAM sites. Then you fly attack aircraft with EW support aircraft and anti-radiation missiles. As soon as a radar "turns on," a Chinese anti-radiation missile is fired to destroy it.

Reference: New Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) (China) - Jane's Air-Launched Weapons




"...PL-16 model is a new high-speed anti-radiation missiles, mainly used to attack ground and ship-based air defense radars, capable of carrying on the J-10, J-8, J-7 and other types of aircraft above. The missile launch weight of 360 kg, a range of about 80 km (compared with AGM-88 anti-radiation missiles to more than 30 km), the maximum rate of fire of 2280 km/hour.

PL-16 missile advantages include:

One can attack a variety of radar. Seeker frequency coverage 0.8 ~ 20GHZ, is the widest of all anti-radiation missiles, and can be a variety of airborne, shipboard, vehicle and ground attack fixed radar; (article continues)"
Jesus, there have only been like four J-10 crashes in ten years.

How many times are you going to keep posting a J-10 crash? You've posted three crashes in the last three hours (posts #15, #26, and #39). That's very misleading.
Then how many times are you going to keep posting those so called "China hig-tech weapons" when None of them dare to show up and fight in disputed zone ??
The idea is to use ballistic, cruise, and MLRS missiles to destroy known SAM sites. Then you fly attack aircraft with support EW aircraft and anti-radiation missiles. As soon as a radar "turns on," a Chinese anti-radiation missile is fired to destroy it.

Reference: New Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) (China) - Jane's Air-Launched Weapons
Old school, SAM can even send out decoy signals to attract incoming missiles, modern SAM like the S-300 can even hom in jam.

I repeat myself again, we elected to spend $4 billion dollars on 6 Kilo submarines and its infrastructure instead of spending that $4 billion usd to get another 80 su-30 or 30 systems of S-300 is a clear answer to you that we're more than confident and capable of waging a land and air war with you.
Old school, SAM can even send out decoy signals to attract incoming missiles, modern SAM like the S-300 can even hom in jam.

I repeat myself again, we elected to spend $4 billion dollars on 6 Kilo submarines and its infrastructure instead of spending that $4 billion usd to get another 80 su-30 or 30 systems of S-300 is a clear answer to you that we're more than confident and capable of waging a land and air war with you.

Well, alright, we'll have to wait for a real war to see if Vietnam is adequately prepared and can withstand repeated Chinese onslaughts.

By the way, it could also mean your country is poor (which is true) and it made a difficult choice in selecting its most pressing military needs.
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