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Even a Muslim from India is called a Hindu in Gulf countries: Goa CM Manohar Parrikar

Whats wrong with dravidian race of yours?

Whole Pakistan belongs to us west, north and east of the Indus.

Hindu meant Indian

I bet he will never in his life again say bakistani hindi same same-

Very true PakhtunGuy.

This is why we celebrate an "independence day" not a "post partition day" because we are celebrating the moment our civilization obtained its independence/freedom from the British Empire.

For those parroting the "Hindustan" nonsense get real there never was any such country nor has the term, particularly when used by foreigners, ever been used to refer to any particular religious or ethnic group or even people with a shared history and common government much like the term "Asia" today. "India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" (pg. 285 of "History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1") from about 2500 BC and our did not encompass modern day India (other than Gujrat and small sections of Punjab but at this time the Indian peoples would not have reached our borders).


The Pakistani civilization (which includes Kashmir) and Indian civilization are two distinct groups with our civilization having been born and flourished within Pakistan. Our civilization was composed of two neolithic settlements the most significant being that of Mehrgarh and the much smaller settlement of Burzahom (located in the portion of Kashmir India now occupies) which spread throughout Pakistan particularly along the Indus and it's tributaries just as the Mesopotamians spread along the Tigris and Euphrates, the Egyptians along the Nile and the Chinese along the Yellow River. India's civilization on the other hand began in two locations the first was the Belan Valley from where they spread into the Gangetic valley and eventually along the Ganges the other being settlements located in Tamil Nadu.


This is a propaganda created by zionist Yindus to destroy our islamic identity

"There is no word Hindu in the Vedas. There is no Hindu word.

No need for propaganda Yogi.

There is no such religion as "Hinduism" particularly considering, as farhan pointed out, not a single religious text from the region ever referred to it's adherents as "Hindus" (ex. like the Quran refers to the religion as “Islam” in Surah 3:19 and it's adherents as "Muslims" in Surah 2:128) nor is there any language or dialect native to India that the word "Hind" or "Hindu" originates from so this idea of a "Hindu" religion is nothing but a long standing lie. All you have now is nothing more than a collection of different, in many cases unrelated, folklore religions no different from what you'd find in neighboring China.

Based on the geography of the Rig Veda, a collection of hymns, its origin is NOT in the least attributed to the Indian civilization. There is only one river associated with the Indian civilization in the entire text (i.e. the Ganga or Ganges which is mentioned just once while earlier beliefs that the Ghaggar-Hakara referenced the fabled Yamuna/Saravasti river no longer hold true considering the former was monsoon fed while the latter is written to have been Himalayan fed). The Rig Veda is in no way even a "Hindu" text particularly since not a single one of the Indian civilizations Brahman "gods" (ex. Vishnu, Krishna, etc...) are ever mentioned in it and it actually supports monotheism:

One All is Lord of what is fixed and moving, that walks, that flies, this multiform creation. (Rig Veda B3H54V8)

They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuṇa, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly-winged Garutmān.
To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Mātariśvan.
In fact based on works wholly attributed to the Indian civilization like the Mahabharata (ex. fight between the light skinned Indra of the Rig Veda versus the dark skinned Kirshna of the Indian civilization) it is obvious that your civilization was extremely hostile towards ours.

The Pakistani civilization has never been "Hindu". Our ancestors did not believe in a caste system nor is there any evidence to suggest there was one (Pg. 59 of “Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization” and pg. 210 of “The History and Geography of Human Genes” which is actually backed up by the Rig Veda B9H112V3), abhorred idolatry, ate meat (pg. 123 of "The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives" by Jane McIntosh) and buried the dead with food, pots and pans confirming the belief in an afterlife not reincarnation (pg. 278 of "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia") like the Ancient Egyptians all of which are in complete contradiction to the beliefs/practices of Indian Brahminism or modern day "Hinduism".

This is why the Pakistani civilization, unlike those of Indians, quickly absorbed Islam because the message wasn't alien to us while it was a radically foreign concept for the Indian. Furthermore, our long established historical ties with the Middle East (ex. Iraq/Mesopotamia and Egypt) which is documented to have spanned thousands of years facilitated the eventual flow of Islam to our lands.

Even the oldest book of Sanskrit was discovered within Pakistan and Sanskrit grammar is attributed to an ancient Pakistani named Panini from Taxila.

Even Pakistani Muslims identifies themselves as Indians in US, Canada, Europe and Australia

Sorry to burst your bubble but we don't.

In fact we make sure to go out of our way to assert the fact we are Pakistani and a lot of us even get agitated when someone even asks if we're from India which, oddly enough, I've even had a Fillipino friend from Cali tell me was the same of Pakistanis back there.

Granted, we may have similar interests within the West and, like Muslims and Jews, will team up when those interests are threatened (ex. we'll all vote for a Liberal Party/NDP Sikh or Muslim candidate over a known prejudiced PC politician or team up with Jews when Halal and Kosher are threatened) but by no means do we ever claim ourselves to be Indian and the assertion of our Pakistani identity becomes even more stark the older we get.

In fact I have actually known two Indian girls (not related and as far as I know don't know each other) claiming they were "Saudi" (one was in high school the other was just recently about a year ago) and they weren't even Muslim.
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Very true PakhtunGuy.
This is why we celebrate an "independence day" not a "post partition day" because we are celebrating the moment our civilization obtained its independence/freedom from the British Empire.
For those parroting the "Hindustan" nonsense get real there never was any such country nor has the term, particularly when used by foreigners, ever been used to refer to any particular religious or ethnic group or even people with a shared history and common government much like the term "Asia" today. "India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" (pg. 285 of "History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume 1") from about 2500 BC and our did not encompass modern day India (other than Gujrat and small sections of Punjab but at this time the Indian peoples would not have reached our borders).

As I mentioned entire land East of the Sindhu Nadi(Indus river) from Gandhara(in North -West) to Dravida in South India was Bharatavarsha, Bharata or Bharat Khand having a common culture. You are only doing faking of history. :girl_wacko:
"India" as a country never existed before the British occupation of countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, etc... In fact the oldest known name for Pakistan was one used by Mesopotamia which referred to our nation as "Meluha" and our coastline as "Makran" .

India name is given by british.

The name India is derived from Indus, which is derived from the Old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus River.
The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi, the people of the Indus. The Constitution of India and common usage in various Indian languages also recognise Bharat as an official name of equal status. Hindustan, which is the Persian word for “Land of the Hindus” and historically referred to northern India, is also occasionally used as a synonym for all of India.

Bharat the name is derived from the Play of Sanskrit poet Kalidas known as Abhigyanshakuntalam.
In which the name was of a very brave Prince who was looked to play with tigers and lions.
In fact based on works wholly attributed to the Indian civilization like the Mahabharata (ex. fight between the light skinned Indra of the Rig Veda versus the dark skinned Kirshna of the Indian civilization) it is obvious that your civilization was extremely hostile towards ours.
Sorry to burst your bubble but according to aryan invasion theory which you seems to believe in(?) indus valley civilization belonged to dark skinned indians which is then conquered by aryans from central asia. The historians even claim that indus valley civilization was a tamil civilization.

The Pakistani civilization has never been "Hindu". Our ancestors did not believe in a caste system nor is there any evidence to suggest there was one (Pg. 59 of “Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization” and pg. 210 of “The History and Geography of Human Genes” which is actually backed up by the Rig Veda B9H112V3), abhorred idolatry, ate meat (pg. 123 of "The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives" by Jane McIntosh) and buried the dead with food, pots and pans confirming the belief in an afterlife not reincarnation (pg. 278 of "Encyclopedia of Prehistory: Volume 8: South and Southwest Asia") like the Ancient Egyptians all of which are in complete contradiction to the beliefs/practices of Indian Brahminism or modern day "Hinduism".
If you consider dark skinned people as your ancestors than yes, your ancestors did not believed in cast system and they buried their dead. Cast system, cremation and reincarnation are aryan concept.

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