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Even a midget nuke strike will lead to massive retaliation, India warns Pak

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Why are Indians repeating the same threat again and again

Psychological reason is because they know deep down that they are not capable of doing that and out of fear keep repeating the warning to sound credible....... Do we Pakistani's look like some one who can be frightened by war or massive retaliation threats?
Reminds me of the famous million soldier march by the supa powa indian army............next time send them with equal number of balls...we don't kill faggots

Don't wish for something that you may live to regret

The warning goes to Pakistan because Pakistan is a Proxy of China to destabalize India. The two frontal war could become reality any time.
Why are Indians repeating the same threat again and again

Psychological reason is because they know deep down that they are not capable of doing that and out of fear keep repeating the warning to sound credible....... Do we Pakistani's look like some one who can be frightened by war or massive retaliation threats?
Reminds me of the famous million soldier march by the supa powa indian army............next time send them with equal number of balls...we don't kill faggots

Don't wish for something that you may live to regret

It is not a warning, this is something which was spoken in a speech related to Indian nuclear doctrine to a gathering, if you want to take it as a warning then it's well and good.
what we can say.... If we go in peaceful and diplomatic manner, some idiots say incompetent army, don't have guts, spanking, defeat etc..... if we go other option the same idiots say, war mongers etc..... what a double standard? don't know how this fellows get such kinda stupid talk.... may be they get this kinda brain by birth otherwise may they get from different helpers.... lol

first thing first.... we are not failed country....
yes no body care about Indians, but *****... that is why regularly getting bombed by drones....

such over zealous statements only intimidates and encourages your rivals to prepare for what they are being warned about.
For now Pakistan was only preparing for limited nuclear war where midget nukes were to be used to push back an overwhelming attack or to balance Indian conventional fire power.

But such statements may start a new arms race.

On a side note the phrase "barking up the wrong tree" comes to mind.
Now is the time to say something to china not to Pakistan.
yeah I know killing and dying is in your blood you just landed from Jupiter, relatives of Sabu. Any ways you should give a **** or else nuclear war will annihilate you.

Why are you getting provoked, this I do not understand. In a gathering, Shyam Saran only explained about India's nuclear doctrine, is that new to you?

That is for Pakistani military planners to decide if to take this statement serious or not.
But such statements should be avoided as they are counter productive.
If that really is Indian doctorine.then its new to me as until recently all published versions said about step by step escelation of a nuclear conflict.
They may have changed doctorine then.
Indians are shivering from Chinese fear, can't do **** about it, but still want to portray supa powa to the world so issuing warnings to Pakistan...........idiots, Pakistan has First and massive use policy we are not afraid of your stinky brain farts.

That is why we are afraid of you.. without worrying about what is the consequence that if this thing happens..

Pakistan Killed and burried its ideology of being a muslim state by being a friend to China, which is activelly restricting its muslims from even pray and fast on Ramadan Month...

calling Pakistan an Islamic Republic is tottaly fake when you can join hands with communist who are athist .. so basically to hit india, you can join any one. enemys enemy is your friend. good logic

go sing Pakistan China zindhabad.. we know your true colors
When a statement is published you should understand the context in which it was said. It could be a statement made by government, which means it is sending a message or it could be one of the following. Someone asked a question and a person is responding. A person is doing presentation. Without understanding context you will be replying to something which was not said. And yes India media or any other media always puts the punchline to be more sell able. A grown up has to learn to read news to understand actual event and remove the hype.
such over zealous statements only intimidates and encourages your rivals to prepare for what they are being warned about.
For now Pakistan was only preparing for limited nuclear war where midget nukes were to be used to push back an overwhelming attack or to balance Indian conventional fire power.

But such statements may start a new arms race.

On a side note the phrase "barking up the wrong tree" comes to mind.
Now is the time to say something to china not to Pakistan.

If your military uses nuclear weapon of any size, retaliation will be massive since India does not follow first strike doctrine. There is nothing wrong in it.
If your military uses nuclear weapon of any size, retaliation will be massive since India does not follow first strike doctrine. There is nothing wrong in it.

That means there is no point in launching a limited nuclear attack on an Indian armed brigade.
Any country who gets squeezed to a point where Indian onslaught us unstoppable should launch an all out missile barrage on Indian cities?
That's a great Indian doctorine as seen by potential enemies or rivals or likely countries India might go to war with.
That means there is no point in launching a limited nuclear attack on an Indian armed brigade.
Any country who gets squeezed to a point where Indian onslaught us unstoppable should launch an all out missile barrage on Indian cities?
That's a great Indian doctorine as seen by potential enemies or rivals or likely countries India might go to war with.

what do you mean by limited nuclear attack, and what exactly guarantees a limited nuclear attack? I have heard about limited conventional war, but when it comes to the word nuclear, it is never limited due to the radiation.
PI$$ED at China , India is threatening Pakistan with nuclear attack.

funny just yesterday indians were talking nuke fanboys

read my first post as it says, Pakistan is a Proxy of China to destabalize India, but no one is giving warnings. You should understand the difference between warning and explanation of Indian nuclear doctrine to a gathering.
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