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Featured EU, Turkey Clash over Hagia Sophia, Mediterranean Drilling

Look at the likes and amount of attention
It's a Chinese women, and they're smoking hookah almost everywhere on mother earth
are you sure about the picture accuracy?? the one on the right does not look like eastern turkistan/xinjiang of china. i mean a middle eastern looking guy, shisha...
The city of Selanik (Thessaloniki), just before it was occupied. How many minarets do you count?
Thessaloniki was conquered by the Ottomans in 1430 and liberated in 1912. What are you talking about?

-- nobody forced christian population to convert muslim in Balkans
There were many forced conversions and there was also Devsirme

-- nobody killed christian civilian population in Balkans
There was a gazillion massacres,pogroms and slaughtering of entire villages and towns in the Balkans throughout the 400 year Ottoman rule. What on earth are you even saying? You butchered Greeks,you butchered Serbs,Bulgarians,Hungarians,Croats,what are you even talking about? You want me to start writing a long list of massacres by the Ottomans from around the conquest of Constantinople to the early 20th century?

even savage Greeks,Serbs,Bulgars,Rumanians killed millions of Ottoman Muslim population in Balkans between 1821 and 1914
Were you taught propaganda by Indians? :P

Ancient Turkic peoples throughout the last 40.000 years, had migrated further into Euroasian steppes, Europe, America, China, India as well as Mesopotomia while bringing their highly intelligent civilizations to the indigenous populations ...... and These ancient Turkic / Turanians also founded the civilizations of ancient Sumer, early Egypt, China, Indus Valley/India(Harappa) and furthermore influenced on every other early civilizations Sumerians , early Egyptians, Hittites/Hattians, Trojans, Lydians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Basques and Celts/Picts, Indus civilizations of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, Incas, Aztecs, Mayans, and the builders of all ancient worlwide cities including South American cities of Tihuanaco and Karal
Which parallel universe did you come from,mate?

In the time when the Greeks had their heydays, they had gay relationships, pooped behind their houses, and were able to philosophize ... art, culture, music, food, and architecture which - unlike the known ruins - has been preserved today, comes from Turkish epochs...

now cry bitterly louder, crusader
Hey Djibouti,stop trying to impress us with your ignorance,we're impressed already. You haven't opened a history book in your life.

Zionist Jew: ISreal is the beacon of democracy and liberty, a neo-liberal capital, we care about multi-culturalism.
Same Zionist Jew: For those nationalists out there, there is no place more anti-immigrant than ISreal, far Reichers please support the zionist regime, Jews in ISreal are against colored migrants.
Same Zionist Jew: We need to make the whole of Isreal a zionist settler place, no Palestinians wanted, drive them into Jordan.
Same Zionist Jew: Enemies of zionism want to burn down mosques, we stand with Muslims.

How low of an IQ does anybody have to believe the zio-bot lies
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I'll ask you guys a simple question: If the Dome of the Rock,was turned into a church,would you have liked that? If Israel allowed it and said "Hey,it's our country,these are our own affairs". How would you react? You would have gone ballistic. Literally and metaphorically. And yet,you mock Christians around the world for protesting against the conversion of Agia Sofia to a mosque.
I'll ask you guys a simple question: If the Dome of the Rock,was turned into a church,would you have liked that? If Israel allowed it and said "Hey,it's our country,these are our own affairs". How would you react? You would have gone ballistic. Literally and metaphorically. And yet,you mock Christians around the world for protesting against the conversion of Agia Sofia to a mosque.

The Hagia Sofia saw many clowns come and go. Erdogan is old and soon cold. Let them play their games and ignore it, thats the worst for them.
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