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EU: Russia scatters fake corona virus news


Apr 2, 2017
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EU: Russia scatters fake corona virus news

According to an internal document of the European Union, Russia is spreading fake news about the corona virus. The aim of the campaign is to create panic and thereby exacerbate the crisis in Europe.

Brussels, 19 March 2020 / Reuters from Reuters news agency had access to an explosive EU document. According to the nine-page memorandum, Russia is spreading fake news about the corona virus in Europe. "A major disinformation campaign is currently underway by Russian state and Kremlin-related media on Covid-19," the March 16 document said. The Kremlin described Wednesday's allegations as untrue and nonsensical. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov complained that the European External Action Service (EEAS) document lacked concrete evidence. Peskov found "anti-Russian obsessions" on the EU side.
Panic and distrust

The EU believes that Russian efforts are aimed at "aggravating the public health crisis in western countries." This is done "in accordance with the Kremel's general strategy of undermining European societies." Panic and mistrust would be widespread. There are almost 80 cases of targeted disinformation, in particular the claim that the corona virus is a biological weapon of the United States. The EU document lists examples from several European countries, including Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia and Italy.
"Russia Today"

According to the EU document, the most important instrument of Russian disinformation in Europe is the state broadcaster “Russia Today” (RT). It was founded in 2005 to counterbalance western news channels. The official aim is to show “the Russian perspective on international events”. RT offers television news, online portals, YouTube channels and social media pages in seven languages, including German. The total reach of the RT channels in Europe is difficult to measure. RT's Spanish television channel was the twelfth most popular corona news source in Spain in March, according to EAD.

Among other things, the EEAS accuses Russia of being responsible for a fake letter from the Ukrainian Ministry of Health that sparked riots in Ukraine at the end of February. The letter had falsely claimed that there were five corona cases in the country. Similar occurrences have occurred in Italy and Slovakia, among others. For example, the false news was spread that the Slovakian prime minister had contracted the corona virus and had infected other European heads of state.

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