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"EU needs defence force 'under Union command' "

Safety Europe must look like this

but not like this

This fragmented, occupied by Americans, Europe can not be a safe place. And sooner or later, there will chaos.
I think Europe's decision mechanism is a bit sluggish. Look at the last Syrian issue. England doesn't want to involve. France is very eager to get involved. First Europe should sort out the differences between them. Learn, how to act like a one fist.

Only after than a united defense force would make sense.

You're right but regarding the UK,i truly want them to leave the EU in 2017,they're always moaning about something.

P.S. On Tuesday,because we're such good neighbours ,we're gonna' draw,but we are going to go through after we smashed the hungayrians last night.:whistle:
You're right but regarding the UK,i truly want them to leave the EU in 2017,they're always moaning about something.

P.S. On Tuesday,because we're such good neighbours ,we're gonna' draw,but we are going to go through after we smashed the hungayrians last night.:whistle:

lets bypass politics bro if we dont go world cup then i support romania in World cup

where is GEORGE HAGİiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:cheesy:

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@tesla I fear we will never again have a player of his greatness altough his son,Ianis Hagi currently plays for Romania under 15,he's a promising boy.
Nowadays Hagi has a football academy and he owns a team in the romanian first league,Viitorul Constanta.

Tuesday i'll be in the stadium like i was last night ,i don't think it will be the same atmosphere full of hate and passion that we had last night tough,50.000 people pushing the team,singing the national anthem throughout the game and generally heckling the hungarians,i think they've lost it ,that's why they played such a crappy game.Couldn't stand the pressure.


National anthem last night on the stadium.
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Hitler will be laughing his @$$ off in his grave.

EU has achieved him what he wanted to do then. :lol:

A common unified European military command under Europe's biggest economic powerhouse: Germany.
Hitler will be laughing his @$$ off in his grave.

EU has achieved him what he wanted to do then. :lol:

A common unified European military command under Europe's biggest economic powerhouse: Germany.

Yes. With one exeption - "A common unified European military under USA violent and mentally ill command"
You could share your opinion with us instead of beeing so misterious and patronising :P

Why are you opening up threads to p!ss off our comrade vostok :). Watch out or he will threat to nuke your country.

Next year January the borders for work force from Romania and Bulgaria will open completely. İs there a certain hype to go to western Europe and work or do the Romanians prefer to stay at home?
Why are you opening up threads to p!ss off our comrade vostok :). Watch out or he will threat to nuke your country.

Next year January the borders for work force from Romania and Bulgaria will open completely. İs there a certain hype to go to western Europe and work or do the Romanians prefer to stay at home?

" big crater in Bucharest" :))...Luckily for me comrade @vostok doesn't talk to me because,to quote him,i'm a fascist.

With all the hysteria in the UK about romanians swarming in,not really man because we allready have millions working in the EU.Simple put,there are no more romanians to go anymore.It's actually a sad situation,hospitals without qualified doctors and nurses( 500 E for a young doctor here-5000 in France and they're recruiting like crazy),a whole generation of children is growing without parents supervision in the care of their grandparents because their mothers and fathers work abroad(Spain,Italy,Portugal and others didn't have work restrictions like the UK,Netherlands). :(
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" big crater in Bucharest" :))...Luckily for me comrade @vostok doesn't talk to me because,to quote him,i'm a fascist.

With all the hysteria in the UK about romanians swarming in,not really man because we allready have millions working in the EU.Simple put,there are no more romanians to go anymore.It's actually a sad situation,hospitals without qualified doctors and nurses( 500 E for a young doctor here-5000 in France and they're recruiting like crazy),a whole generation of children is growing without parents supervision in the care of their grandparents because their mothers and fathers work abroad(Spain,Italy,Portugal and others didn't have work restrictions like the UK,Netherlands). :(

Damn 500 e is really really low for a doctor, if the government won't tackle this problem it will lead to a big brain drain from Romania.

Your last story we remember very well, it's quiet saddening actually. İ doubt that any parent would want to leave their childs, unless there is a extremely dire situation. Such a shame. On the good side at least it seems to improve quiet well in the decade, hope it will change very soon.

İ remember very well that we had to go through Romania with the car once due to the yugoslav war. The country was very poor and the police were extremely corrupt. We had to pay ransom for the same policeman like 4 times on the same road. İt came to a point that we had a argumemt and then a ethnic Turkish officer came and let us go :). By the way no disrespect, Turkey was in no better shape back in those days.
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Damn 500 e is really really low for a doctor, if the government won't tackle this problem it will lead to a big brain drain from Romania.

Your last story we remember very well, it's quiet saddening actually. İ doubt that any parent would want to leave their childs, unless there is a extremely dire situation. Such a shame. On the good side at least it seems to improve quiet well in the decade, hope it will change very soon.

İ remember very well that we had to go through Romania with the car once due to the yugoslav war. The country was very poor and the police were extremely corrupt. We had to pay ransom for the same policeman like 4 times on the same road. İt came to a point that we had a argumemt and then a ethnic Turkish officer came and let us go :). By the way no disrespect, Turkey was in no better shape back in those days.

It improoved in the last years but unfotunately we still have huge disparities between zones,in cities like Bucharest,Constanta ,Cluj etc people have jobs,they look modern,etc but there are still ex industrial zones,especially in Moldova who look like third world and like ghost towns,no jobs,people migrated in the West especially from there.

The corruption in the police wwas tackled also and it was reduced a lot ,altought there are still problems.Now,let's see with the doctors ,there's a project in Parliament which stipulates bigger wages starting next year for junior medics.Let's hope it gets voted and the brain drain is stopped.
Nowadays, I have just read this new. What do you think about it? Do you think that it will be good for EU

EU has continued to expand further


FNOTW: EU enlargement
Since England opposes the idea....US might also oppose the idea!
Nowadays, I have just read this new. What do you think about it? Do you think that it will be good for EU

EU has continued to expand further


FNOTW: EU enlargement

You would be better qualified in responding to this question seeing that you come from a more developed country in the EU,a country that has to absorb immigrants from a less developed countries, like mine.The only entity i would not like to see in the EU from that list is Kosovo as I ,and oficialy my country, don't recognise it as a legitimate state.

Since England opposes the idea....US might also oppose the idea!

Fingers crossed for the UK to leave us in 2017 as for the americans,well,under all the facade smiles,ofcourse they oppose the ideea but we shouldn't care about that.Time for them to deal with Asia Pacific drama and for europeans to secure their own faith,different from the USA.
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