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EU must be ready to impose sanctions on Ukraine: Czech Minister


Feb 9, 2014
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(Reuters) - The European Union must be ready to impose sanctions on Ukraine if the government persists in using violence against protesters, the foreign minister of the Czech Republic said on Monday as he warned against Soviet-style authoritarianism.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, where Ukraine is to be discussed, Lubomir Zaoralek said it was unacceptable to see human rights being blatantly violated on the borders of the European Union.

"It's something totally unacceptable, this violence and the role of the authorities in intimidation. It's something that is very close to our experience in the socialist past," Zaoralek told Reuters in his first interview with foreign media since being appointed at the end of January.

"I am absolutely convinced that if there is an escalation of violence, I see no chance to avoid sanctions. The EU must use all tools at our disposal," he said.

Sanctions on Ukraine have become a point of divergence between the EU and the United States.

In secret recordings released on the Internet last week, Victoria Nuland, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for European affairs, was heard complaining to the U.S. ambassador to Kiev that the EU was too soft, and she suggested the United States should adopt a "**** the EU" attitude.

In a separate recording, one of the EU's top foreign policy experts, Helga Schmid, was heard telling the EU ambassador to Ukraine that she was worried about Europe's perceived weakness and the criticism being leveled at it.


But while the United States is keen to put pressure on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich and a possible sanctions package is already being prepared in Congress [ID:nL2N0L32P1], EU member states are far more hesitant.

Diplomats indicate that Germany, Britain and France are among the major countries opposed to such a move, which they argue will further complicate efforts to bring Yanukovich on side and will ultimately play into Russia's hands.

The crisis, which began in late November, has become a proxy battle between the EU and Russia over influence in Ukraine after Yanukovich rejected a long-negotiated trade deal with the EU and decided to pursue closer ties with Russia instead.

Zaoralek, who held talks with Nuland last week, said the key moment for the EU would be mid-February, when an amnesty offered by Yanukovich to the protesters is due to expire.

The amnesty, already rejected by most of the demonstrators, calls on pro-EU protesters to leave occupied public buildings in exchange for some detainees being set free.

"If after February 17 the current government uses violence to suppress the opposition, the Maidan and the people, maybe that will be a concrete reason to use all possible tools which we have in the EU," said Zaoralek, referring to the central square in Kiev that is the focal point of the protests.

Asked if there were gaps between the EU and U.S. policy on Ukraine, the minister acknowledged this was the case, but said it was up to Europe to shape its own approach.

"I would like to see a Europe that would be able to manage these programs and not have to wait for another friend or power to solve it," he said.
Impose sanctions on Israel then for blatantly violating human rights via their occupation of Palestinian land.

If you don't, then save me your crocodile tears pieces of shit. They supported torture in Iraq, led torture camps in prisons and come here acting as if they care about human rights.
EU is messing with Switzerland, Ukraine, India, China. Same stuff by USA.. very soon will be fked up
EU is messing with Switzerland, Ukraine, India, China. Same stuff by USA.. very soon will be fked up

1.EU isn't messing with Switzerland .The swiss signed trade,work force,free movement agreements with the EU which benefits their economy.If they want to restrict free movement the EU is within its rights to suspend the other agreements to.You can't have only the advantages .No free movement ,than they should act like any other non EU country,with customs,tarifs and all.It's simple.

2.The EU can't tolerate a dictatorship in Ukraine at its borders.

3.How is the EU messing with China and India ?
1.EU isn't messing with Switzerland .The swiss signed trade,work force,free movement agreements with the EU which benefits their economy.If they want to restrict free movement the EU is within its rights to suspend the other agreements to.You can't have only the advantages .No free movement ,than they should act like any other non EU country,with customs,tarifs and all.It's simple.

2.The EU can't tolerate a dictatorship in Ukraine at its borders.

3.How is the EU messing with China and India ?

dont even try to bring reason here. He lives in 3rd world so of course he hates EU...jealous.

Just read all the bullshit they write about bombing their neighbors, war and so on, but if EU stands for own interests they freak out here
dont even try to bring reason here. He lives in 3rd world so of course he hates EU...jealous.

Just read all the bullshit they write about bombing their neighbors, war and so on, but if EU stands for own interests they freak out here

Not all western countries are bad, same goes to countries from the 3rd world such as the BD.

1.EU isn't messing with Switzerland .The swiss signed trade,work force,free movement agreements with the EU which benefits their economy.If they want to restrict free movement the EU is within its rights to suspend the other agreements to.You can't have only the advantages .No free movement ,than they should act like any other non EU country,with customs,tarifs and all.It's simple.

2.The EU can't tolerate a dictatorship in Ukraine at its borders.

3.How is the EU messing with China and India ?

He's blaming you for the Pivot to Asia as far as China is concerned.

And he blames you for the Italian marines killing Indian fishermen I guess.
Not all western countries are bad, same goes to countries from the 3rd world such as the BD.

He's blaming you for the Pivot to Asia as far as China is concerned.

And he blames you for the Italian marines killing Indian fishermen I guess.

indian pirates you mean. At least thats how they acted.
Again, if EU is considered about human rights then they should also sanction Israel which violates Palestinian rights by the day in an brutal 40+ year old occupation.
Again, if EU is considered about human rights then they should also sanction Israel which violates Palestinian rights by the day in an brutal 40+ year old occupation.
palestine is not our business.
This isn't about Palestine, it's about international human rights violations as the EU refers to it.

and? we say thats bad, give palestine aid and boycott products from settlements
and? we say thats bad, give palestine aid and boycott products from settlements

That's a recent development, ironically Europe was also the main finically supporter of settlement projects in the occupied West Bank.

So if they are who they say they are then effective boycotts should be increased over time.
I dont get how europeans can support the idea of a european union. I get the free trade and everything but the fact that all european capitals are located in brussels just baffles me. Italy, Germany, France all proud nations now under the occupation of some failed idea.
I dont get how europeans can support the idea of a european union. I get the free trade and everything but the fact that all european capitals are located in brussels just baffles me. Italy, Germany, France all proud nations now under the occupation of some failed idea.

We want be a global power, like the roman empire, holy german empire and french empire before. We don't want be petty dwarf nations with nothing to say in the world like turkey. The EU is not a failed idea, it gives germany more power than it ever had before. We live in the 21st century. Small nationalism is something of the past.
Not all western countries are bad, same goes to countries from the 3rd world such as the BD.

He's blaming you for the Pivot to Asia as far as China is concerned.

And he blames you for the Italian marines killing Indian fishermen I guess.

Generally countries are not bad but their regimes.

Pivot to Asia is american business not EU's.

The italian marines incident is an unfortunate incident,but un accident none the less ,not some EU evil plan to kill indians.Let's be serious.

This isn't about Palestine, it's about international human rights violations as the EU refers to it.

It may sound cynical but Palestine-Israel is miles away while Ukraine is a 40 million country right at our borders.Civil unrest there will have a big impact on the EU,financial ,refugees,etc.

I dont get how europeans can support the idea of a european union. I get the free trade and everything but the fact that all european capitals are located in brussels just baffles me. Italy, Germany, France all proud nations now under the occupation of some failed idea.

Not really.Europe has realised the huge potential of working together ,putting aside our petty diference,big and small nations.A single european nation like Germany for example,altough it has a good economy can't have the human/resources potential of the US,China,Russia.Even though we have differences,we have much more in common with each other in Europe.The capital in Brussels has a symbolic meaning,that no nation tries to be the hegemon.

United we stand ,divided we fall.
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