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EU must be ready to impose sanctions on Ukraine: Czech Minister

sanctions mean open arms from russia. it would be the best thing that could happen because then EU wouldnt be anyway look better than russia for the ukrainian people, people would see EUs true agenda.

go ahead cant wait

EU is messing with Switzerland, Ukraine, India, China. Same stuff by USA.. very soon will be fked up
and russia
@senheiser is right. Sanctions would be more beneficial for Russians than EU.
@Hazzy997 As you definitely know, your answer is very clear. They seek their own interests, if they find any interests in supporting your nation's movement, they would care about the regulating human rights of your opponent, otherwise, they simply won't care. Rest of their explanation is pure hypocrisy as you well know. ;)
@senheiser is right. Sanctions would be more beneficial for Russians than EU.
@Hazzy997 As you definitely know, your answer is very clear. They seek their own interests, if they find any interests in supporting your nation's movement, they would care about the regulating human rights of your opponent, otherwise, they simply won't care. Rest of their explanation is pure hypocrisy as you well know. ;)

You dont know what sanctions are used. high ranking governmemt members assets frozen, blockmthe, from entry in eu and so on
Diplomats indicate that Germany, Britain and France are among the major countries opposed to such a move, which they argue will further complicate efforts to bring Yanukovich on side and will ultimately play into Russia's hands.

Key sentence from the article. Sanctions won't happen, because the Euro big 3 are scared of Russia and won't antagonize it. A rare instance in which the EU, normally a hapless pawn, won't fall in line with US dictates.
Key sentence from the article. Sanctions won't happen, because the Euro big 3 are scared of Russia and won't antagonize it. A rare instance in which the EU, normally a hapless pawn, won't fall in line with US dictates.

bullshit. EU is not scared of russis, EU kicked Putin in the balls. He believed ukraine is save game, EU spit in his tea. ukraine is in chaos and EU active supports it. sanctions are counter productive and could stop the mass protests. Its important to keep the protests going and fuel them even more. Merkel builds up the oppossition, we fund them and create civil uprising. Thats how this is won, Not some shitty and la,e sanctions like the lame obama supposed. What we need is ukraine exploding. sanctions would unify it.
You dont know what sanctions are used. high ranking governmemt members assets frozen, blockmthe, from entry in eu and so on
You missed the main point, here. We can talk about the types of sanctions, as well, but the main point is that EU feels responsible for human rights only when they have some interests in bugging a government with this excuse. For example, they don't give a damn about the KSA, in which women cannot even drive, and travel freely on their own, ... since they give their oil with no problem and do whatever you want. EU does not care about most of the Africa either, since there is no money and interest there, but they do care about Ukraine, since it is their border with Russia and EU has interests there. In this case, EU starts to care about human rights. This is called hypocrisy.
You missed the main point, here. We can talk about the types of sanctions, as well, but the main point is that EU feels responsible for human rights only when they have some interests in bugging a government with this excuse. For example, they don't give a damn about the KSA, in which women cannot even drive, and travel freely on their own, ... since they give their oil with no problem and do whatever you want. EU does not care about most of the Africa either, since there is no money and interest there, but they do care about Ukraine, since it is their border with Russia and EU has interests there. In this case, EU starts to care about human rights. This is called hypocrisy.

I give you a tip, we give a shit about human rights, We care about our own interests only. If others human rights serve our intereste, we will fight for it, if not...we don't care. This is not called hypocrisy, this is called natural behavior. Iran is the same way. You blame KSA for opression of Shia, you blame Myanmar for opression of muslims in general but ignore the opression of muslims in China, simply because you need China. Nothing wrong with that, totally normal behavior.
I give you a tip, we give a shit about human rights, We care about our own interests only. If others human rights serve our intereste, we will fight for it, if not...we don't care. This is not called hypocrisy, this is called natural behavior. Iran is the same way. You blame KSA for opression of Shia, you blame Myanmar for opression of muslims in general but ignore the opression of muslims in China, simply because you need China. Nothing wrong with that, totally normal behavior.

So, at least you accepted some of these crystal clear facts. BTW, this is called normal behavior of hypocrites. I am not the spokesman of IR of Iran, and have not the responsibility to defend them. They are hypocrites as well. But, it does not have anything to do with the policies of Germany and EU and their hypocrisy. The point is, if you care for human rights only when it suits your agenda, it literally means that it is just an excuse for your interests, and in reality, you don't give a damn about it. Is it right? So, it is better for you to just stay calm and stop your hypocrite moaning about human rights ;) BTW, although I literally hate mullahs, but they are less hypocrite than EU, since they at least openly admit that they only care for "Islamic human rights" and not "Human rights". nevertheless, it is not related to our discussion.
So, at least you accepted some of these crystal clear facts. BTW, this is called normal behavior of hypocrites. I am not the spokesman of IR of Iran, and have not the responsibility to defend them. They are hypocrites as well. But, it does not have anything to do with the policies of Germany and EU and their hypocrisy. The point is, if you care for human rights only when it suits your agenda, it literally means that it is just an excuse for your interests, and in reality, you don't give a damn about it. Is it right? So, it is better for you to just stay calm and stop your hypocrite moaning about human rights ;) BTW, although I literally hate mullahs, but they are less hypocrite than EU, since they at least openly admit that they only care for "Islamic human rights" and not "Human rights". nevertheless, it is not related to our discussion.

Mullahs give a shit about "islamic human rights", they betray them for money and even deal with israel when the profit is big enough (iran- contra-affair). We are not worldpolice. I dont care about africa. Its in our best interest to have trouble there, that way we get cheap rescources, can fish at their sea. Its called politics. We only care about our rights and well-being and thats normal.
Mullahs give a shit about "islamic human rights", they betray them for money and even deal with israel when the profit is big enough (iran- contra-affair). We are not worldpolice. I dont care about africa. Its in our best interest to have trouble there, that way we get cheap rescources, can fish at their sea. Its called politics. We only care about our rights and well-being and thats normal.
Now, your post makes sense for me. Still, I do not agree that it is normal. Although this policy works fine in short term, it is an idiotic policy in the long term. since you opened the discussion about mullahs, lets consider this case. Europeans supported mullahs to gain power in Iran. They were happy that they would be able to receive cheap oil with no problem and increase the economical ties in compared to Shah reign. Now, see what has happened. After more than 5 centuries of strong economical ties between Iran and Europe, almost all of these ties are vanished now. Your mindset was very popular in mid 20 century, but it proved to be an awful policy in the long term. Besides, we are human beings, and we need to act more humane than animals, and act with some morality in our life.
Now, your post makes sense for me. Still, I do not agree that it is normal. Although this policy works fine in short term, it is an idiotic policy in the long term. since you opened the discussion about mullahs, lets consider this case. Europeans supported mullahs to gain power in Iran. They were happy that they would be able to receive cheap oil with no problem and increase the economical ties in compared to Shah reign. Now, see what has happened. After more than 5 centuries of strong economical ties between Iran and Europe, almost all of these ties are vanished now. Your mindset was very popular in mid 20 century, but it proved to be an awful policy in the long term. Besides, we are human beings, and we need to act more humane than animals, and act with some morality in our life.
Thats not working in reality, once you go soft you lose, its that simple. I have no illussions there.
Key sentence from the article. Sanctions won't happen, because the Euro big 3 are scared of Russia and won't antagonize it. A rare instance in which the EU, normally a hapless pawn, won't fall in line with US dictates.

Sanctions are unlikely because it will push Ukraine away.

Fear of Russia didn't stopped them to sanction Belarus.
I give you a tip, we give a shit about human rights, We care about our own interests only. If others human rights serve our intereste, we will fight for it, if not...we don't care. This is not called hypocrisy, this is called natural behavior. Iran is the same way. You blame KSA for opression of Shia, you blame Myanmar for opression of muslims in general but ignore the opression of muslims in China, simply because you need China. Nothing wrong with that, totally normal behavior.

Thats because the Uyghur issue is rooted in ethnic separatism, not religion, and there are millions of other Muslims in China, Hui Muslims outnumber Uyghurs and they aren't separatist. China has Hui, Dongxiang, Turkic Salar, and Bonan Muslims who are fanatically religious and more devout than Uyghurs and have no problems with them, they sre used to promote ties and investment with Muslim states. In fact Uyghurs are the least religious Muslims in China. If Iran supports ethnic separatists in another country, it will get massive blowback over Kurdish, Baluch, Arab, and Azeri ethnic separtists in its own country. Iran's government is based on Shia Islamism, not principles of ethnic nationalism that every ethnicity gets its own nation.

The Soviet Union in fact did the same thing to Iran and China in the 1940s with ethnic separatists. Iran does not want this to happen again. If Iran supports ethnic separatists in another country, that country will be hosting Arabs, Kurds, Baluchis, etc. and supplying them with military and political support.

Iran crisis of 1946 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Azerbaijan People's Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republic of Mahabad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ili Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second East Turkestan Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, your media has produced seriously false libel on this issue over migration. There are separatist movements which have nothing to do with demographics (Chechens made up the majority of people in Chechnya when the war occured, it wasn't Russian migration which set it off, Kurds also make up a large majority of the parts of Turkey and Iraq they live in). Its poverty, neglect, lack of economic opportunities, and people fanning extreme nationalism which can cause separatism.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang
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Thats because the Uyghur issue is rooted in ethnic separatism, not religion, and there are millions of other Muslims in China, Hui Muslims outnumber Uyghurs and they aren't separatist. China has Hui, Dongxiang, Turkic Salar, and Bonan Muslims who are fanatically religious and more devout than Uyghurs and have no problems with them, they sre used to promote ties and investment with Muslim states. In fact Uyghurs are the least religious Muslims in China. If Iran supports ethnic separatists in another country, it will get massive blowback over Kurdish, Baluch, Arab, and Azeri ethnic separtists in its own country. Iran's government is based on Shia Islamism, not principles of ethnic nationalism that every ethnicity gets its own nation.

The Soviet Union in fact did the same thing to Iran and China in the 1940s with ethnic separatists. Iran does not want this to happen again. If Iran supports ethnic separatists in another country, that country will be hosting Arabs, Kurds, Baluchis, etc. and supplying them with military and political support.

Iran crisis of 1946 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Azerbaijan People's Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republic of Mahabad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ili Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second East Turkestan Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the way, your media has produced seriously false libel on this issue over migration. There are separatist movements which have nothing to do with demographics (Chechens made up the majority of people in Chechnya when the war occured, it wasn't Russian migration which set it off, Kurds also make up a large majority of the parts of Turkey and Iraq they live in). Its poverty, neglect, lack of economic opportunities, and people fanning extreme nationalism which can cause separatism.

The Truth about Uyghur demographics and Han immigration in Xinjiang

You failed to mention commie General Wang Zhen killed a lot of Uighur and hurt their feelings. Go see memoir of "east turk" leaders.
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