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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

Dry Egypt out....... why? are they jews?

And even if they were Jews?

No, but hey they made a pact with the devil for us. So we should act like that, fak brotherly emotions. In geopolitical level you don't mes with people, they wanted to be like that they will get it.


they can make another agreement with cyprus and greece for water.

This kind of vindictive attitude is extremely dangerous for the whole world. Even though this discussion is taking place on an internet forum, any increase in the hostility of the general climate of thought can lead to unpredictable consequences. There has to be self-control in making such posts.

What do these mean, in the first place?
  1. Made a pact with the devil
  2. We should act like that
  3. They want to be like that, they will get itt
Are you serious? Are these supposed to be responsible remarks?

No, but hey they made a pact with the devil for us. So we should act like that, fak brotherly emotions. In geopolitical level you don't mes with people, they wanted to be like that they will get it.


they can make another agreement with cyprus and greece for water.

Are you proposing the replacement of the Nile water system with packaged water from Cyprus and Greece? How far does this sick thinking go?
And even if they were Jews?
You forgot the jews card if you hold it in your hand you can do what you like

Ppl will come out with it and argue against you but they won't flip their imagination and see things from different perspective they use Brotherhood and so on for their beloved ones but fail to see that there is another side where you could apply the same arguments to...

But all this things are just eye opener like their behavior for kashmir, east Türkistan, Myanmar, Chechnya, international Turkey politics in the end the money side counts from whom do you get your Daily bread and milk.. Will you sacrifice it? You won't find many who are willing to sacrifice their comfort for this idea..
This is a very serious and interesting development. We get constantly lost in the childish squabbles between India-Pakistan and India-China that we loose sight of major Geo-Political Tensions brewing throughout the World.

While Egypt certainly has a much superior military over Ethiopia on paper, it lacks the legs/logistics to effectively project power and knock the Dam out. Egypt would have to traverse through Sudan(Neutral Country) and maintain its supply line. It appears, the distance would be atleast 4000km(back and forth) making an aerial strike almost impossible for Egypt.

Egypt would have to knock out the dam before the reservoir is filled. Even a minor breach could cause an uncontrollable collapse which would send the entire reservoir down devastating Egypt. You don't mess with a full dam as the power of the reservoir water is immense. That means, Egypt has a very limited window to act.

Time to bring in the cavalry. Thoughts @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @Nilgiri @dbc @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM

If two mutually antagonistic countries such as Pakistan and India can enter into a rational water-sharing agreement, and keep to it, why can't we see such an agreement between Ethiopia and Egypt?

What Missiles? The distance is 2000kms, the only missiles i see the Egyptians have are the Scuds.

You forgot the jews card if you hold it in your hand you can do what you like

Ppl will come out with it and argue against you but they won't flip their imagination and see things from different perspective they use Brotherhood and so on for their beloved ones but fail to see that there is another side where you could apply the same arguments to...

But all this things are just eye opener like their behavior for kashmir, east Türkistan, Myanmar, Chechnya, international Turkey politics in the end the money side counts from whom do you get your Daily bread and milk.. Will you sacrifice it? You won't find many who are willing to sacrifice their comfort for this idea..

I simply couldn't understand the argument. Perhaps because I am unfamiliar with the situation in its details.

You forgot the jews card if you hold it in your hand you can do what you like

Ppl will come out with it and argue against you but they won't flip their imagination and see things from different perspective they use Brotherhood and so on for their beloved ones but fail to see that there is another side where you could apply the same arguments to...

But all this things are just eye opener like their behavior for kashmir, east Türkistan, Myanmar, Chechnya, international Turkey politics in the end the money side counts from whom do you get your Daily bread and milk.. Will you sacrifice it? You won't find many who are willing to sacrifice their comfort for this idea..

Too much international conspiracy going into these arguments.
What’s the issue with the Dam? Is there any kind of treaty or argeement between Egypt & Ethiopia that prevents construction of dams and/or defines the minimum amount of water that needs to flow to Egypt?
What’s the issue with the Dam? Is there any kind of treaty or argeement between Egypt & Ethiopia that prevents construction of dams and/or defines the minimum amount of water that needs to flow to Egypt?


A nice pictorial article which explains Everything. In short Ethiopian damn will make 30-50 % of Egyptian agricultural lands barren depending how fast they fill the waters in the dam
I don’t think Egypt have a choice because they have no allies in Africa who would open bases for them except erm Haftar from 3 countries away...and not to mention Sinai and the internal problems...

They’re about to have an anti-Egypt government next door (Libya) who will probably flood in thouands of Turkish-Qatari financed Muslim Brotherhood sleeper cells in Egypt out of revenge when this happens and Sissi will open how many fronts? 5 simultaneously while the Saudis-UAE keep bankrolling him to keep him in power.

Sudan has been a neutral country historically and neither sides with Egypt or Ethiopia so they won’t open a base for them. No one in East Africa will host bases for Egypt because they all have strong ties with Ethiopia.

Also, look at the international support Ethiopian govt have because they’re the servant of US that does the job for them by acting the police in the Horns and does their work in Somalia so in other word, US won’t let Egypt attack them.

Lastly, look at the countries involved in the dam project (Israel and Europe). It’s been almost 10 years so it’s too late anyway.
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I was under the impression that Sisi was specifically brought in by the US-Israel nexus.

If what you say is correct, two western allied nations in Africa will be at loggerheads with each other - this is foolishness on their parts and exposes the fiction of west leaning alliances bringing any kind of tangible benefit to the actual people of African nations.

Anyway, the outcome remains to be seen .

Egypt is brought to its knees and pacified. It will not be a threat to Israel. The last major Arab army will vanish. For KSA and gang, no rival challenger among Arabs is left and further the only Sunni rival left is Turkey.

Hence why defeating Turkey in Libya is so important for them and why they even made peace with Assad in Syria.

Ethiopia has always been a Western hub. It was the last country to be dominates by Europeans. The Italians patronized it. Europeans largely left Ethiopia alone as it was the only Christian country in the region.

Israel also established relations with Ethiopia early on. They viewed each other as allies due to both being surrounded by Muslim countries.

Recently Ethiopia was used by Western nations to occupy and maintain the fragmentation of Somalia. Somalia by virtue of its geographic location could rival any state in the region if it unified its missing parts. Western reign of terror of drone attacks and repeated imposed Civil War has been meant to keep Somalia backwards. Further it has become the dumping ground of waste and illegal fishing by many powers such as India, China, etc. due to its weak state. That is what led to the rise of Somali pirates.

Sudan is no longer a neutral country due to Sisi amplifying the border dispute between them. Sudan was also friendly to Morsi government, that's the reason. In revenge Sudan decided to support Ethiopia and now Egypt can't do anything.

Sisi has made multiple regional enemies for himself, which is now coming back to haunt him.

Having enemies is not a sin in itself and all countries have regional rivals/enemies per se - but the key thing for Sisi is that he didn't need to turn certain countries (namely Libya, Turkey) into enemy states, except for the behest of certain western imperial powers. Egypt is truly a client state for NATO's hardcore, no ifs or buts, run by a brutal dictator who is the darling of Western democracies. This isn't a new story. This is the same old neoconservative colonialism that has ravaged the middle east for centuries.

I feel sorry for the Egyptian people, but sat back and let Sisi interfere in other nations' affairs simply to score points with western Europe and USA. Egyptians of all people should know supporting a foreign-funded dictator will eventually come back to haunt you.

If Ethiopia builds the damn, Egyptians will suffer. If they don't build the damn, Ethiopians (and possibly Sudanese) will suffer. NATO isn't going to help Sisi if he tries to force the issue. On the contrary, Ethiopia will receive assistance and Egypt will be condemned.

This could be resolved with some sort of compromise but equally, this could be a Suez crisis v2.0.

Sisi is wholly to blame for selling his country. While Africa burns, he will retire and line his pockets. This will be a harsh lesson for the Egyptian people.
If Ethiopia builds the damn, Egyptians will suffer. If they don't build the damn, Ethiopians (and possibly Sudanese) will suffer. NATO isn't going to help Sisi if he tries to force the issue. On the contrary, Ethiopia will receive assistance and Egypt will be condemned.

Ethiopia doesnt need to take as much water as it is taking. This is water warfare against Egypt, plain and simple.

They are simply doing this to extend their rights over the Nile and show power.

If Egypt was free to make its own decisions, it could easily attack Ethiopia forcing it to back down.

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