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Estonia to Buy U.S Javelin ATGW


Feb 9, 2014
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Estonia to buy Javelin ATGWs


Estonia is seeking to purchase Javelin anti-tank guided weapons (ATGWs) from the United States, a spokesperson for the Estonian MoD confirmed to IHS Jane's on 10 June.

Modernising and reinforcing Estonia's anti-tank capabilities forms part of the country's national development plan for 2013-22, with the Estonian Cabinet deciding on 6 June to authorise the Estonian MoD to begin negotiations with the United States to purchase the missiles.

A spokesperson for the MoD told IHS Jane's the country is seeking to purchase "Javelin anti-tank missile systems from US stocks as surplus military equipment. The procurement is going to be made through the Foreign Military Sales programme as a government-to-government sales agreement."

The country is planning to buy 80 Javelin ATGWs, and hopes to sign a contract with the United States for the missiles before the end of 2014 - although noted that talks are only in an early phase at the moment. With negotiations only just beginning, the MoD was unwilling to discuss the country's budget for the purchase due to commercial sensitivities.

In Estonian service the Javelins will replace the country's existing stocks of MBDA Milan ATGWs, which will then be kept in reserve. "The systems are to be used at the Defence Forces infantry battalion level, as well as in the Defence League's territorial defence units," the MoD spokesperson added.

Estonia has previously been suggested as a Javelin export customer, with the Israeli Spike missile also considered a contender for the country's ATGW requirement. However, the spokesperson confirmed that Javelin was currently the only option being considered, and that there would be no competitive tender for the requirement: "According to EU and Estonian regulations we're not required to apply the Public Procurement Act if we buy defence equipment from another state. We are not looking at any other systems at this moment, nor are we having a public procurement. "

Estonia to buy Javelin ATGWs - IHS Jane's 360
This is a very good move. Our armed forces can surely use these against armored and fortified enemy units. Javelin is a very effective missile.
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