-- Syria policy ( to trust treacherous christian western countries )
RESULT : 4 million refugees in Turkey , to spend around $50 billion and PKK/YPG threat from Syria
-- Israel policy ( why only we Turks fighting against the US+The EU+Israel for Palestine ? )
even Pakistan,Indonesia,Egypt,KSA arent doing anything for Palestine
We lost over $500 billion to support Palestine
and Israel organized the US,France,Germany,Egypt,KSA,The Uae,HAFTAR,PKK/YPG,FETO to fight Turkey
ERDOGAN acting with emotions, not with his mind
its not Erdogan's fault ,
253.000 well educated Turks returned to Turkey from Germany only between 2006 and 2012
but since 2013 Turkey and Turkish Economy under attack by the US and their terrorists PKK , ISIS , FETO
-- 2013 Gezi Park rebellion
-- 2013 FETO's judical coup attemp
-- 2015 PKK's big rebellion in 22 cities
-- 2015-17 ISIS's 14 major terror attacks in Turkey
-- 2016 FETO's military coup attempt
-- 2017-2018 TRUMP's attack on Turkish Economy
if you are not biased , you should see this reality that the US and their terrorists -traitors turned Turkey into HELL between 2013 and 2019
-Gezi parki riots had a valid point people didnt want a mall in a park filled with trees, the only free-green area around taksim, it was erdogan being stubborn to erect a mall and supress people confronting his will with violence has escalated it to level of " government should fall".
Before naming attempts made by feto, kindly list ergenekon and balyoz. How someone helped feto to do these?
How feto has gained positions high in state?
How PKK has rebelled in 22 cities when they were about to be exterminated by generals who were detained with ergenekon and balyoz?
Whom, in first place let those PKK rats to gain positions in cities for sake of " acilim "? They havent grown in fields, they have gained positions, moved into cities, armed. Who has sat on a table and dealed with PKK?
Who has welcomed them in habur?
Who has held hands side by side with PKK supporter barzani?
Who has led top secret files to be stolen - smuggled from cosmic room? - technically unreachable room, filled with top secret files, anti-invasion counter guerilla formations- and caused state secrets to be copied around the world?
Who has guided a public toll in favor of law change, and made feto control almost everything in justice system?
Who has assigned ozel yetkili savci, for sake of taking ergenekon suspects down and making arrests?
Its easy to blame external factors, gotta see the internal reasons why most of events you have listed has happened.
While akp supporters and bureucrats were fancying feto, there were people being criticed of cursing feto before erdogan and fethullah has quarrelled. Anyone who is not biased would see the reality back in 2000s during ergenekon, balyoz, 2010 referandumu, acilim sureci.
The question is rather, could we prevent most of those things from happening? Definitely we could. Its inevitable the external factors will not be ever on our favor, thus we need to work hard and improve.
Genclige hitabeden,100 yil oncesinden ogut:
"Ey Türk gençliği! Birinci vazifen, Türk istiklâlini, Türk Cumhuriyet'ini, ilelebet, muhafaza ve müdafaa etmektir. Mevcudiyetinin ve istikbalinin yegâne temeli budur. Bu temel, senin, en kıymetli hazinendir. İstikbalde dahi, seni bu hazineden mahrum etmek isteyecek, dahilî ve haricî bedhahların olacaktır."
From hundred years ago, Ataturk's oration to the Turkish Youth
O Turkish Youth! Your first duty is ever to preserve and defend the National independence, the Turkish Republic.
That is the only basis of your existence and your future. This basis contains your most precious treasure. In the future, too, there will be ill-will, both in the country itself and abroad, which will try to tear this treasure from you."
The people had shed blood to save and establish this country ,dozen thousands of officials does not shed sweat nowadays. How do you plan to confront external threats?
You have derailed subject so far it is the end for my part. (Period)(Nokta)