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Erdogan wants to save Turkish IT Jobs and protect his Country by banning Facebook and Youtube


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
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March 6, 2014 11:26 pm

Erdogan weighs Turkish ban against Facebook and YouTube
By Daniel Dombey


Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested Turkey could ban Facebook and YouTube after elections this month, in his latest response to a series of leaks of his private conversations on the internet.

The Turkish prime minister’s remarks, on a late night television interview programme on Thursday, came as part of a warning that after the March 30 vote he would redouble his efforts against the movement of Fethullah Gulen, a preacher and former ally turned foe with followers throughout state institutions.

He also suggested he could seek Mr Gulen’s extradition from voluntary exile in Pennsylvania.
Mr Erdogan says the local elections will show the Turkish public’s continued support for his AK party despite the leaks and a related corruption probe – both of which he says are the work of the Gulenist movement.

“We will take other steps after the March 30 elections,” the prime minister told his interviewers, adding that the government would follow up on a law it recently rushed through that allows it to block internet sites before obtaining a court order.

“We will not let these companies capture the nation,” he added, referring to Facebook and YouTube, the latter of which his anonymous opponents use to place his leaked telephone conversations on the internet.

Asked if he contemplated closing access to such sites, Mr Erdogan added: “Yes, closure included.”

Turkey previously banned access to YouTube between 2007 and 2010 as a result of a court order over videos allegedly insulting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the country’s founder. But Mr Erdogan has also made clear his own aversion to social media, comparing Twitter to a “curse” during mass protests against his rule last June.

The microblogging site has been extensively used to post links to the prime minister’s leaked phone conversations, in the most recent of which, released on Thursday, he appeared to reduce a newspaper owner to tears and successfully demanded the sacking of the paper’s editor-in-chief.

Mr Erdogan says the conversations are being leaked on the internet as an attempt to blackmail him, and says in some cases they have been tampered with or “fabricated”, adding that the Gulenists have established a parallel state that carried out illegal tapping on a massive scale.

Mr Gulen rejects such accusations, while his followers say they are just a tactic to divert attention from the corruption allegations facing the government and its allies.

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The government is considering other moves after this month’s elections. A bill increasing the powers of the country’s intelligence service is awaiting approval and Mr Erdogan signalled that the government could open a case against Mr Gulen and his movement as a precursor for demanding the preacher’s extradition.

Asked if Turkey would request an Interpol red notice to seek Mr Gulen’s extradition, Mr Erdogan replied “Why not?” But he suggested that Turkey would have to take necessary steps first – an apparent reference to prosecuting Mr Gulen.

He added that he had told US President Barack Obama of his concern in a telephone conversation last month.

“I told him that the source of the unrest in my country is in your country and I am expecting you to do what is necessary,” the prime minister said.

good news, one less market for low quality american monopolies. This is good news for turkish IT industry and smaller business who can get the market share. It will also protect turkey from terrorism and instability from western media. God bless Turkey and Erdogan
is this a joke?? erdogan is becoming crazier day by day.
hes a state man and makes the right decision services like youtube and facebook spy on turkish people, influence them so they up rise since most sources come from the west who are against developing countries and other dangerous influences like islamic extremism sponsored by saudis.

It will also save turkish jobs and give turkish IT companies the potential to grow as the market share will be free from american monopolies. This is good news for small businesses and the middle class.
hes a state man and makes the right decision services like youtube and facebook spy on turkish people, influence them so they up rise since most sources come from the west who are against developing countries and other dangerous influences like islamic extremism sponsored by saudis.

It will also save turkish jobs and give turkish IT companies the potential to grow as the market share will be free from american monopolies. This is good news for small businesses and the middle class.

This is stupid.
hes a state man and makes the right decision services like youtube and facebook spy on turkish people, influence them so they up rise since most sources come from the west who are against developing countries and other dangerous influences like islamic extremism sponsored by saudis.

It will also save turkish jobs and give turkish IT companies the potential to grow as the market share will be free from american monopolies. This is good news for small businesses and the middle class.

Mark my words, sooner or later Nato and the West will kick out Turkey. Their EU talks are already a disaster. Soon Turkey will have no Choice than begging Russia for an alliance.
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'God bless Turkey and Erdogan'
Is this really coming from you, Senheiser? :)

To be honest, if this news and idea is true, then i think it would offer chances for Turkish IT to develop such software and sites under control of Turkish companies instead of current foreign companies that are known to breach your privacy, such as FB, and God knows what else is done with such info. Add to that the fact that Twitter and such are conveniently used by western media to spread false news about countries that block western interest.. i know people will criticize it for not being democratic, but security and stability comes before democracy imo. We should at least stop thinking naively that if we don't do what the west does, we will be doomed. Every country its own character.
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A control freak who has lost it.Turkey should get rid of this increasingly megalomaniacial joker and find a new leader from AKP,one person doesn't necessarily have to be whole party.
Cencorship, oppresing freedoms will never with Turkish people. Erdogan should realise this after "Gezi Park".......
He's winning as JEW NATO countries use chemical water cannons

Get ready to be forbidden everthing to bring the country to the middle age to make later the Great Israel
Not a big deal, just ban Youtube & FaceBook, Turkey will be used to it.
He wont do that hes just barking like allways, Turks are heavily active on Facebook and Youtube, a ban would affect allmost everybody in Turkey, but he can do it if he wants to loose more voters.
It's funny how these Russians and Chinese, never see anything wrong with present system and that things happen like they do out of internal friction. It's all west west west....

hes a state man and makes the right decision services like youtube and facebook spy on turkish people, influence them so they up rise since most sources come from the west who are against developing countries and other dangerous influences like islamic extremism sponsored by saudis.

It will also save turkish jobs and give turkish IT companies the potential to grow as the market share will be free from american monopolies. This is good news for small businesses and the middle class.

He is banning them because he doesn't want the social sites to be the uncensored unrestricted media capable of carrying incriminating tapes, leaks against him.

Safe to say, you're one of the stupidest Russians around. Or you just pretend because the name of the game you play is propping up totalitarian regimes and speaking against the west. But then again, that's stupid too. And generally speaking, just like chibots, rusbots are dumb as well.
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