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Erdogan offers citizenship to Syrian and Iraqi refugees

Does Hatay and Gaziantep not have large indigenous Turkish Arab communities, especially Hatay? I know two Turkish Arabs from Sanliurfa and Adana. Arabs have a very long history in Southeastern Anatolia along with other Semitic-speaking peoples such as Assyrians etc.

Also how many naturalizations are we talking about here? 3 million in total? Somehow I doubt this happening.

Back in 1939 when Hatay joined Turkey the population was %84 Turkish, %12 Arab and %4 others(Kurds etc)

Gaziantep is almost completely Turkish but it had major migrant waves from Kurdish parts of the country so l would say %5 atleast but not many Arabs living there....Adana is also a Turkmen town.

Şanlıurfa has quite a lot of Arabs, l would say %40 Arab, %30 Turkish and %30 Kurdish.

Assyrian communities are pretty rare now they mostly lived in Mardin and Şanlıurfa area but most of them migrated to lstanbul or to Europe.

But you can't compare the Arabs from Turkey and the ones from other countries, they're our citizens & they accepted the countries identity and grow affection for this country, Syrians, on the other hand doesn't have such feelings so it might create problems.

Most Syrians won't return home that's for sure, sooner or later they will either be accepted or kicked out.
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